Wednesday, July 6, 2016


So the kids are growing fast! Makenzie is almost 13 (eeek, a teenager!), Michael is 10, Emma is 9 and Zoee is 6. We are all enjoying our summer, some more than others. Emma broke her leg on June 26th, so her summer fun is pretty much over. We went to Universal Studios Orlando in April and that was a LOT of fun! We took Grandma with us. We really enjoy being able to take her on vacation with us now that she is retired! She was also able to go to Portland, Maine with us last August. Life is pretty much the same as always, except I went back to school in August of 2014, that's an adventure for sure!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Well, a new chapter has begun. We moved into our beautiful new home in Grantsville on September 15th. It is amazing to actually have room to move and for the kids to have a huge, full basement to play in! We are really impressed with our new ward and have gotten to know quite a few people. It seems that we traded one amazing ward for another. We survived our first ward split before we even moved into the house. It's just like a repeat of when we first moved to Tooele. Grantsville is growing quickly, but hopefully it will keep that small town feeling that we love! It is amazing how quiet it is at night here. We thought that Tooele was quiet, but man, it's a lot quieter here. We are loving the new home and the kids have made some friends. Life is good!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Yep, I told you that I wouldn't blog once a month... :) Well, we sold our first home, the one that we have been living in for 13 years now. We are going to be building a much larger house on 1/2 acre in Grantsville. This is a very bittersweet moment. We LOVE our ward and hate to leave, but we really need more space. I will miss this little house, it's where we became parents and started to raise our family. I guess it's time for some new adventures. Here's to adventure! I will post pictures of the new house when it is done.....eventually. LOL!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not much going on.....

So I am going to try and blog once per month, we'll see how that works out! Nothing much is going on here, just the same old stuff. School, work, church, doctors etc. Zoee no longer needs her oxygen at night as of a few weeks ago, YAY!!! I'm glad that the tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy was worth all of the pain and stress that she had! She has also had a language explosion over the last couple of weeks and can now say: mama, dada, yuck, uh-oh, wow, ears, eyes, thank you, more, Emma, light, no and hi. She probably says more, I just can't think of all of them right now! She can stand independently for about 10 seconds before she realizes what is going on and sits down. She took a couple of steps a few days ago, but won't do it again.....stubborn! It's almost like as soon as you say that she should be doing something or that you are worried about something, she does it. Getting her to do it again though, that's the challenge!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Busy year

So it's been a busy year. I am working for JetBlue, Kenny is working full time and still going to school. The kids are growing up way too fast, as usual. We officially adopted Zoee in March and had her sealed to us in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Makenzie turned 8 in August and was baptized. Michael started Kindergarten and is doing amazingly well. Emma and Zoee just hang out with mom during the day, when we're not going to Salt Lake for doctors appointments.
On a sad note, we lost my mom on September 16th. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and passed away after 6 weeks in the ICU. Wish that we could have kept her around a while longer. I sure miss her, especially during the holidays.
Christmas is only a couple of days away. It was an easy year this year. The kids had a choice to have a lot of gifts under the tree or to go to Disneyland, and they chose Disneyland, so there wasn't a lot of shopping that needed to be done.
I am looking forward to spending Christmas with my family. It's been a little easier to remember the reason that we celebrate this holiday without all of the hustle and bustle.
Hopefully I will be better about keeping the blog updated next year, but don't count on it! LOL!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our family is growing......

Well, we found out on Thursday January 27th that our family will once again be growing by one. We are going to be able to adopt our sweet foster baby and have her sealed to us in the temple. We are so excited! The kids ask every day if we are going to the temple today, they are excited to have Zoee officially be part of the family! Thanks to all of our friends and family that have supported us by fasting, praying and just encouraging when it was looking bleak!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Emma's 4th Birthday

Emma will be 4 on Tuesday, so she had her birthday party today. It was a pirates and princesses party, and she had a lot of fun. This was my attempt at a princess carriage cake, it turned out really well! I know I say this all of the time, but I just can't believe how fast the time flies. It seems like we just got her in our home and now she is 4..... HOLY COW!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!