Showing posts with label Hats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hats. Show all posts

17 January 2022

Crocheted bag and hat

I have crocheted a few miniature accessories lately. 

Here are some of them.

31 March 2014

12 January 2014

Green hat - Vihreä hattu

Here is the green hat I promised! I think that I have been a bit too careful with decorating the hats. I tried to be bolder this time, but I still could experiment more.

28 December 2013

Pink hat - Pinkki hattu

I am getting reaaally fond of making hats! Here is a pink one I made. The next one is going to be green.

08 December 2013

Straw hat and basket - Olkihattu ja -kori

I had bought a package of miniature hat straw few years ago and I looked for it now, as I got interested in hat making. Before I started, I looked for some tips on the Internet and I found a useful tuturial from Lorraine's Miniatures. So, here is my first straw hat and basket.

07 November 2013

Hat and bonnet - Hattu ja myssy

I got the patterns from two great books that I have, "Sewing Dolls' Clothes" (27 projects from the Dolls' House Magazine) and "Making and Dressing Dolls' House Dolls" (by Sue Atkinson). I cut the pattern pieces from thin cardboard and glued the fabric on them. I very much enjoyed making the hats and I want to make more! I think I will try to make a straw hat next.

03 March 2013

A ladies hat and hat stands - Rouvan hattu ja hattutelineitä

I crocheted a ladies hat and embellished it.
Virkkasin rouvalle hatun ja koristelin sen.
I also made a couple of hat stands. The base is made from a wooden bowl and the neck and head are wooden beads.
Tein myös pari hattutelinettä. Alaosa on puisesta kulhosta ja kaula ja pää on tehty puuhelmistä.

07 December 2011

New Heidi Ott doll - Uusi Heidi Ott nukke

 My lovely daughter gave me this beautiful Heidi Ott lady doll. I crocheted her a dress, a hat and a bag.
Ihana tyttäreni antoi minulle tämän kauniin Heidi Ott nuken. Virkkasin nukelle mekon, hatun ja pussukan.

17 July 2010

Crocheted hat - Virkattu hattu

I starched the hat with strong sugar-water solution. 
Tärkkäsin hatun vahvalla sokeri-vesi-seoksella