Showing posts with label skaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skaven. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday 5 Finds - 19.11.10

Afternoon folks!
this Friday's five finds sees me dipping in to the realms of fantasy and looking in some different directions for me! We also have some amazing 40k work on here, so lets begin:
  1. First up we have an AMAZING Salamanders Land Raider from the desk of Dark Future Games, gives me some interesting ideas for my future forces, lets just hope my skills live up to this awesome work!
  2. Over on the White Scars blog we have some interesting conversions of Land Speeder Typhoons, good idea and looks like they might pan out very well once finish.
  3. On The Quiet Limit Of The World we have some nice looking straight forward Death Company Marines, something that despite being nothing fancy looks awesome.
  4. Zen 40,000 becomes Zen WHFB this week with an update on his rather awesome Skaven war machine, looks good and cant wait to see it with some paint on.
  5. Finally over on Dave Taylor Miniatures we have the start of his Empire Artillery Train, a great looking project and a great inspiration to the fantasy players out there.
And here is your Friday 5 Finds sneak peek:

Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday 5 Finds - 30.07.10

Week two of the series and this week we go from Skaven War machines through the Imperial Guard and on to some Art work!

I have had a very quiet week but I have managed to find some very interesting bits and pieces. I also managed to find 2 very good links on the Games Workshop Official Blog, which is unusual in itself!

So here are this weeks Friday 5 Finds:
  1. An excellent post over on Blood of Kittens by TASTYTASTE looking at the Artwork of Dave Gallagher, an excellent way to spend 5 minutes.
  2. An awesome looking Doom wheel posted by Rasputin over on Warpstone Pile
  3. More Cadian 501st updates over at First Rank, Second Rank by Col_Festus, just hope mine turn out as well!
  4. The First of the GW Blog links showing some very interesting conversions for the Ultramarines by Mat Murphy-Kane posted up by Andy.
  5. The Second GW Blog link, again posted by Andy, showing a rather nice looking, and well converted, Reaver Titan
Enjoy folks!
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