Showing posts with label power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

News - The Bolter & Chainsword Updates

Folks, time for some great news from the Bolter and Chainsword. See the below updates from their facebook group.

Brother Argos here
... I have spent most of the day trying to organise a new server and the tech team who will configure it and get our data back. I ended up feeling a bit useless not being able to do the work myself and was getting frustrated.

However as I was just about to go to bed I decided to check the donations@bolterandchainsword Paypal account to see how we were doing and was completely a...mazed / stunned.

We have raised just over $4000 in less than 18 hrs or so.

This will let us get a very good server for our new home and help considerably with our running costs. We can now afford the linux server guru I want to use to do the work I cannot. After a pretty bad weekend with no server and diminishing hope, my faith in the basic good nature of humanity (gamers especially) is restored.

Looking at the results, I think we need to thank you all for your contributions. No matter how big or small you stood up and were counted. We got donations as large as $500 - $1000, all the way down to $1 or $2.

I am going to leave the donations page up, as the more we get will help with further costs. In the morning I will purchase a new server for us, and let the Techmarines who don't require bionic eyes get down to work.

Well done everyone who donated ...

The Emperor Protects!

- Brother Argos
Further update from the B&C:

New server purchased, hardware components being assembled by the hosting team now. They should be finished by 10pm GMT at the latest.

Next stage will be operating system install, which will most probably take place tomorrow.

After that they still have to move 260gb of data from the damaged drive onto the new server and start setting up the web side of things.

So folks, it looks awesome and soon the B&C will be back! Gives me an excuse to interact more and get some more power armoured models worked on.

Monday, July 15, 2013

News - The Bolter & Chainsword is currently Offline

Folks this is too important to leave off the page! Please read and support the nets favourite Power Armoured Forum.

The Bolter & Chainsword is currently Offline.

On Friday 12th the Bolter & Chainsword appeared to suffer a hard drive failure, replacement drives were purchased but failed to remirror correctly when added to the server. Eventually after much testing it was discovered the server hardware was causing the problem and it appears we will need to purchase a new server. Given the age of the server (10yrs - it was installed in 2003) this was expected to some degree and we have some funds from previous donation drives saved for this.

However the timing for this event is not good, Brother Argos who pays for the B&C and is also the technical admin has for the last 6-9 months been fighting severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy, had numerous operations on his eyes and unfortunately has lost a significant amount of his sight. We had hoped he would be recovered enough after his last operation to help us move to the planned new server, however given the timing of the current scenario this will not happen.

We have found a technical resource, who can rebuild and move the B&C to a new home, however this will be chargable. As it currently stands the Bolter & Chainsword needs to raise around $800 - $1000 in addition to the funds we currently have put by to make this happen.

Brother Argos has funded the B&C to the tune of $18,000 dollars over the last 10 years, so that we could all enjoy our community, he is not in a position given his illness to rescue us now.

It is your community, if you wish it to survive you need to raise around a $1000, if we raise more it will all help get a better server for our new home.

There is a paypal button below which sends money to, if you have enjoyed visiting the Bolter & Chainsword click the button below and show us.

As and when we get more information you can find us at Our Facebook page we will also update this holding page.

Remember the words of Roboute Guilliman Primarch of the Ultramarines - "to admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor"

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

The Terminator Armour Open Challenge - The Results

Hi Folks,
the The Terminator Armour Open Challenge is now over and its time for the results. First though thanks to all those that entered and to everyone that has voted, your participation is appreciated.

so without further ado here are the results:

As you can see we have a clear winner, that winner with 10 votes is Submission 3 - A Blood Angels Librarian by Guido
Submission 3
Please see the link above for more details and pictures of the winning entry. Congratulations to all who entered and a massive well done to Guido.

Now all that remains is for me to present Guido with his prize this week.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

The Terminator Armour Open Challenge - Final Days For Voting

Hi Folks,
the The Terminator Armour Open Challenge is now on the last 2 days for voting. Please vote and give the guys that have entered your support.

Before you vote here are a round up of the Entries with links to each page:
Submission 1
Submission 2
Submission 3
Submission 4
Submission 5
Submission 6

So folks there you have the round up of entries, it was a fun competition with some nice entries.

Voting buttons are located at the top right of the blog page (and have had to be split in to two sections due to a glitch with blogger).

Thanks for reading and good luck to all competing

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Terminator Armour Open Challenge - The Voting Stage

Hi Folks,
the The Terminator Armour Open Challenge has now reached its deadline for entries and the submissions have being posted up, so now its time for the all important voting. The voting will last until the 6th of July to give everyone a fair chance then after that I will publish the results on the 7th.

Before you vote here are a round up of the Entries with links to each page:

Submission 1
Submission 2
Submission 3
Submission 4
Submission 5
Submission 6

So folks there you have the round up of entries, it was a fun competition with some nice entries.

Now the important stuff, the Voting buttons are located at the top right of the blog page (and have had to be split in to two sections due to a glitch with blogger) and voting runs until midnight on the 6th of July. Please cast your votes and show the guys that what you think. Also please feel free to comment on this post to allow them to see how their work is received.
Thanks for reading and good luck to all competing

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Terminator Armour Open Challenge - Completed Submission 6

Details of entry 6 for the Terminator challenge, including the pre-painting picture:

Name: Spellscape
Model Details: a standard metal classic terminator with cyclone launcher
Other Details: my blog:
Pre-Paint Picture:
Completed Pictures:


Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Terminator Armour Open Challenge - Completed Submission 5

Details of entry 5 for the Terminator challenge, including the pre-painting picture:

Name: Chris
Model Details: Ultramarines captain in terminator armour. Armed with a power sword and storm bolter. I am aware there is already literature around the captain of the first company, and having not read the recent novels I wouldnt want to upset anybody by referring to him as such. So really he's just a generic ultra captain :)
Parts list:
FW Lugft Huron body, arms and base. FW Culln head and power sword. FW ultramarine icons. Grey Knight terminators arm, storm bolter and hand.
Pre-Paint Picture:

Completed Pictures:

I'm very happy with the way my entry turned out... it was quite nice to actually finish on time as well ;)
The conversion work was more involving than planned, but I think it was a success. The most difficult part was undoubtedly removing the lions head from the right shoulder pad. I had to resculpt portions of the the wings before attaching the Ultramarine icon and filling the gaps.

This was the first time I've used the new paint range in anger, and I was very impressed. The blue for the majority of the armour was done with Macragge blue, washed with Drakenhof nightshade, and highlighted with Altdorf guard blue. I purchased Guilliman blue to glaze it, but didn't end up using it for fear of ruining the finish. I'll test it on another model at some point and come back to my terminator at a later stage if I like it. Most of the detailing was completed with the old paint range including burnished gold, devlan mud, and mechrite red.

Overall I'm happy with it, but if I were to do it again, I would probably reverse the colour scheme on the ultramarine icon (so the 'U' is gold), as it is I'm not sure it it stands out enough from the wings in white.

Let me know what you think in the comments :)

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Terminator Armour Open Challenge - Completed Submission 4

Details of entry 4 for the Terminator challenge, including the pre-painting picture:

Name: Millest
Model Details: This model is intended as my own inquisitor and will be following the colour scheme of my current interigator from my imperial guard force.
Parts list: commander culln body and arms, Abaddons storm bolter, GK head, GK force staff, GK pads, some brass etc possible and green stuff
Pre-Paint Picture:
Completed Pictures:

Notes: Firstly apologies for the bad flash picture at the end but thought it worth it to try and show more detail to the model. I quite enjoyed working on this model, like chris this was the first time i have used the new paints and i must say lahmian medium is my new best friend! The changes themselves were simple enough, with the hand and headswaps, getting the brass etch places proved tricky as it kept dropping off but all said and done it looks great and is a nice solid inquisitor to lead my future armies.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Terminator Armour Open Challenge - Completed Submission 3

Details of entry 3 for the Terminator challenge, including the pre-painting picture:

Name: Guido
Model Details:I made this model quite some time ago when dark vengeance came out, the idea was to make him my death wing librarian, but I gave up my dark angel project and decided to make a blood angel terminator force using dark angel rules
But enough with the introduction, the model uses some chaos terminator bitz ( legs, torso) black reach captain front torso, grey knight arms and some green stuff.
I'm planning on redoing the base and, against better judgement, including a slain demon on the base to justify the librarians upper body position. The shoulder pads are a difficult choice that I can't seem to handle, so if you've got suggestions ...
I'm looking forward to this challenge, and hope it boosts my own blog
I haven't posted over there for a while, and I'll be using this to start up again.
Pre-Paint Picture:
Completed Pictures:

Notes: Greetings one and all,
Let me introduce you to epistolary Lucius Magnus, designated to the first company of blood angels, slayer of the blood demon Alrachmus, Hero of hive Terman and savior of the bright will.
As you might expect from his title he is one of the main characters for my blood angels up coming terminator force.
The model is made from a black reach captain, some chaos and loyal termi bits and a lot of green stuff.
I will be using standard terminator rules most of the time, but he also functions as my blood angel stand in for a Njal stormcaller.
When painting I went for a rather straight forward design, I did some experimenting with inks, and it went ok, but overall I think I've done better models then this one. Be that as it may, I'm glad he is finished, and am looking forward to the next reincarnation :) and the next terminator.
I've had a blast joining in on this challenge, and will make sure to join others as well, not so I can win, but so my models get painted :)
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