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Showing posts with label help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label help. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Explaining the hiatus

Hello wonderful people,

It feels so kinda weird that I totally went off for months without a word and I really feel I should apologize for that.

I got asked many times why I stopped blogging and truth is I don't know (strange...I know right!). I don't think it was writer's block cos there were countless times I had things to write but I just wouldn't know how to start.

It's funny how a platform that is usually an outlet used in expressing oneself suddenly feels the way I described.

I got carried away at a point with an idea on Education I was trying to push for. A process in which I did learn a lot. I tried registering the blog with a new domain but the silly thing hasn't worked yet.

Well, the good thing is I hope to write more and return to form. Also, I'll be introducing a guest Author soon who would publish under the poetry section. It' s all part of the strategy of not leaving my readers hanging while I'm not available.

I hope y'all understand though. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When is the best retirement age?

It's 2am and I'm up already.
Not quite strange sha, especially as I didn't take a shower before going to bed the night before. Sleep is always interrupted when it happens like this. It's just a silly habit I formed that is now haunting me.

I've been given a slot to perform another piece at an official event in March. I've started writing it though and I think I want to do something out of my comfort which means more practice. *shivers*
First point of practice I guess would be at the monthly poetry reading I normally attend.

So a random thought jumped into my head as I tried to make good use of my awake time. "When is the best retirement age?" Occasionally, I see adverts on BRT buses on various Pension Administrators but one advert slogan that has caught my attention and possibly admiration (for the rhymes anyways) is Stanbic Pensions' which reads 'Today's swagger might be tomorrow's stagger'. Hehehe... I love the humor, yet serious sense of the ad.

So I was kinda thinking...when is the best age/time to start planning retirement?
What would one do in retirement?

We must have heard cases of people who died few years after leaving their jobs which I guess is due to physical inactivity and reduced social interaction. I doubt if retirement is really a function of age though.

I think it's a function of planning ahead though and planning early also. I have this friend who already has his children's school fees till secondary school planned for (he's gotten more than half ready). He's not married yet by the way. Oh sorry, I meant he's not even dating yet! I once thought he was plain crazy, paranoid and all sorts but really it's good to plan ahead. A Forbes article I read went on to give a few solid tips on planning early too.

At least, have a faint idea of when you wanna retire and how you wanna spend it. I believe it puts things in perspective and could even make you know how and where to channel your energy and resources to. Just my thoughts though.
I stumbled on another interesting article on the subject also.

So have you thought about retirement?
When do you think is the best age/time?
Share your ideas...

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Plea for Help...

Hi everyone, it's been a while yea. Actually I had to do this post as a matter of urgency.


I stumbled on a particular tweet by @omojuwa (Japheth Omojuwa), which led me to a link on Linda Ikeji's blog.
Its about Okeoghene John Igwhiwotho, an ex-student of Federal Government College. He's a diabetic mellitus type 1 and 2 patient and has been bedridden for the past six years. Six years of not walking, had his toes amputated. The pictures I saw were disturbing and I just got teary-eyed over the issue.

I got his number on Linda's blog and sent him a text. Guess what...He replied!

Am I being dramatic?... or is it just the thought of the kind of pains he goes through daily I should think of...Here's an extract of how he described it:
For six years now, my legs have failed me, they cannot move me; I cannot move them. My health is failing me but I keep up all hope that I will be fine.

There are some things you do not choose in life; the family you are born into; the country you are born into; your genes; the sicknesses passed through those genes. I cannot change these. You cannot change this but, there is something you can change. Something you can save; my legs; my life.

Okeoghene John
He needs N5 million naira for a surgery in India and that's why I thought of sharing this with you if you haven't read it.
Please tweet about it, do a FB status on it, share on BBM, do a blog post and let's together save a soul that needs our help.

Here are the details:

Account Name: Ighiwoto Okeoghene John
Account Number: GTB - 0012913007
UBA A/C- 2054468076

You can call to sow seeds of encouragement on 08063255842.

There's a FB share button below. Please spread the word.
Official Twitter Hashtag - #saveOke