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Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Explaining the hiatus

Hello wonderful people,

It feels so kinda weird that I totally went off for months without a word and I really feel I should apologize for that.

I got asked many times why I stopped blogging and truth is I don't know (strange...I know right!). I don't think it was writer's block cos there were countless times I had things to write but I just wouldn't know how to start.

It's funny how a platform that is usually an outlet used in expressing oneself suddenly feels the way I described.

I got carried away at a point with an idea on Education I was trying to push for. A process in which I did learn a lot. I tried registering the blog with a new domain but the silly thing hasn't worked yet.

Well, the good thing is I hope to write more and return to form. Also, I'll be introducing a guest Author soon who would publish under the poetry section. It' s all part of the strategy of not leaving my readers hanging while I'm not available.

I hope y'all understand though. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

MIA Series: Pt 3 - Beach Resort Trip

So this will be the final in the series I started in my last two posts.

You guys totally have given me another name based on the forgetful act I executed on my friend's wedding. Hehe, it's not as bad as it may have seemed though. And don't change your mind of inviting me to your wedding. Noooooo! Jellof wice must not pass me by.

Throughout last month, I was operating on a funny dimension where I engaged in a lot of activities but just couldn't find reasonable time for the things that mattered. I felt exhausted almost everytime when I just think of the fact that I had blogged over a month ago.

So I had this opportunity to join a group of people in church for a trip to Eko Tourist Beach Resort (a.k.a. Akodo beach) which lasted for 2 and a half days. Twas the definition of F.U.N.!

Day 1
The hyper side of me couldn't wait to extract all the fun so I dashed to the football pitch as we arrived...in hot Akodo sun...
25 minutes later, you should have seen me panting like a goat that just drowned.

On the pitch few minutes after arrival

Just so you know, the picture below shows how hyper I was...:-D

Me on ze right in ze air catching ze wind!
At evening time, my tummy had started singing the Symphony of Beethoven in Waffi language. Luckily, lunchinner (lunch + dinner) was about to be served...

Me with ze striped Tees...
Day 2 (Saturday)
Early morning aerobics, Beach jogging, team build activities and many more took place. I learnt one aerobic routine that dealt with my thighs for a week. Gush! Exercise is gewd I must say!

One of the Team build activities on 'Trust'
Here you had to blindfold someone who was your partner in front and the person was meant to fall backwards with the assurance and trust that you'll catch him/her.

I learnt a lot from this exercise. Sometimes in life we just have to learn to trust people...over time.

In the night, we had camp fire, ate barbeque (stole from people's plates while being chased around), danced through the night, sat on the sand with new-found friends, gisted a lot and collected contacts.(Yes...contacts *wink*)

We visited the site where Obafemi Awolowo was kept under house arrest in those days (before independence I guess, not sure). But I saw the clothes he wore, his shoes (nice leather ones), the bath tub he used then...everything well-preserved.

The Fashola-refurbished site where Awo was kept
Asides the fun and visits, we also had the chance to give stuff to the people around the Akodo community. Things like school bags, food, blankets, mosquito nets and the Word was shared with them. I felt fulfilled atr this point. The high point was where I was selected to conduct an interview with the Onilekki of Lekki alongside the organizers. I held the mic with a camera facing me and delivered. Hehe, I hope I can have access to the video to share with you guys.
The sea-side
The goodies shared

Day 3 (Sunday)
Departure :-(

Saw a movie, packed our bags and set out for our various homes. I HAD FUN.

As a follow-up to this nice experience, I would be visiting the Equity Resort (Ijebu-Ode) soon and visit somewhere I've never been to outside Lagos. *fingers crossed*

Monday, July 30, 2012

My Awesome weekend + Blog Anniversary

Yes! Just as the title shows, I had an awesome weekend! Not exaggerating.
Highlight of it was that I finally met Myne Whitman.

Myne and I @ the 'Book N Gauge' event

I concluded on a project that I'd been on for a while which was a big relief. Headed to a friend's house only to find out that Olympics Opening Ceremony was showing.

Did you guys see the epic jump by the 'Queen'. LOL! Tim Berners-Lee's appearance (Inventor of the WWW)! Mohammed Ali's appearance? Mr Bean's performance... O_O *faints*, David Beckham on that boat.?

Sports sure unites nations. It was a sensational opener (Sure you know that). And what do you guys think of our Team Nigeria Athletes? They looked gorgeous shey.

So I hear D'Tigers have made a statement win by beating Tunisia in the Basketball while a couple of other athletes have dropped out in some events. Watch out for our first-ever Nigerian canoeist, John Akinyemi.

At the Book reading
I met Shai and Kaycee of Naija Stories at the book reading event 'Book 'N' Gauge' where I also met Myne Whitman.
After this, I visited this techie place with a couple of friends...Co-Creation Hub Nigeria. Awesome for techies with startup ideas who need a space to work or just resources to collaborate with. You should check out their website. Cool place.

After this, I had Sharwarma I'd been looking forward to devouring after such a long while. Sorry no pictures. :-P

Then it was a lovely ride home listening to Andrea Bocelli, arguing about who loves him more, talking about other things friends talk about when they meet. I had fun.

Blog Anniversary
We shall be two years old on August 1 by the way. *fireworks* *applause* Sankyo Sankyo!

Mikesfrequency is 2!

Any suggestions??? I'll appreciate it. Thanks. If I haven't visited your blog in a while, watch out for me this week.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tab life + 11 Questions

If my life was a web browser, you'd probably see a lot of open tabs right now.
I've had to do Ctrl+Shift+T on some things in my head even (Try it, some geeky stuff  :-D)

Thing is I've been juggling a lot of things these past two weeks and I can clearly say, it's been the most productive week for me this year. Having someone you're accountable to for your to-do list per day helps a great deal (especially when there are penalties).

Okay here's a brief peek into the things I'm involved in:
- Preparing for an IT exam (should be done studying by the end of this month at the rate of 1 video session per day)
- Comic Launch (Hidden Ville comic set to launch in June, 13% readiness rate)
- Currently on a 2-week project that has been a bit demanding (ending today 'hopefully')
- Keeping up with my lovely blog famille (this blogpost was part of the mandatory to-dos, big-ups to my accountability partner who's pushing me to achieve a lot this week...PLUS I wrote a poem tonight)

I can clearly say it's not my strength I'm using cuz God has greatly helped me beyond what I can imagine. It's 1am as I type and I still have to send out mails and research on how to publish the comic on Amazon, Lulu and the likes. I dare not wake up later than 5am if I may add.

So as to not bore you further, A BIG THANK YOU to Okeoghene for nominating me for the 11 tags award. Mehn I'm loving the award season in blogsville. Keep 'em coming jare!
So here are the rules:

** Post rules

** Post 11 random things about yourself

** Answer questions posted by the person who tagged you

**Create 11 questions and tag 11 people to answer your questions

**Notify those tagged of the game

** Notify the person who tagged you after you have answered the questions

** No tag backs

11 random things about Michael. hmmm
1. I love God and I'm learning to portray it in everything I do.
2  My major meal of the day is lunch which might most times be the only meal of the day
3. I love classical music, especially those from Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
4. When I'm alone in the elevator, I do silly almost-Michael-Jackson dance moves (we all discover ourselves everyday, I mean... :-P) 
5. Slow to making 'friends' but very friendly, also slow to losing them.
6. I could be extremely lazy attimes, I once put lipton teabag in egusi soup instead of the kettle of boiling water cuz I was too lazy to switch on the light in the kitchen that early morning.
7. I love my niece and nephew and I see them as my children attimes.
8.  My English sounds better when I'm upset, always comes out slow and polished.
9. My close friends say I plan too much, learning to be flexible currently.
10. I think this 11 questions is too much o, refer to 6 above. :-D
11. Refer to 1 above, and 6 too.


Okay now to answer her questions:
1. What is your middle name? - Temi

2. Favorite food? - None really, as long as it tastes good.

3. Favorite board game? - Ludo, I wish I knew how to play chess though

4. Favorite Nigerian musician? - LAGBAJA!

5. Education or fame? - Education anyday

6. What grinds your gears? - Rats, Noise, My alarm on weekdays, people touching my nose
7. Books or movies? - Books

8. Favorite movie - August Rush

9. Earth, Wind, Water or Fire? Which describes you? - Water

10. Legacy? What would you like to be remembered for? - The children that could make a meaning out of life because of a structure I set up and lives that will be blessed by the books/things I write.
11. If you are not you, who would you like to be? - Can't think of someone, so me for now.
Seems everyone has been tagged so I'll just tweak the rules a bit. - Tell me 3 things I don't know about you that I don't know in the comment section.
I would hint you guys on the comic as things unfold. Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Comic launch!

Firstly, thank God for the friend that threarened me to write today! LOL! You know yourself. :-P

*alarm rings*
Shey you heard it now o, my alarm is ringing. Been up since 3:45am am and I've been waking up really early this past week. It's been really helping cuz I get to do so much in the early hours to kickstart my day.

So I hear Aunty Relentless has moved to a new domain. Congrats dear! *dancing makosa*
You berra declare akara and pap for the boys o. Else, I threaten you with your new name. Guys lemme know if you want to hear her cute name. ;-)

Well, I was threatened my one of my very good friends to blog today, else she doesn't talk to me :-( So here I am.

I'll use this opportunity to inform you guys that I've been working on a comic project for months now. It's set to launch in June (next month) and I need your support!
I will post the details very soon but check out the poster below for a brief peek. It's a comic named 'Hidden Ville' and is pioneered by 'Koryarts', a company of five which I'm part of. We did an interview with a few blogs and I'll post the links soon.

That's the maiden edition cover and I would hint you on how you could help spread the news.
You can check out more artworks and comics from Koryarts at http://koryarts.blogspot.com/.

Have you ever wondered how much time we waste in the mornings, unaware of how productive we could be? Imagine creating 1 hour every morning to do some productive things like having your devotion, planning the day, quiet time/meditation, etc.

1 hour a day = 7 hours a week = 28 hours a month. That's more than a day already...invested. Plus, hope you guys are still practising the water therapy.

To the three new VIP members: Luciano, Buttercup and Atari. Welcome to you! We appreciate you jare. Oya *chop knuckle* :-))

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Money gist

You guys well done on the last post *CLAPS*

Smart women you all are.

You must have noticed the flunctuating comment system on the blog. It removed @ilola's previous comment for no reason. I really haven't been able to check it. So please bear with me in the mean time.

The komole-ing picture will also be uploaded (una like gist sef *side eye*). :-)

2 weeks away from BBM and counting. *phew* It's been relaxing though but I have seen the downsides.
Today, I needed to send an urgent mail to a friend that was to reply back the same mail by 4pm. So I had no choice but to borrow an active BB.

I had a discussion with some friends during lunch today and we were talking about how things we overlooked now in our time seemed valuable in our eyes some years back.
We talked for quite a while and I learnt some things. But before that, I must say, it's good to put things in retrospect once in a while.

I remebered how valuable N100 was to me in Secondary School then. I always spent N20 or max N30 during breaktime then. My regular was Bread (N10)/Meatpie(N10) and Lolly (N10). Days of N30 was when I patronized the school canteen.

The disadvantage with the N30 package then was that the food was either 'obtained' by seniors or 'scavenged' by my mates. Scavenging was the worst. As you were buying the food then, you won't see anybody o, but as soon as Iya Bisi hands over the plastic bowl of hot jollof rice with the dice on top (trust me it was too small to be called meat)...Error! You will see men of valour armed with their spoons to perch for your rice.

So N100 was much in my eyes then, I tell you. Fast forward to SS1, I was still dealing in the hundreds. I remember saving N600 for a whole term then to buy Brick game. Gush! I felt rich ehn. A senior wooed me into adding little on top of the N600 so he would sell his 'Gameboy' to me. The rest is history. hmm...

Another of my friend was sharing how one of his cousins that owns an oil servicing firm was contemplating on buying a $100,000 car and how his jaw was open in amazement. Thing is, few years from now, it would just be a normal thing.

One thing I picked from the discussion is this...'Your wants would always match up to your income level'.
When you're earning N30,000, it would seem all right. When you start earning N300,000, you would be surprised that there would be needs to be met also that will match up to that income level.

So it's all about balancing cash in-flow and out-flow. Never live above your means.
Warren Buffet recommends:

- Don't save what is left after spending , rather spend what is left after saving.
- Have multiple streams of income. This cannot be over-emphasized.
- Pay your tithes/Give alms/Help people.
- Invest wisely, don't just keep your money in the hands of the bank.
Saving in the bank is at a loss. Think of this, highest interest rate on a Savings account that I've ever come accross is 4% , inflation rate is over 10%. So for every 4% gain you lose 10%.
Invest wisely as I said.
- Keep friends that motivate you to aspire high. A recent research shows that the average income of four of your closest friends is almost same as yours.

Have fun trying this.
N.B.: Toin and Relentless I love you both.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friends and our future

Today was filled with activities as always but I made out time to enjoy my evening at the Loudthotz Poetry Reading. Twas relaxing to say the least.

Sometimes I just try to think of what people miss from the arts, you know...literature, poetry, artistic drawings and the likes. At a point, I used to imagine what life would be if my future wife would not at least be able to sing, write, draw or dance sha. Just do something 'art-y'. LOL!

I've seen and immersed myself practically in the murky waters of Enginnering for half a decade, tasted and still tasting the enigmatic feel of accounting and business and enjoyed the subtleness of the art side of things. In all, the most relaxing and appealing still remains the arts. Q.E.D.

Also, I'm so elated I'm writing little by little (yea it's a biggy for me o, hm!)
One of my greatest supports has been friends both off and online.

I had a chat with a cab guy today and our discussion sort of drifted to how the 'modern-day' youth is being heavily distracted by fame, stardom and the likes. This just goes to show that we have a LOT to do as aspiring parents.
The amount of information accessible to kids these days is alarming. Gone are the days when what you tell your child is what he holds dear to. Ehn! Google is the second mummy. We have a lot of work to put into our children's upbringing. We can't afford to fail.
One major way in which they are greatly influenced is through friends.

Enjoy this 2-minute clip by John C. Maxwell on the topic 'FREINDS'.

Have a nice weekend! *wink*