These pickles contain apple cucumber (home grown), onions, multi-coloured peppers (capsicums) fresh corn and chopped fresh chilli, and are delicious with cheese. I'm now on my 5th ginger beer bug/starter having consumed the results of the first 3. Batch 4 has been bottled and is maturing for a barbeque at a friend's home on Sunday.
Oh, yummy!
What he said with bows on :)
I'm hunting out a recipe for apple ketchup at present - our apples are almost ready :)
viv in dunedin
Can it be shipped to the US?
I love to drink ginger beer but have never 'made' ginger beer - 'they' say it is easy. How do you go about starting?
Has your weather warmed up yet?
Take care
Yummy! You did great! And it is so pretty to look at as well.
Bet they are going to be good. The pickle I make in France is sooooo much better than the bought stuff. Enjoy the Barbie, hope the weather is good. Hugs Diane xx
Is that why your blog is called Mickle's Pickle??
Michelle, I used to make ginger beer when my children were young, gave it up though after a few attempts because of the bottles exploding, shooting sticky mess all over my linen cupboard !! lol I can laugh about it now but it sure wasn't funny at the time.
Your pickle looks yummo !
The pickle looks yummy, which has reminded me I should start making some soon. Which ginger beer recipe do you use, it certainly looks as if it is working away well.
I made pickles in Science class in 7th grade, and haven't had the patience to do it again. Yours look beautiful! It;s great that you're enjoying your produce so much, as you wind your way through summer. (said Marjie with jealousy, as she peered out her window into the snowy world.)
Mikle I want to know the recipe for the ginger beer.
Your Friend Mitchell in USA
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