Selfridge Air National Guard Base was having an air show, so my dad and I headed up there. I also saw that the Arthur M. Anderson was coming down. I had to catch her, so before the air show I headed up to catch her.
I was actually hoping to catch her as she was passing Port Huron, but we didn't get up there soon enough.
As we arrived at Marysville, I saw her stern as she kept moving down the river.
So we stopped in St Clair and that's where I caught her.
She was heading down from Duluth with a load of Taconite for Toledo.
The sun was still shining at this point.
The beam shot.
She continues down the river.
One more shot before moving on to the air show.
After the air show, I was able to catch her again as she passed Detroit.
It was not longer sunny but still pretty warm, so there was a pretty sizable crowd at Riverside Park.
I wasn't sure I would get a spot there but one opened up for me.
I'm glad, because I think I like Riverside a little better.
She makes the turn for the other part of the channel.
A relatively clean shot.
One more shot before Downtown Windsor is in the background.
She carries a load of Windsor.
The almost beam shot.
She approaches the bridge.
The beam shot.
She continues down the river.
The Anderson, Westcott, Federal Champlain and the Gordie Howe Bridge. No progress since last week though.
A stern shot.
She approaches the Gordie Howe Bridge.
One more shot before moving on.