Showing posts with label snowy owl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowy owl. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2024

My Continuing Quest for the White Wha...err, Owl

 I decided to go to see if I could see the snowy owl at Willow Run again tonight.  It was sunny enough but it was a bit on the windy side.  Therefore, I wasn't sure if I could see it.  Plus, there is a good chance he's decided to head back up to the Arctic.

No owls but I did see these turkeys.
I was kind of surprised he stuck around for pictures.  Usually they head for the woods as soon as I stop.
After a few trips around the airport and a trip to the other airport because I thought I could catch some planes on the 27s, I stumbled across a herd of deer.
Again, I was surprised at how long they stood around.  I thought they would beat feet for the woods.
I kind of like this shot.
And one more of a pair of deer with one being fairly vigilant.

I didn't catch the owl.  I'm coming to the conclusion that it probably isn't going to happen this season.  But I guess I will keep the knowledge that there was one at Willow Run this year.  Usually they return to the same area as before, so maybe I will see one next year.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Success Finally

 After several times of heading up to the Fish Point area, I was finally able to catch a snowy owl this season.   I had to look on a snowy owl site a few times to finally narrow down where I could see one.

First of all, it was not at Fish Point.  I think too many people found that spot and scared them away.
When I headed down the road where I thought it was, I saw a bunch of people with cameras, so I figured that would be the spot.
I'm not going to mention the spot because I don't want them to go somewhere else.
I think this one is a male.
I wish I could have moved to spot where the wire wasn't in the picture but I guess it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
I love those yellow eyes.
One more shot.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Whereupon I Catch a Snowy Owl

 After catching the Alpena, I decided to head up to Fish Point.  I was hoping to catch some pelicans since one of my Facebook pictures from a year ago had them.  I ended up catching something better.

I ended up catching something better.
I had given up on catching a snowy owl this year.
I thought they had returned to the north country.
As we were entering the park, my mom pointed out that this guy was just sitting there.
I went back to get some pictures of him.  I was kind of surprised he stayed there.  I kept my distance and just stayed in the car.  I didn't want to spook him.
Usually when I see the snowy owls, they are up in the telephone poles and I am not able to get a good picture.
This one was just standing there and in good light to boot.
So I just kept taking pictures.
I will have to say, these are amazing birds.
I love the size of those talons.
That beak is pretty impressive too.
It seems like they are well adapted to their normal environment.
I just hope he is okay.
I decided to wander through the rest of the park for a bit.
I also wanted to get some pictures of puddle ducks.
They usually flee into the reeds when I arrive.
This one stuck around.
I love the red eyes.
Then I saw this muskrat.
A Canada goose.
Surprisingly, he wasn't hissing.
I think this is a ring-necked duck.
I think this is a redhead.
But he flew away.
A seagull.
A ring-necked duck couple.
So I went back to the owl.
Surprisingly, he stuck around.
And seemingly posed for me.
So I kept taking pictures.
He was looking around.
It was pretty cool.
It almost looked like he was laughing.
I think I like this one.
Before he flew off.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Catching a Snowy Owl

 So last weekend I decided to head up to see if I could catch a snowy owl.  I went to my normal spot where I could catch them.  As I was about ready to give up, I looked at one of the telephone poles and saw one.

I think this is a female snowy owl.  The males are whiter.
Someone else said it might be a younger snowy owl.
Either way, it is a pretty majestic looking bird.
I tried to move around to get a better angle.
I didn't really like the wires were in the way and I finally found a spot where I could minimize their effect.
She stayed in this spot for quite a while.
I moved around trying other angles.
With my light waning, I headed off.  But it was cool catching her.