After catching the Alpena, I decided to head up to Fish Point. I was hoping to catch some pelicans since one of my Facebook pictures from a year ago had them. I ended up catching something better.
I ended up catching something better.
I had given up on catching a snowy owl this year.
I thought they had returned to the north country.
As we were entering the park, my mom pointed out that this guy was just sitting there.
I went back to get some pictures of him. I was kind of surprised he stayed there. I kept my distance and just stayed in the car. I didn't want to spook him.
Usually when I see the snowy owls, they are up in the telephone poles and I am not able to get a good picture.
This one was just standing there and in good light to boot.
So I just kept taking pictures.
I will have to say, these are amazing birds.
I love the size of those talons.
That beak is pretty impressive too.
It seems like they are well adapted to their normal environment.
I just hope he is okay.
I decided to wander through the rest of the park for a bit.
I also wanted to get some pictures of puddle ducks.
They usually flee into the reeds when I arrive.
This one stuck around.
I love the red eyes.
Then I saw this muskrat.
A Canada goose.
Surprisingly, he wasn't hissing.
I think this is a ring-necked duck.
I think this is a redhead.
But he flew away.
A seagull.
A ring-necked duck couple.
So I went back to the owl.
Surprisingly, he stuck around.
And seemingly posed for me.
So I kept taking pictures.
He was looking around.
It was pretty cool.
It almost looked like he was laughing.
I think I like this one.
Before he flew off.