Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2024

My Continuing Quest for the White Wha...err, Owl

 I decided to go to see if I could see the snowy owl at Willow Run again tonight.  It was sunny enough but it was a bit on the windy side.  Therefore, I wasn't sure if I could see it.  Plus, there is a good chance he's decided to head back up to the Arctic.

No owls but I did see these turkeys.
I was kind of surprised he stuck around for pictures.  Usually they head for the woods as soon as I stop.
After a few trips around the airport and a trip to the other airport because I thought I could catch some planes on the 27s, I stumbled across a herd of deer.
Again, I was surprised at how long they stood around.  I thought they would beat feet for the woods.
I kind of like this shot.
And one more of a pair of deer with one being fairly vigilant.

I didn't catch the owl.  I'm coming to the conclusion that it probably isn't going to happen this season.  But I guess I will keep the knowledge that there was one at Willow Run this year.  Usually they return to the same area as before, so maybe I will see one next year.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

And a Stop at Ottawa

 Since it was on the way home, I ended up stopping at Ottawa.   Well, I stopped at Magee Marsh first but I didn't see anything there.

As I was entering the park, I saw a heard of deer.  This one was close enough that I could get a picture of him.
A pair of fawns.  
I was surprised he stayed there as long as he did but then again, I wasn't quite out in the open.
One more shot before moving on.
I think this is an indigo bunting and if so I will consider myself lucky.
A swan.
A baby swan.  I think these guys look pretty neat.
But for some reason, I will always think of the ugly duckling.
As I was getting ready to move on, I saw this eagle in the tree.  He was lit almost perfectly.
One more shot of him.
This was kind of a surprise.  I didn't know that sandhill cranes stopped here.  It was kind of cool to get one so close.
Since I like these birds, another picture.
There was another crane nearby.  So I had to get a picture of that one.
I'm not sure what this bird is.
I think this is a marsh mallow.
Another angle of one.
An immature eagle.
A more mature eagle but he is still fairly young.  He still has brown on his head.
He was looking around.
Another of the immature eagle.
He's looking at me.
I kind of wish he would have saw something to eat.
One more shot.
There were several rabbits around the park.  This was the only one I was able to get a picture of.
A flock of sandhill cranes.  And then I headed back home after a nice day.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Catching a Deer

I was actually kind of surprised to see this one.

This deer was crossing in front of me.  I had to get a picture of it.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

A Stop at Shiawassee Today

 After catching the Laud, I decided to head to Shiawassee.  I found out that the drive trail was open and it is always a nice view.

As I entered the park, I saw these deer.
Fortunately, they were close enough.
I really like this picture.
Then I saw this eagle.
After some blowing up, I was able to get a picture.
A very proud looking bird.
Hey, what you lookin' at?
Another shot.
As I was leaving, I saw this snake.
Tried to zoom in, but not much effect.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A Deer

 I ended up going over to M-52.  I was going to take my mom up to see some barns.  As I got to North Territorial Road, it seemed to get a little worse.  I decided to head home.

As I was heading home, I saw this deer on the side of the road.  I decided to stop and see if I could get a picture.  Amazing, it was close enough that I could use my little lens.  He stood for a while and then started to walk away.  As I was getting back in the car, I saw a bunch of deer on the other side of the road.  I think the deer I took a picture of was trying to distract me.  Anyway, it made for a nice picture.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Not Quite Fast Enough

 As I was driving through Fish Point, I saw a herd of deer.  Most of them ran away when I stopped the car but this one stuck around.

As I was getting ready to take the picture, a car drove behind me and spooked the dear.  It's not the greatest picture but not bad.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Stop for Pelicans

So I slowly make it to last weekend.  I decided to head up to Shiawassee National Wildlife Reserve because I saw some pictures of pelicans and they are neat looking birds.

First up is conspiracy heron.
I think he was also fishing heron.  It's actually pretty neat to watch them when they fish.  They scan the water and when they see something, they dart in.
I kind of liked the reflection too.
An egret on a post.
He's looking around.
Back to fishing.
The first pelican I could see.  Unfortunately, he was too close to the shore and the weeds were getting in the way.
And then I saw this one landing.  I really like this picture.
A group of pelicans.
A more elegant landing in the water.
Flying around.  For some reason, it reminds me of a DC-3.
He was circling around.
I kind of like this picture.
I saw a bunch of butterflies flying around but they never really stopped until this one.
He gave me a nice pose.
And another one.
A cormorant flying by.
I like the way this one is framed.
An egret fishing.
I think he was trying to get a better view.
Another angle of him.
An eastern king bird.
It was almost like he was modeling for me.
and the light was perfect.
He was looking at me.
One more.  This is a beautiful bird.
A fawn.
The fawn's mother.
She stuck around long enough and then bolted when the fawn left.
 And a crappy picture from an uncooperative kingfisher.