Showing posts with label reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reviews. Show all posts


review: annie's homegrown mac and cheese

Earlier this month, Influenster sent me a coupon to try one of Annie's Homegrown's new frozen entrees. We have been long time fans of Annie's in our house from the fruit bunnies to snack mix to their boxed mac and cheese. I liked the idea of a natural entree that was easy to prepare and could pick up at our local Target. We're talking microwave here!

In keeping with their product line, the Classic Macaroni and Cheese delivered. It was very cheesy, rich and delicious. I took this photo after I served Jack a generous portion because he saw it cooling and could not wait any longer. Never attempt to make a toddler wait for mac and cheese! He was a huge fan but, we all enjoyed the entree and will happily purchase it again on our own.

Disclaimer: I received the above product for FREE from Annie's Homegrown and All opinions are my own. I only choose to review products that are in keeping with my own values.


product review: braun forehead thermometer + win!

In early December I was selected by Influenster to receive the BraunTherms VoxBox. This meant that I would be the lucky recipient of a complimentary new device: the Braun Forehead Thermometer. Awesome. Honestly though? It was one VoxBox I didn't want to have to use! Fevers stay away from my house, please.

In the midst of closing on our new home, packing, and keeping our condo clean for selling, the arrival of this new gadget was the last thing on my mind. Until Christmas Eve. Sure enough, George came down with croup. On his birthday. And, all of a sudden this new little gadget meant everything. A few days later, Jack caught a terrible cold and we needed it yet again. And, then G got sick again. And Jack got sick again and well...yeah, not fun.

My review: The Braun Forehead Thermometer is now a staple in our home. My boys never liked the ear scan and I never found it to be accurate. This is so easy, non-invasive and was as accurate (for us) as the readings at the pediatrician's office. It is as simple to use as powering it on and moving the scan from forehead to temple and back. The thermometer beeps when it has a read and the display light up to guide parents on the temperature: green - no fever, yellow - elevated temperature, red - fever. The display is even backlit, so no need to turn on a light for late night scans. It's that simple.

Disclaimer: I received this product for FREE from Influenster and Braun in exchange for my use and opinions. These opinions are solely my own and based on my personal product useage.


merry and bright, a bit early...

I've sent Christmas cards out to my family and friends nearly every year since college. While I was still teaching paper craft classes, my cards were a major, multi-day (ahem, multi-week) production of sampling designs, cutting stacks of cardstock, setting up an assembly line and spending hours upon hours in my craft space hand-painting, stamping and/or attaching embellishments. I'd like to think that people looked forward to receiving those cards and that some even realized and appreciated the work that went into them.

In the years post-teaching, my focus shifted away from card making and to scrapbooking and as it did, I dropped homemade cards from the Christmas frenzy. Instead, I selected *gasp* store-bought cards with a design and message I really loved and made sure to include personal, handwrittten notes.

As most of my friends got married and started having children, the cards in my mailbox changed from traditional folded cards to photo cards of adorable kids and families with bright smiles, dressed in their holiday best. I have watched those kids grow through yearly cards when time or miles have not allowed me to do so in person. I looked forward to the day when I would have a family, a child, of my own to share in photo greetings.

This is finally the year.

A few weeks ago I started browsing though designs on digital photo printing and hosting sites and found cards I really like on all of them but, particularly like so many of the selection on Shutterfly that I'll share some favorites here.

1) This one because I have a wee bit of an obsession with monograms and have taken to collecting every "B" I can get my hands on since marrying Mr. Boom. I think it's more suited to families with more than one child (therefore more photo variety) but, I have to include it among my favorites:

2) I love the elegance and simplicity of this design - perfect for letting a photo really shine: 3) And, this one. A touch of non-traditional color, yet clean and simple:
So, which will it be? I honestly haven't decided yet and, there are even more designs in consideration though, one major factor remains...that elusive, perfect photo! Wish me luck in getting our little monkey all dolled up on a day with great weather, the perfect surroundings and the ability to coax a great smile or wondrous expression. Or, at least in finding a studio to do it for us!

If all this wasn't enough, there is the little matter of G's birthday being on Christmas Eve. Though the celebration will be small, I still want there to be invitations involved and for him to have a proper 1st birthday party. We are determined not to have our little guy's special day lost in the holiday shuffle!

Required disclaimer: I have received compensation from Shutterfly in the form of holiday cards in return for this review and post. However, I am a Shutterfly customer and had planned on ordering my cards with them before this offer came along for their good quality and customer service. The end.

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