more to come soon as desperately trying to finish stuff off for tommorow.
why has this image turned out so big? I'm not getting along with blogger at the moment.
my little seahorse
The toadstool painting and the seahorse are from a few days ago, I misplaced them and forgot about them until this morning. I used to doodle seahorses all the time when I was little, that and erm unicorns. But anyway I have been really busy stocking up on bracelets and beaded pendants, with a few key chains and mobile phone charms mixed in. Pictures soon I promise. I best go as I'm being shouted to sort something out.
The last toadstool I did went for a custom order so it dissapeared before I could take a semi-decent picture of it so what's a girl to do? Why paint another one of course. Its really simple but I love it, I only wish I could take a picture to show how pretty these painted pages really are.
one slightly demented looking reindeer
turquoise and red jade bracelet II
This weekend I didn't get very much done craft wise, the above bracelet which I love with the remainder of my turquoise beads, and I framed one of my vintage book page paintings. Technically that was an accident though as I ripped the page and hastily trimmed it down and stuffed it in a frame and it sits in the box room waiting to be placed somewhere.
framed toadstool painting on vintage book paper
thanks for popping by my house Katy!
I'd like you to meet Gilbert the Ghostie, he is a little bit shy and tends to wear his heart o his sleeve. Well he would if he had sleeves that is. He is a bit rubbish at being scary, in fact he is proably more afraid of you then you would be of him. He loves musicals, spagetti westerns, hot cocoa, and popcorn. You can often find him wandering round the forrest singing show tunes to his friends the trees.
onyx, orange carnelian, and sterling silver, bracelet
I know its over a month until Halloween but its my favourite holiday of the year, candy, coustumes, monster movies, more candy whats not to love about it? The bright orange carnelian faceted bades arrived in the post yesterday from Bobbi and I couldn't wait to pair them with some black onyx for a scintalating Halloween treat.
Gilbert on a small recycled paper notebook
And here is Gilbert again, gracing the cover of a tiny recycled paper notebook that has been floating around various boxes since well before the move. all items with any luck should be uploaded to etsy later this afternoon.
I didn't like Sigmund when I first painted him, but somehow he seems to have grown on me.
I'm not sure about the masked woman yet, she just doesn't match the sketch I did which I prefer, perhaps she was just meant to be the sketch, to be in ink and pencil without any fussy bit of acrylic paint.
I know its a horrible horrible picture, don't look at it too long or you may cry, but this is the first mail label design I have come up with that I really like. I may go back to the drawing board though if the quality of this image is anything to go by. Before I ask M to scan it for me.
I bet you are wondering about the burnt coconut bit in my title? maybe just a little.. we I managed to almost burn a batch of coconut cookies. rescused them just in time, before they became burn to a crisp. Its how today seems to be going, nothing over the top bad, just a teensy bit off.
its your last chance to leave a comment on my illustration giveaway, I will draw the lucky winner in the morning, I would say bright and early, but the only one that is bright and early in the morning here is H, I need several cups of coffee before I'm even halfway human.
p.s. don't forget to leave a comment on the illustration giveaway for your chance to win an original or a print.
yo ho whoooo
Oh and I have found little owl playing pirates and stealing my jewellery this morning as well. Naughty Owl!
thanks everyone for visiting my blog, looking at my illustrations, my jewellery, and genral craftiness.
Doesn't it look fantastic? I think so anyway.. although it won't hang on the wall until we move. I had it framed for M as a gift.. then gave him the invoice for it as well... He was most amused, but can you blame me? he does get a discount with the framers via the studio. A bit of good news as well, three of the bracelets I took in for display and sale at the same framing gallery have sold! I am so very pleased at that, unbelievably happy, and she has requested some more bracelets at the end of the month to mix with whatever is left. I was so happy, but I was not going to spend my heard earned jewellery money on the framing of the pic for M.
and last but not least this is one of the little purple peppers growing in my green house, I shall miss that greenhouse when we move.
Sorry about the slightly odd angles these pictures were taken with. The light was very poor this morning, and I was in desperate need of more coffee. This is the second painting I have done of one of M's espresso shot glasses, its such a simple image yet I adore it and I really really want a cup of coffee now. The red flowers on a teal painting is so vibrant, I love red and teal together, I may just need to order some more beads and made some red and teal jewellery... mmm yummy.
I have some lovely beads that I purchased at Spellbound Beads in Lichfield on Saturday, we went to the Medieval Fair, and got utterly soaked, at one point I had to help hold down a jewellery stall, because the wind was gusting so fiercely that some of the stock was blown to the pavement. It was still good fun, H loved it but was a little disappointed that there was no jousting or strawberry stall like last year.
80's chick
I posted the flapper girl image a few posts back with a half dozen or so other painted pages, but I wasn't very happy with her something jsut wasn't quite right so the other day armed with a cup of black coffee I restained the page, and I think she looks finished now. Then I was doodling a skull while watching that show about the real crystal skulls with out Indiana Jones attached, so I painted it and added some black vines as you do.
skull and vines
And last but not least I have dragged out poor Lulu again, and added a little detail to her eyes. I think she looks alot better now, and the painting looks much nicer than the colours have come out in this image. I still don't know what I will do with her, I can't see putting her up in the house any where, especially with this move in the future. I haven't really had many sales recently so I'm not sure about putting her up in the etsy shop though I could do with the craft money she might provide if she sold. Though What I would price her at I don't really know. She is 11x14 in and is acrylic and ink on a canvas wrapped board. any offers?
I'm tired I want to go to bed but M is working late, and I can't settle and be happy till he is home and accounted for. I have all ready written the post once and accidentally deleted it, so I'm afraid you will have to do with the far less witty and slightly substandard version which is this.
I painted the flower last night while M watched something boring about rockets. Not that rockets are that bad but when it comes to educational shows I prefer antiquities, bones, crystal skulls, mammoths, and all things generally ancient and crumbly, while prefers to watch How its Made, rockets exploding, or some horrendously mind numbing show about WWII. yawn. I finished the flower this morning with my favourite black ink pen, the flower wasn't meant to be white but just turned out that way, it has a sort of 70's feel that I quite like.
The fairy has been giving me trouble, its a sketch that I stained with tea and added a few details in ink. She was meant to only be a sketch, but when I tried to paint her on a music sheet she went all wrong, and didn't want to be a painted version so for now she is just another picture on my amassed pile of pictures I don't know what to do with.
more beady things, and recipes coming soon... and who knows I might even drag out my knitting again.