Showing posts with label Liberty Town. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberty Town. Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another thought...

I just was thinking you know how Carriage House Sampling has that Santa ornament in one of the JCS ornie mags with a black colonial frame around it...I could use that frame as a Town Plaque.... Stitch on the inside of it:

Liberty Town
Est. 2009
Or something....can you tell that all I've done for the last 72 or so hours is plan this stinking project...I'm like a woman possessed. I can't do anything else! I've been cleaning and folding laundry and I think of something and run to my file drawer full of patterns....I'm SICK!

Vonna's Liberty Town Plans

Well here it is in all it's primitive glory.... ;o) My plans for "Liberty Town"
I have the perfect piece of Sassy's Fabbys Creamy Cocoa 32 ct. lugana for the job. It's a 1/2 yard so it measures 27 x 36. Liberty Town is going to be longer in width rather than length.

I'm starting off with the border. If you look at all the neighborhood pictures...the ones (at least to me) that stand out the most are the ones that sort of have an "elaborate" border or "frame" around the actual town. So I'm using some motifs from Prairie Schooler's American Primitive leaflet. I'm using:

  • The eagles from the picture below (top right/left corners)
  • The elephant and donkey (bottom right/left corners)

There will be a double plainly cross stitched "frame connecting these four motifs and in it I will backstitch the words of the National Anthem.

Centered along the sides of the "square frame" I'm going to "split" the Blackbird Designs chart entitled "America the Beautiful" seen below...and stitch 1/2 of the unfurled flag on one side and the other half on the other side.

SO that's my border....YIKES...that's alot of stitching already and I haven't even started my "town".....

When we get to the "town" part...I'm stitching a "Liberty Parade" with some American Revolutionist seen in the chart below by Birds of a Feather (handily being given to me by Sherry! - thanks Sherry!) So we'll be attending a Parade right down the middle of town ;o)

And we'll have at least one lady hanging out watching the show from the door way of her home as seen in this picture below:

I'm going to use houses, churches, town halls etc....from the following charts:
  • Carriage House Samplings (Houses and Village of Hawk Run Hallow)
  • Little House Needleworks: Brave Hearts, Colonial Homes, Summer House Freebie, America, Stars and Stripes and the freebie Minature Home Town (these minatures are small, but I thought I could use them in the distance like on a hill maybe?)
  • Country Cottage Needleworks - Bless our Home
  • Heart in Hand Liberty House
  • MidSummer Night Designs - Summer Celebration
  • The Prairie Schooler - Summer Delight (the sea one - for the sea to shining sea part of Liberty town)

Now I'm not saying I'm using ALL of these charts but these are the ones that I own and I pulled them and they are the ones that I'll choose from.

What I'm doing for "size" wise is this: I tried to chart it all and figure sizes, stitch counts, etc. But I think that I'm going to baste a 3 inch line around the inside of my fabric so I know I cannot go over that line - and it will leave enough room for framing at the end.....then I'll start stitching my "frame". Once I get one side stitched then I'm going to decide how big I want the rectangle on the inside of the "frame" to get my other side dimension figured out. Make sense? At least it does to me...and I guess that's all that matters ;)

I'm not going to baste lines for my homes to be in...I'm just going to baste out where the "Liberty Parade" will go and I'll start in adding homes and people around it. I want there to be a "flow" from home to home. I also like the looks of words around the homes or scattered throughout the town, so I think things like "In God We Trust", "United as One", "We the People", etc. will look good to me.

Whew! Maybe I went a lit over board on elaborate? If I can do this...and I know I can (well I think i can) will be my ultimate finish! Let's hope I can stick with it! But that's why YOU are all here...right?!