Showing posts with label Building Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Building Business. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


For everyone to get started!
Please post your starts when you get a chance :o)
I will be posting mine as soon as I get some stitched.
May you all have a Happy New Year 2009!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Members Please NOTE!

Hello! I hope all of you are still garnering enthusiasm to spare for our wonderful projects that we'll all be starting in just a couple of months!

I just wanted to let you all know that I've deleted the "Contributing Builders" and the themes of the towns on the sidebar - the reason I did this is because Daily now, I've had people deciding that they don't want to participate anymore and I have to dig through and find their name, their town type, etc and delete it all. Lots of work and I want to stitch some too!

SO.....when you post to the blog, please make sure that you SIGN your name (or nickname/handle) so we know whose posting and if you want to direct people to your own personal blog - give that link as well. Please try to remember to label your posts with your name and your town name so that people can find you in the labels section.

Thanks for your understanding and let's all keep up the enthusiasm, as I think it may be leaving some of us! :o)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pattern Maker Screen Shots

Builders Caution~
Please do not download screen shots from "Pattern Maker" to the blog.
I've been cautioned about it since it is basically scanning and reproducing a designer's work and infringes on the illegal activity of "pattern stealing".

I understand that some of you are using pattern maker - and I'm not telling you to stop that, because I know that it is for your own personal use, and you are not sharing with others or downloading it to the internet for others use - or I certainly hope not.

Please respect this copyright infringement and don't download screenshots of Pattern Maker to the blog.

I believe that everyone has made sure to give credit where credit is due, but when you post about your Neighborhoods and plans, please name the designer and chart of the motif(s) you are/have using/used so that we don't get "nailed" for that as well.

My sincerest appreciation, and my deepest apologies for those posts that I had to delete to make us all legal and in good standing of copyright laws. Thank you!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Outcry Remains...

For budding architects to draw up and build their own I am in the process of opening a sister blog: Me, Myself and I Round Robins #2
so please add Me, Myself and I RR's #2 to you readers so that you can keep afloat of all our sister site members and their building efforts! Let's all cheer each other on with our building enthusiasm!

Spread the word that it is not too late to join in the endeavor! Blogger can't keep good "builders" down apparently! We will link all Contributing Builders from MM & I RRs #1 to MM & I RRs #2...we're just going to have a huge wonderful world of varied and beautiful Neighborhods on the world wide net!

Thanks for the enthusiasm....I hope we all are successful in our endeavors!

99 members...

We have room for 1 more stitcher....

If there is still an interest keep on sending me your information and if I have 10 or more that want to join Me, Myself and I after we're full, I'll open MM&IRR part 2.

My goodness .... shocked, I am about the popularity of this! I've been thinking about this for a long time, should have started it sooner :o)

Thanks for your interest and support!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Are people posting this to their blogs?
We have 87 that means 13 spots are left....
Wowzers, that's a lot of tempting Neighborhoods to look at, gaze upon, slobber over....

If everyone that is a current member would e-mail me (when they've figured it all out - NO HURRY!) but if everyone would just e-mail ( what their "Neighborhood" will be...then I will start posting those in the sidebar as well.

For Example:

Liberty Town

Christmas Village
Mrs. Claus

Etc and so on....
We'll sort of "group" them so that people can look at all the different Neighborhoods that are being built.

When you post anything pertaining to your Neighborhood - just tag all your entries using: your name and your town theme. So all my posts pertaining to my town would be Vonna's Liberty Town.

COOL? That way when someone sees that Joe Blow is doing a Beer Town and they want to see it's construction then they just click on the tags that say: Joe Blow's Beer Town. I think that will be much easier than wading through post after post.

Ok amigos...I'm off to stitch!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

72 and counting....

Well just to keep everyone up to date - since there are quite a few people "thinking" the situation over....we are now up to 66 members that have accepted the invitations, there are 6 invitations sent that aren't accepted yet so that brings us to 72 members! WoW!

So that leaves me with 28 spots left pressure, but if you are even a "bit" interested in joining need to let me know soon.


Monday, September 1, 2008

All Builders...

I've been working this weekend, and because it's a Holiday weekend in the U.S. it's been LOOONNG days because the fact that it is a holiday means that a lot of Doctor's have taken off and have put other Doctor's to "take call" for them. You sort of have to be like a detective (in some cases) to figure out who's caring for whom. But anyway...I digress...
I work today but have taken a few moments of my "coffee break" to send a few Builder's invitations today ... well really more than a few. I think on Friday MM&IRRs had 35 members...if everyone accepts their invitations today, we will have 64 members....this is much more popular than I ever dreamed!

I love the designs that everyone is coming up with! I'm really excited to follow all of these neighborhoods ...these will be masterpieces when we're all finished! And then we can start another!

Just wanted to let everyone know...that if you send an e-mail and don't hear from me straight away, I'm working this weekend and will get an invitation to you as long as we have spaces available. Remember only 100 authors can join - per blogger's limits.