This past year has been a year of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. 2008 will be a year I shall never forget, nor do I want to. Some of the best things in my life happened and quite possible the worst thing to ever happen, happened. But I regret nothing. This year put a lot in prospective for me.
Basically we spent the whole year trying to get to the point at which we are right NOW. In the United Arab Emirates. Lyndon applied for the job he finally got many (many) months later, way back on January 7th. That date is etched in our mind. We knew we would finally get here but it took a bloody lot of hard work and perseverance and self-questioning and wondering 'is this the right thing to be doing now?', what are people going to think, what are our parents going to think taking their Granddaughter to not only a foreign country but an Islamic country etc., etc., But at the end of the day we knew what we had to do and we remind ourselves constantly that life is short and to make the most of any given situation or opportunity. I think it is a wonderful way to view our lives.
Moving to Abu Dhabi, not only was it a long time coming, it is actually more than what we thought it would be. Even though only being here for the past month I feel a little sense of belonging, even without MY STUFF! Lol!! This move has been the biggest thing of the year (obviously) and one that will never be forgotten, no matter what our future. Once you move 'away', as we did in March 2006 from Melbourne to Cairns, you realise that yes, you can do anything and you can move anywhere. You cope.
The first four months of the year were spent constantly on the computer organising our Grand European trip. Once the trip was all booked and paid for and all research was completed, gee I missed it! It was definitely the travel agent in me coming out (I once did a Travel Agent's night course but just as I completed the course the bottom fell out of the travel industry due to the collapse of
Ansett - remember that? And then the whole 9/11 thing happened!)
And what a wonderful holiday we had! A definite high of the year. I love being in new places and I especially love visiting places I have been to before (hellllllo London!) From London to Paris, to Munich to Venice - oh to do all that again, yes please!
But two weeks before our holiday, Lyndon and I got married.
(Now you all realise it was in preparation of moving to the UAE now don't you? *heehee*) Our day went exactly like we wanted and we had a better time than what we thought we would! It was all organised and paid for within 4 weeks. From our formal wear, to the alcohol. The highest of the highs. Just brilliant.
The lowest of the lows happened on September 1st, when we were told our baby we were carrying in the womb had died. I have never experienced such a loss before and would never wish it on anyone. People think that once you are over the '12 week' mark it is pretty certain that the baby you are pregnant with will make it to full-term. I now know different. Each baby born is a miracle in itself. Having this happen to me has made me realise this, along with my attitude that life is too short to not see the sights, to taste life and enjoy what it offers. Stop and Smell the roses, isn't that what you say?
It made me realise just how fantastic medical science is and how special doctors and nurses really are. I was offered much sympathy and empathy during my hospital stay and feel forever in the Cairns Base Hospital debt. It also made me realise how lucky I actually am to have one healthy, beautiful daughter. Even on her grumpy days I still love her to pieces. How lucky am I?
Thank goodness that was my only low point. Hopefully that was the lowest point in my whole entire life, past, present and future.
Leaving our much loved home in Trinity Beach, in Cairns was bittersweet. As much as we loved the place, especially our apartment and so close to a beautiful tropical beach, we were ready to move on as we knew there were new adventures to have. (And what an adventure this is turning out to be!)
After spending six weeks in Victoria I realised how much I missed Lyndon's companionship but also realised just how wonderful
Skype is! *heehee* I also never knew how much I whinged about the cold weather! (I kept telling myself to stop banging on about it - yet when we were in London I don't think I actually whinged about the cold but accepted it!) It was nice to spend a bit of time in my growing-up stomping ground but towards the end I was over it. I was missing the nice warm weather, missing my old Monet (she was a different girl in Victoria - trust me, but the old Monet has returned) and missing my Lyndon.
I worked out who exactly were my friends and just how valuable they can be in times of need. I have friends who made the effort to fly to join Lyndon and I on our wedding day, even though we only gave them two weeks notice. I also had a couple of close friends in Cairns who were always a good ear when you needed one! My parents organised flights for my mum to come in my hour of need to help with Monet. My mother-in-law came and also lent an ear the day after my mum flew home to Victoria. Even my sister considered coming over form London.
I met two, no three actual blog friends in the flesh this year (and are now friends for life),
Bob-Kat in London and both
Sheeps Clothing and
House & Baby in Melbourne. As much as I want to meet all of you, I especially wish to one day meet
Kikimiss - I think we're even best 'Facebook' buddies! *heehee* I know I will hopefully get the opportunities to meet more of you down the track! Gee I love the blogosphere!! This year too, I caught up with a good High School buddy (hi Lulu) and my old work mate, Kate, (you know I love you!) One of
my favourite bloggers I get to meet (again) on Friday. *smirk*
I am not one for 'new year resolutions', but my point of view on a lot of things have changed - some quickly, some slowly. If there is one thing I want to do this coming 2009 is to become a regular blood donor and a supporter of Research into forms of Trisomy 21, 18 and 13. (It is a scary thought in hospital when they tell you that you may need a blood transfer and knowing how low blood supplies are in Australia, it frightened me).
My other 'resolution' in 2009 is to appreciate the small things in my life (which I already do, but I think more so) and not try and be so materialistic. Yes, it is nice to be able to have new things but there is more to life than having newer and bigger and better things (though I won't complain if Lyndon walked in with a new dishwasher! *grin*). There is a whole world out there and the world is truly an amazing place, this I know. I am grateful that we have had the opportunity to open up not only our own world, but for Monet too. Lyndon and I keep saying to each other "How lucky is she?"
So what a year (and what a long post!) hey? I was told by a neighbour of mine in Trinity Beach that 2008 was predicted to be a year of change with 2009 to follow. Well, knock me over with a feather - she was right!
Enjoy the new year festivities and remember that Life is short so make the most of it! See you all in 2009 my friends...
Happy New Year!!!