Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2013

One Thousand.

Post 1000.  Sheesh.  After starting this particular blog in October 2006 and joining my Recipe blog back a couple of years ago, I have f i n a l l y reached the 1000th post mark.  

And to mark the occasion, I am blogging about the eldest, whom was the main motivation behind me for first blogging.  And to think she was only a wee little cherub and now a just-about-9-year-old.  

Monet began a program back in March, Netta, which teaches young girls and boys over the age of seven the skills of netball.  It went for a total of eight weeks, which kinda dragged out to about 12 due to rain interruptions.  

Last week the season started up again, but in great confusion, only four of the original eight in her team had re-signed, which left Monet and the other three girls, team-less.  It had been decided on the week leading up to re-starting that a new junior team would start as there were 14 girls in total without a team.  They are now 'Cairns Saints' players and affiliated with the AFL team up here in Cairns.  They have four (yes, FOUR) coaches and I can already see a marked improvement in Monet learning the game, much better than last season where there was basically zero training in the skills department.  

I already have Lily telling me that when she grows up, she wants to be a netball player.  What a great inspiration this new team is having on both my girls.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Two Birthdays In Two Days.

The week just past was pretty full on - hence the lack of blogging (most unusual of me!)

Three major things happened. First thing -  Monet returned to school after her summer break of close to 11 weeks.  ELEVEN WEEKS!  She was more than ready to return to school; a new school year (hello Grade 2), a new teacher, a new classroom, new school friends.  And for Lily and I, a new routine.  Second and third thing - Miss Lily turned 2 on the 6th (the day Monet returned to school) and Miss Monet turned 7 on the 7th.  If that's not full-on, then I don't know what is.

Tuesday, when the littlest family member, turned 2, we had decided to hold a small party for her with a few neighbour friends.  And since we were already holding a party, Monet suggested that we should celebrate her birthday too.  So we did.  On Monday I baked and decorated two birthday cakes.  No wonder I was exhausted this weekend.   In the photo below, that's a #7, not a letter L.  Lily's cake was the #2.

Lily was taken back a bit with us singing Happy Birthday to her, which you wouldn't believe an hour later when she kept wandering around singing the tune to herself.  I love this photo below of an unsure Lily (in new 'Lola' apron which she wouldn't take off), neighbour Jahli and myself.

Monet was thrilled with her cake.  I might not cut it on 'Cake Boss', but in Monet's eyes I would.  Ain't children grand?

The girls both had a great afternoon.  It was rather exhausting come bedtime, with our first day of returning to school plus a birthday plus a party.

Monet's birthday the following day (yes, the girls are born five years minus one day apart), in which we went out for dinner as a family with a couple of good friends here.  These friends are like an Aunt and Uncle to the girls and Monet invited them to join us.

I can't believe that the girls are now 7 and 2.  Makes you stop and think.

We've done so much since Monet was born seven years ago in Frankston, Victoria.  Sometimes I still see Monet as my baby but now she's this big seven year old who is intelligent, pretty, (moody), a teacher, amusing, crafty, shy, well traveled, pretty switched-on kind of girl.  I see her maturing, just about daily, just by what she does, what she says, what she watches on television.  Sometimes she needs reminding that she's not 4 or 5 any more, but then I too have to take a step back and remember that she is still 'a kid'.

Lily is one of those children that you can't remember and could never think of life without her in it.  And oh how two children born of the same parents, be so different.  She has a big personality once she lets you know her (it can take time for her to warm to you, but once she does, oh are you in trouble!), she's funny and cute, loves her dummy, loves her teddies/dolls, knows exactly what she wants and tries her best to communicate and get her point across.

In the meanwhile, I will enjoy my two girls aged 2 and 7.  Before I know it they'll be 12 and 17.  Slow down life, slow down.

Happy Birthday girls.  You both are my world. =)

Monday, September 05, 2011

Father's Day 2011

During the week MrL went out and bought himself a present, a new Blackberry Playbook. As he is one of those blokes who can be pretty difficult to buy for, I suggested that the Playbook be his Father's Day gift, as we were trying to justify the cash.  So, a Playbook it was and he was very happy with his present.

So during the reminder of the week, Monet and I were busting our brains on what she could 'physically' give her father.  We came up with the idea of a 'voucher book'.  I got busy on the laptop and typed up (with Monet's help) some vouchers like "Please be QUIET for one hour", "Tickle my back for 15 minutes", "No playing downstairs" etc., etc.,...  We printed it all out, cut them up, stapled them together to form a voucher book.  When Monet gave it to MrL he thought it was terrific.

No vouchers have been used yet, but give him a day or two...

On Tuesday just been, Monet decided she was going to write her dad a book as a gift.  She shut herself in her room for an hour and wrote and illustrated a picture book, which we stapled together and she gave to him this afternoon.  He stated it was the best present he had ever received.  That was quite possibly the best thing he could have said to a budding author.

(And no, we don't own a pet cat, let alone one called Lucy.)

We decided that we were going to go out for a mid-afternoon lunch today, and remembering that our working week is Sunday to Thursday, things didn't quite go to plan. He is currently working the summer hours of 3am till 1pm, which he never does. MrL is a worker - a hard worker - who gives his job everything he has got (most of the time). The work site he is working on, were told that the Head Honcho Sheikh of Abu Dhabi was coming for a visit today, so MrL did a good 12 hour day, with the Sheikh not showing (always the way eh?)

With a tired MrL returning home closer to four pm, I took the four of us to the Noodle House at the Souk Qaryat Al Beri as it is one restaurant we know that does not close between the hours of 3:30 and 7pm.  It was nice for us to go out on a late Sunday afternoon for a change.

The Grand Mosque opposite to where we were.

Happy Father's Day to MrL, a fab dad to Monet and Lily, and to my own terrific dad, H. =)

Monday, July 06, 2009

'Bout Time I Blogged.

You know how it is.  

I've been busy, alright!  Well kinda.

Last Monday Lyndon and I celebrated 13 years together, so I lashed out and bought some lovely new perfume I had been eyeing off for myself...

and we all went out to dinner at the Shangri-La for the Buffet, which was delicious.  And rather filling to say the least. 

Monet finished up Kindergarten last Tuesday and when I picked her up, she looked like this, my own beautiful butterfly...

Even though she only did a term of Nursery School she is off to Primary School come late August.  Or is that late September?  The Government can't seem to make up their minds in regards to the school year starting - during or after Ramadan?  That is the question.  I hope it is answered soon.  Then I know if Monet has 9 weeks Summer holidays or 12.  Hey, what's 3 weeks? *smirk*

We've been craftin', bakin', cookin', singin' and shoppin' together since last week.

Monet has spent hours colouring-in (per usual) and making loads of Chinese paper lanterns (which now hang down the staircase on homemade paper chains).  We've changed her room around, watched DVDs together (too many Barbie movies, Three Pigs and a Baby, A Night at the Museum #2 and Coraline - I love this movie!) and cleaned.  She's been a good helping hand to her 'big mumma'.

Me?  Just the usual.  

Been reading the Twilight series, watching DVD's (The Reader - better than I thought it would be, Angels & Demons - I preferred the book to the movie),  baking and cleaning, washing and sorting, (nesting!), entertaining the girl, Twittering, playing bloody addictive Scrabble on Facebook along with Farming!, changing the bedrooms around (Lyndon helped of course), whinging about my size, spending, visits to my Syrian Dentist (root canals don't hurt after the nerve has died - they just hurt the hip pocket), and visits to my Iraqi Doctor for regular pregnancy checkups. (Hopefully nine more weeks to go!)  Been building up our supply of Vegemite (there has been a clear shortage of the stuff over the past few months, so when I spy a jar it must be bought!) and we were glad when our order of a box of 'Export Quality' Four & Twenty Beef Pies arrived via the Dubai AFL club! (Trust me, Meat Pies have never tasted so bloody good - and I am not usually one to enjoy a pie!)

You know how it is when it is 50 degrees outside.  

(A quick word on the weather.  Yeah, it is hot, but you must remember that homes over here have been built to handle such conditions.  It isn't like in Oz where when you have a few 40+ degree days in a row your house becomes like an oven (even with air con) - homes are made fully from concrete and (most) with ducted air conditioning.  You wouldn't even know it was 50 degrees out there when it is half the degrees inside...)  

Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Beginnings

Welcome to my 2009 edition of biglittlesister, dear readers!

I hope everyone had the New Years Eve they wanted.  We did.  We spent the late evening with new friends (and a couple of old friends, believe it or not) at neighbours.  SingStar got a good work out and most people had a go!  Love to see people enjoying themselves...

This is our very own Shaun Ryder (of Happy Mondays fame) belting out a tune.  (He is actually very good!)

I spent the first half of New Years Eve nursing a sore head, not that I drank much, true.  Just a couple over my 'so-called-limit' but Panadol killed it, thankfully.  After a good dose of a greasy bacon sandwich, chased by a Red Bull I was back to being Melody.  We decided to go on a bit of a drive and headed to the Al Raha Beach area of Abu Dhabi.  Most of this area is under construction - basically it seems the whole shoreline.  (Think they're building a new city area here along with schools, homes, shops, hotels.)  We ended up at a small Mall, which was next door to this...

I said to Lyndon I think it probably the most amazing building I have seen (to date - I am sure I'll see many more in the near future) but I do list it as a favourite!  It looked like one giant coin which was about to roll away.  Just amazing.  (Can you tell I am married to someone in the  construction industry?)

Yesterday we picked up my sister at the airport for a weeks stay.  It is good to see her again and wonder what we'll get up to today. 

 And speaking of today, it is my Father's Birthday!  Happy Birthday Grandad!  Someone is sad that they can't be with you....


2009 is already heading in the direction we wanted and is proving to be a very interesting year, to say the least.  Hope yours will be all you want too!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008, A Year That Was...

This past year has been a year of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.  2008 will be a year I shall never forget, nor do I want to.   Some of the best things in my life happened and quite possible the worst thing to ever happen, happened.  But I regret nothing.  This year put a lot in prospective for me.

Basically we spent the whole year trying to get to the point at which we are right NOW.  In the United Arab Emirates.  Lyndon applied for the job he finally got many (many) months later, way back on January 7th.  That date is etched in our mind.  We knew we would finally get here but it took a bloody lot of hard work and perseverance and self-questioning and wondering 'is this the right thing to be doing now?', what are people going to think, what are our parents going to think taking their Granddaughter to not only a foreign country but an Islamic country etc., etc.,  But at the end of the day we knew what we had to do and we remind ourselves constantly that life is short and to make the most of any given situation or opportunity.  I think it is a wonderful way to view our lives.  

Moving to Abu Dhabi, not only was it a long time coming, it is actually more than what we thought it would be.  Even though only being here for the past month I feel a little sense of belonging, even without MY STUFF! Lol!!  This move has been the biggest thing of the year (obviously) and one that will never be forgotten, no matter what our future.  Once you move 'away', as we did in March 2006 from Melbourne to Cairns, you realise that yes, you can do anything and you can move anywhere.  You cope.  

The first four months of the year were spent constantly on the computer organising our Grand European trip.  Once the trip was all booked and paid for and all research was completed, gee I missed it!  It was definitely the travel agent in me coming out (I once did a Travel Agent's night course but just as I completed the course the bottom fell out of the travel industry due to the collapse of Ansett - remember that?  And then the whole 9/11 thing happened!)  

And what a wonderful holiday we had!  A definite high of the year.  I love being in new places and I especially love visiting  places I have been to before (hellllllo London!)  From London to Paris, to Munich to Venice - oh to do all that again, yes please!

But two weeks before our holiday, Lyndon and I got married.

 (Now you all realise it was in preparation of moving to the UAE now don't you? *heehee*)  Our day went exactly like we wanted and we had a better time than what we thought we would!  It was all organised and paid for within 4 weeks.  From our formal wear, to the alcohol.  The highest of the highs. Just brilliant.

The lowest of the lows happened on September 1st, when we were told our baby we were carrying in the womb had died.  I have never experienced such a loss before and would never wish it on anyone.  People think that once you are over the '12 week' mark it is pretty certain that the baby you are pregnant with will make it to full-term.  I now know different.  Each baby born is a miracle in itself.  Having this happen to me has made me realise this, along with my attitude that life is too short to not see the sights, to taste life and enjoy what it offers.  Stop and Smell the roses, isn't that what you say?  

It made me realise just how fantastic medical science is and how special doctors and nurses really are.  I was offered much sympathy and empathy during my hospital stay and feel forever in the Cairns Base Hospital debt.  It also made me realise how lucky I actually am to have one healthy, beautiful daughter.  Even on her grumpy days I still love her to pieces.  How lucky am I?

Thank goodness that was my only low point.  Hopefully that was the lowest point in my whole entire life, past, present and future.  

Leaving our much loved home in Trinity Beach, in Cairns was bittersweet.  As much as we loved the place, especially our apartment and so close to a beautiful tropical beach, we were ready to move on as we knew there were new adventures to have.  (And what an adventure this is turning out to be!)

After spending six weeks in Victoria I realised how much I missed Lyndon's companionship but also realised just how wonderful Skype is!  *heehee*  I also never knew how much I whinged about the cold weather!  (I kept telling myself to stop banging on about it - yet when we were in London I don't think I actually whinged about the cold but accepted it!)  It was nice to spend a bit of time in my growing-up stomping ground but towards the end I was over it.  I was missing the nice warm weather, missing my old Monet (she was a different girl in Victoria - trust me, but the old Monet has returned) and missing my Lyndon.  

I worked out who exactly were my friends and just how valuable they can be in times of need.  I have friends who made the effort to fly to join Lyndon and I on our wedding day, even though we only gave them two weeks notice.  I also had a couple of close friends in Cairns who were always a good ear when you needed one!  My parents organised flights for my mum to come in my hour of need to help with Monet.  My mother-in-law came and also lent an ear the day after my mum flew home to Victoria.  Even my sister considered coming over form London.

I met two, no three actual blog friends in the flesh this year (and are now friends for life), Bob-Kat in London and both Sheeps Clothing and House & Baby in Melbourne.  As much as I want to meet all of you, I especially wish to one day meet Kikimiss - I think we're even best 'Facebook' buddies!  *heehee* I know I will hopefully get the opportunities to meet more of you down the track!  Gee I love the blogosphere!!  This year too, I caught up with a good High School buddy (hi Lulu) and my old work mate, Kate, (you know I love you!)  One of my favourite bloggers I get to meet (again) on Friday.  *smirk*

I am not one for 'new year resolutions', but my point of view on a lot of things have changed - some quickly, some slowly.  If there is one thing I want to do this coming 2009 is to become a regular blood donor and a supporter of Research into forms of Trisomy 21, 18 and 13.   (It is a scary thought in hospital when they tell you that you may need a blood transfer and knowing how low blood supplies are in Australia, it frightened me).  

My other 'resolution' in 2009 is to appreciate the small things in my life (which I already do, but I think more so) and not try and be so materialistic.  Yes, it is nice to be able to have new things but there is more to life than having newer and bigger and better things (though I won't complain if Lyndon walked in with a new dishwasher! *grin*).  There is a whole world out there and the world is truly an amazing place, this I know.  I am grateful that we have had the opportunity to open up not only our own world, but for Monet too.  Lyndon and I keep saying to each other "How lucky is she?"  

So what a year (and what a long post!) hey?  I was told by a neighbour of mine in Trinity Beach that 2008 was predicted to be a year of change with 2009 to follow.  Well, knock me over with a feather - she was right!

Enjoy the new year festivities and remember that Life is short so make the most of it!  See you all in 2009 my friends...

Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thirty + One Day

Here is the cake;

Didn't quite fit 30 ladybirds, but we sure did count 30 candles correctly!

All lit up the cake looked great...

Lyndon and I cracked open a bottle of Moet for the occasion.  And doesn't my head feel it today? I have made a mental note to myself to not do the 'Moet' sandwich (thanks Bob-Kat *giggle giggle*) again.  That is beer, followed by Moet champagne, followed by beer again.  Urgh.  Felt fine last night but this morning....headache from hell.  (Poor Birthday boy was feeling the same but he had to go to work!)  

Our dinner of slow-roasted shoulder of lamb was sensational.  I will be sure to post the recipe sometime on that (neglected) recipe blog of mine.  To say that it was probably the best roast lamb meal we've ever eaten is an understatement.  True.  We'll be talking about it for the weeks to follow; this I know.

After dinner and a bit of cake we had a few 'new' friends around to share a drink with.  It was a nice way to end the evening.

We're off to the Shangri-La tonight with a few people from the villas here (who also work with Lyndon), though I doubt I'll be having a drink.  *heehee*  Hope to see the sun set over The Grand Mosque and hear the Carols happening there tonight.  

I wish all my regular readers a relaxing and very Merry Christmas.  Hope you've all been good for Santa...

Oh, and if you are wondering what Monet and I got Lyndon for his birthday....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


It is Lyndon's birthday today.  The big three-oh!  About time too.

Last week Monet and I chose a gift for him, which the shop assistant wrapped up soooo lovely, don't you agree?

(Gee, I wish I could wrap gifts like that?  Looks too good to unwrap if you ask me.)

Monet and I will start baking him a chocolate cake (Lyndon's request) soon, which we will decorate with 30 candles and 30 of these, (which were Monet's request)...

(The Lady Bird chocolates tub cost about $6AUD!  In Australia these retail for about $1 per lady bird!!)

I am planning on cooking a slow-roasted shoulder of (NZ) Lamb as a Birthday dinner tonight.  I hope it tastes as nice as what it looks like in the recipe book!

Happy Birthday Lyndon.  You *finally* got there and look how far you have come.  

I am so proud of you, you've come a long way from that 17 year old boy who I first spotted in the Safeway supermarket packing shelves, to gaining a carpentry apprenticeship, to now in your current role in an important industry.

We've followed many dreams together, none would not have been achievable without your constant 'get up and go' attitude.  We've achieved a lot together but most importantly you have got to where we dreamed to be and celebrating your 30th where you wanted to be.

We love you and wish you a very Happy 30th Birthday, today and forever...  
Melody and Miss Monetxxxx  

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A Long Time Coming

Monet and I have only got a handful of days left in Australia before we head off to our new home in the Untied Arab of Emirates.  Lyndon is there waiting excitedly for us to arrive.  Neither of us can wait to see each other.  It has been a long five weeks apart.  

(Monet and my dad walking near their home...)

I am unsure when I will be posting next, I suspect it won't be long.  I know Lyndon has got the Internet all hooked up in our new home and our MacBook is waiting patiently for my fingers to start tapping away on it again.

(Monet and her cousin chatting and eating!)

Lyndon has stacked our new little fridge (our furniture arrives about 12 days after us) with some of my favourite things - glass bottled coke, Red Bull, 500ml Stella cans.  Oh! he does know how he can spoil me.  *smirk*  He has even gone and got some fresh ham for Monet, seeing that is her favourite.  

(The back patio at my parents, Monet and Grandma made the paper decorations)

The new oven has been installed, there are new block-out blinds in all the rooms, a couple of bean bags waiting for our bums to sit on, new cutlery, a big heavy-based frying pan, new beds for us...the list goes on.  Enough stuff to get us by until the day our shipping container arrives, packed with our goods from Trinity Beach.  

(Monet playing at the next door neighbours of my parents.)

I'm 'flirting' with the idea of beginning to pack our suitcases today.  Everything is ready and waiting to be packed in, it is just a matter of seeing if it does all fit back in our cases!  

(Bubble blowing)

My parents and Lyndon's parents, along with Monet and I are going out for tea altogether tonight.  

(Being a Pussy Cat!)

I have requested that only my dad drop Monet and I off at the airport.  They are horrible places aren't they?  At least this time it is not I who is being left behind - I hate that.  

We're off to begin the new chapter in our lives.  It has been a long time coming....

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Very typical of me, but my last post was actually my 400th post on this version of biglittlesister.  I also forgot to wish my sister's partner a Happy Birthday for the week just past.  I hope I am excused - I have had a lot going on. (As if *you* all didn't know!)

We spent last weekend in Melbourne.  It was nice to do a spot of shopping in some half decent shops, but since when has Melbourne become so blue, tight jean orientated?  *blah* Living in Cairns I swear you can get away with wearing anything, anywhere, but since Melbourne is so fashion savvy it was a good excuse for us to buy a few new threads each.  We really liked the new(ish) DFO at Spencer Street.  (We liked it soooo much better than the Morrabbin Airport one we used to visit when we lived in Melbourne three years ago.)

Much to our delight, the weather was 'pleasant', even though the skies weren't blue.

It was nice to wander along Southbank again and meet up with friends at the Riverland Bar, down below Federation Square along the Yarra.   We like that outdoor bar so much, we visited it both on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

We met up with even more friends at a pub in Richmond and enjoyed a dinner out in a Beer Garden.  Monet and I didn't stick around too late as the Cox Plate had been run and there were too many horrible drunk people around, otherwise we had a rather good time.  

All up it was nice to spend a couple of nights in the town we once called home.  We stayed at Oaks on Market which we had stayed at once before.  It is in a good position, is reasonably priced (including buffet breakfast) and we will stay there again down the track.  We also had this view from our hotel room.

As much as we love Melbourne and as much as we tell people how much we are Melbourne people at heart, we know we're not ready to move back there.  Obviously there are other roads for us to travel at the present and according to this article in today's The Age, we've made the right decision.  (You have no idea how many people have asked Lyndon to 'take my business card with you' and asked to pass on their resume.  It is making us think the past 10 months have honestly been worth it and we got in at the right time.)

Today, Lyndon arrived safely in Abu Dhabi.  He is currently amazed by it all (the shops, the compound we'll be living in, the city, the palm trees, the current beautiful heat).  He has already told me how much he thinks Monet and I will love it.  I know he is right.  And I can't wait to get over there too now!

Monet and I are now at my parents.  I'm keen to have a drink in honour of all the good things life has in store for my little family at present and to celebrate over 400 posts!  (Any excuse, I know!)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bye Cairns... *sob, smile, 'yippee'*

*still here*

We're well, but if anything we are freezing.  My god.  We've spent too long out of Victoria, this we know.  When did it become so cold?  (especially overnight?)  We've had it too good in FNQ with the tropical heat.  I am sick of hearing myself whinge about the weather so I'll stop it.  Now.

Our last few days in Cairns were very busy, but (which was surprising to myself) I didn't feel emotional.  I guess it has been a long time coming so we had detached ourselves from our home and suburb days/weeks/months beforehand.

The 'uplift' of our furniture went well.  Very well.  The shipping container is now probably sitting on a Brisbane dock, waiting to be shipped over to Abu Dhabi.  Our car is (slowly) making its way down to Melbourne via rail, but it won't be here for a couple more weeks yet.  (Anyone interested in buying a Subaru Outback? *heehee*)

We spent our last evening staying at Harbour Lights in Cairns a building we know very, very well.  We moved up to Cairns because Lyndon got a job working for the company who built it, so it was rather fitting we spent our last night there.  We had come full circle.  

And the view was pretty good from level 11.  (I very much recommend staying there and the defect job was perfect! *smirk*) 

We had dinner with a few of Lyndon's (now old) work friends and their wives and children, at Mondo's, one of our favourite places to eat in Cairns.  Monet had a beaut time playing with a couple of her little friends...

That was last Wednesday now.  It seems like months ago.  

I'm frozen.  I can't type anymore.

Friday, October 17, 2008

All. Systems. Go...

We're cracking open a bottle of Moet tonight.  Oh how we've been waiting to drink it again.

And why should we be drinking that lovely champagne?  Lyndon's work visa came through last night!!!  

*Melody drops to the floor*

For the past six weeks (since he first applied), we've been checking the emails religiously.  Every hour.  Waiting to see an email from the new company with the subject line 'Your Visa'.  It was I who checked the inbox last night and just about collapsed to the floor.  

So it is all systems go here.  We've signed up with a real estate agent to lease this place out (it'll be on the internet next week!!), the removal company are ready to come and pack our gear on Wednesday and we'll be leaving Cairns late next week, heading to Victoria to stay and visit with family and friends.  Lyndon will be out of the country in a couple of weeks time (Monet and I are to follow a few weeks later).  As I said, it is all systems go around here.

We must have felt it in our blood yesterday as Lyndon and I lashed out and bought a new suitcase each.  A notarised document we've been waiting to arrive from the UAE embassy arrived yesterday via the post.  (The notarised document lets Monet and I to be sponsored by Lyndon when we arrive.)

It has taken a very long time to arrive to this point.  It has taken over 10 months from the initial application form until now.  Now it is all systems go.  

I need space to breathe.  I need to sip and enjoy that Moet!!  We've deserved it, to say the least.  Gee, what a year so far and the year isn't out yet....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hammer (& Nail) Time

We are having a good clean up around here today.  I'm toiling in the kitchen - wiping out cupboards, cleaning all dishes etc., whilst Lyndon is clearing out the dead plants on the balcony from their lovely huge ceramic pots.  We have a lot of tenants living here we didn't know about, both in the kitchen and in those outdoor pots.  (Can't believe I slept soundly knowing there was a baby gecko lurking in the lounge too last night!)

It is break time here.  'Kid shows' are on the telly and Lyndon has gone down(?)/up(?)/across to Bunnings with a list as long as his arm.  

Friday's night 'gig' for Lyndon was great.  Everyone turned up and a great meal was had by all.  The restaurant owner was very pleased we were all there.  I imagine the bill at the end of the night was quite big.  

Here is Miss Monet and I ready to go out on Friday night (gee two photos of me in the last few days!  What's going on??)...  Notice the new dress for Miss and my new bangle?  *grin*

See those smiles?  Well, mine anyway.  They are genuine.  Can't believe that the ball is rolling with Lyndon finishing up work, with real estate agents we have chosen for the management of this property and the removal company pencilled in from our quotes we sent to the Lyndon's new employers - we could be out of here before we know it!  


And because any excuse will do, last night the three of us went out for tea and had a lovely meal.  We got 10% off the total bill price, just by mentioning we were locals.  No proof of ID needed either.  Email me if you want the name of the restaurant.  *wink wink* ;-)

Guess I better get back to it.  This place doesn't clean itself you know.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Take A Bow.

It is Lyndon's final day for the company he works for today. Even though he has been a little poorly treated since the resignation letter four weeks ago, we are still very grateful.  (There were numerous people within the company in Brisbane who seemed peed off with Lyndon, but we honestly put it down to jealousy!  True.)  Without the company offering Lyndon a job over two and a half years, we would not have made our home in Cairns, nor would have we probably even thought about moving overseas. (So Marianne and Mum, you can blame them! *heehee*)

We'll be back to being a one car family tonight.  The much loved company car will be returned this afternoon.

I will be 'car-less' for the remaining days?/weeks? here, as Lyndon (in typical Lyndon fashion) has lined up some work for himself in Cairns until his work visa comes through...(hello visa...where are you??)

Tonight we are going out to celebrate with some of his fellow workers for a drink and a feed at a restaurant, literally just down the road from us.  

Monet needed a new dress, apparently... (no, that is not her hat!)

I lashed out and bought a new bangle (a whole $5 from 'Diva')...

I bought the 'office lady' a Krosno glass bowl (gorgeous), all wrapped up and ready to hand over later on (she's been very supportive in the last couple of months especially)...

And Lyndon?  Well, he can rest assured that there is still half a slab of Natural Blonde sitting in the fridge...

and we'll stop off on the way home (I'll have to pick him up remember!) this afternoon and he can buy himself a slab of 'Knappstein' beer, his favourite.

I'm proud of you Lyndon.  Very proud.  

C'mon visa, c'mon!!!

And for something 'completely' off the subject, read this and then watch this.  (In case you didn't realise, I have a soft spot for Mr. Tex Perkins and in case you also didn't realise, this is a piss-take.  I have a soft spot for piss-takes too....)