Saturday, June 30, 2012

Feeding the 'roos.

It has been school holiday here for the past week and the girls and I have done a few things together.  Yesterday, my girlfriend and I thought we'd meet up at the Cairns Tropical Zoo with our children for an hour or so.  (The zoo isn't that big, but entertaining enough for little children who think it is 'the pants'.)

Now Miss Lily has decided that feeding the kangaroos IS the GREATEST thing ever.  I'm pretty sure Monet (now supporting a shorter 'do') thinks the same, and I can see why.  It is a pretty special thing...

There are other (mainly) native animals in the zoo, but I have to admit, the kangaroos are the favourite animals with us.

It is always nice to see joy in your children's faces.  Even if they are posing with their head in a billboard.

Lily has turned into a little terror the last couple of weeks and has really found her feet.  By saying that I mean if she sees a space to run, she runs!  Oh my.  Not long after this photo was taken with her and little A (both born in the same week), she was off!  *sigh*

As I said before, the zoo isn't that big and is easily done in an hour.  I am planning on taking the girls again next week to see the Crocodile Show which runs in the afternoon (we went in the morning yesterday.)  The zoo is home to loads of them so it'll be a change to see them active than the usual lazing about.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back Where We Began

So, after arriving back in Australia in January, staying in country Victoria with family for six weeks, heaving our suitcases up to a furnished apartment for four weeks in the suburb of Cairns we once called home, finding a rental property in that same suburb (which are as rare as hen's teeth) and moving in there, 10 weeks later we found ourselves back where our hearts belong....back in our own apartment.  

I broke the lease of the house we called home for a short time, when we found out that the tenant in our apartment had given notice and was moving out.  As luck would have it, there is such a shortage of rental houses up in this neck of the woods, that a new tenant was found after advertising for one weekend, so I didn't feel too bad. 

We moved back 'home' last weekend.  (Yeah, we are expert packers and movers.)

It feels great to see all our stuff back in the place it belongs...

It is a bit cold now for the pool, but the complex pool still looks very inviting....

The view from our balcony has changed somewhat - the trees have grown a lot over our three and a half year absence.

But my kitchen is still the same and I love it.  The family have been getting some half decent meals for a change! *heehee*

We are happy here, in the meanwhile, until the next adventure (whenever that shall be), begins....

Friday, June 15, 2012

Winter is Definitely Here...

But winter in the north of Australia is much different to the winter in the south of the country!

To us in Far North Queensland, it means cool mornings (of around 15 degrees) and beautiful sun filled, blue, cloudless skies and the temperature steady at 25 degrees.

It is also the time of year when the Coral Sea changes from a murky, sandy brown (due to continual rain and rivers flowing into the ocean) to beautiful sea greens and blues.

It also means you can eat ice creams without them melting instantly.   But you can still get them all over your face given half a chance.

I can't stand being cold for too long (I get sick of hearing myself whinge) so I think living in the tropics suits us all...

Monday, June 04, 2012

Iron Man Triathlon

We went to go on a 'Sunday drive' yesterday but as soon as we left, we remembered something as we got stuck in slow moving traffic...

The Iron Man Triathlon.

There were something like 3000 competitors who attempted the course - though there was a half version (photographed here by me!) and a full version, which started and ended in Cairns city via Port Douglas up the Captain Cook Highway.

Yesterday the gods were truly smiling as it was the most beautiful topical day, after a week of continuous 'grey' and rain.

You really have to admire the men and women who do triathlons, in fact any form of strenuous exercise for such a long period of time.

Monet wanted to know if any of the competitors would spew in the car on the way home, like she did after her School's Cross-country run.  (I had to giggle at that and said 'yeah, probably!')

You can read more about the event here.