"The family, as we have traditionally known it, is such a refuge of safety. When true values and basic virtues undergird the families of society, hope will conquer despair, and faith will triumph over doubt". President Thomas S. Monson

Monday, March 30, 2009


So do I look any bigger in this picture? Well I have certainly grown some inches over these last weeks. I can't believe that she is not here yet. This is my longest pregnancy so far. Dave and I already been to the hospital twice because I was having hard contractions that were about three minutes apart. But because I don't show any progression in dilation they can only send me home with pain medicine. So far I'm dilated to a three (and effaced at 80%) but seem to be stuck there for some reason. I guess she is not ready yet.... or maybe she is just waiting for her sisters to get here.. I don't know. Good thing is, she has dropped a bit, so hopefully that will speed things along. It's just a little more uncomfortable for me. The further along I get the more fear I have in getting a C-section. Hopefully it won't come down to that and she arrives healthy as can be. We both just can't wait til she is here and we can finally hold her in our arms.


heather carlson said...

Please let me know when she does get here! I think about you everyday. :)

melinda said...

Awww.. I feel so loved... thanks. I'll let you know when I have her. I did go to the doctor today and he set me up for an induction on wednesday 4/8.. but I'm hoping I have her before that. They also did an ultrasound.. and she isn't measuring big.. just average.. so that's good to know. Not worried about the C-Section anymore. It's just odd that she isn't big and I'm carring her to term. Addy was almost 8lbs and i had her at 36 1/2weeks.