Friday, February 21, 2025
Friday Fave Five - last one for February
Friday, February 14, 2025
Friday Fave Five for Valentine's Day
Friday, January 10, 2025
Friday Fave Five for January 10
Friday, January 3, 2025
Friday Fave Five - the first of the new year
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Merry Christmas
I'm wishing you all a very blessed and Merry Christmas. May the love of Jesus feel very real to you this Christmas season.
"Come thou long expected Jesus.
Born to set thy people free."
Friday, December 20, 2024
Friday Fave Five - December 20, 2024
We are so close to Christmas! You can feel the hum of all the excitement as you shop. Commercialism is urging you to "order now for Christmas". This Christmas has a different feel to it - at least for me. With my health issues still ongoing, I've dramatically toned down my festivities. Just don't have the energy or even the inclination. Instead, the reason we celebrate this season has been brought to the forefront of my thinking. I am thankful for so many things. But Jesus heads the list. The fact that the second member of the Trinity, chose to come down and be born and live as us mere mortals - for love and for our ultimate salvation. It boggles the mind! Amidst Santas and Rudolph and the Grinch, there is a baby lying in a manger, "Immanuel - God with us." Come join us to share what you are thankful in your lives. Thank you, Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for giving us this space. My prayers are with you.
1. Jesus! My Savior, my closest Friend, my Provider....the list goes on and on. I'm so thankful that His love was demonstrated so vividly in coming to earth to live among us. He is the Reason for the Season!
2. A cancellation at my doctor's office: I have suddenly been running very high blood sugars. Despite the fact that my eating hasn't been 100% good for a diabetic, the occasional indulgences shouldn't warrant such high numbers. I called my doctor's office Wednesday hopefully to at least get in to see an NP as my doctor is already booked 2 months in advance. Low and behold, i received a call from her nurse later and put me in a slot yesterday due to a cancellation. This almost never happens. I'm awaiting results of blood work as she thinks my type 2 diabetes is worsening. I know she'll be adding a new medicine to my regime.
3. Christmas movies: I'm generally well into my Christmas movie viewing by now but just haven't been in the mood. Last night I watched the first for this year. "A Muppet's Christmas Carol" was delightful and one of my favorites. Michael Caine, who played Scrooge is considered one of the best Scrooges ever portrayed. A little tidbit is that he once told an interviewer that he decided to act just as if the Muppets were real people. He took the role very seriously and it shows. Coming up is White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street (the older version), and my Christmas Eve tradition - A Christmas Carol - the Alistair Sim, 1951 version. And it's got to be the black and white version - it's spookier!
4. One less cat who will populate the earth: Indy, the one male of the litter my daughter in law and son are taking care of was neutered on Tuesday. He came through it fine. It was becoming urgent as all the cats were showing signs of "romantic intentions."
5. A Florida trip next month: My daughter and son-in-law's Christmas gift to me is a flight down to visit them in Florida at the end of next month. This will be especially poignant as they are moving for a year to France in March. (I'll try not to cry while I'm there.) Five days of warmth and beaches and family love! Although, it's been chilly in Florida this year, so they can't guarantee the 'warmth'.
Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas and time with family and friends. Thank you for your visits here throughout the year. Each reader, each visit means so much to me.
Bonus! It hit me just now that I never changed my blog graphics over to Christmas. That's how "out of it" I've been. So, at least for a couple weeks, here it is!
Friday, December 13, 2024
Friday Fave Five for December 13
The photo didn't capture the snowflakes, but you get the idea. I enjoyed it for about an hour and a half when the sun came out and it disappeared. But it was lovely while it lasted.
2. My daughter in law's family has moved: My son and one grandson flew down to Florida this week to help my DIL's mother and sister move up here to TN. It was a grueling couple of days - loading the moving truck and driving up to TN on Tuesday and unloading the truck the next day. Then today, my son had to be back to work. But, except for the usual snafus of loading a household full of furniture, the truck, my son and grandson and my DIL's family made it up here safely.
3. Earlier vet appointment: I know I've told you the story of my tender-hearted son and DIL adopting in a very pregnant feral cat. She produced 6 kittens - 5 girls and 1 boy. They are now almost 4 months old and beginning to show signs of maturing - if you get my drift. The one male - Indie was scheduled to be neutered January 7th - way too long to wait. She's now able to get him in next Tuesday. Meanwhile, please pray they can find homes for some of these fur balls!
4. Women's ministry Christmas party: Last week was the week for Christmas parties for various ministries at my church. Last Saturday was the annual Women's Ministry party led by our pastor's wife. It was a buffet breakfast with lots of wonderful items to choose from. There was a carol sing, some games and door prizes.
I was able to get a pic before everyone was seated. They always decorate so well for these!As you can see by the front page, it is illustrated by P, J, Lynch. Just beautiful! I have seen a reproduction of this book with the original illustrations by John Leech and these by Lynch look just as lovely!
Friday, December 6, 2024
Friday Fave Five - December 6
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Music for your Saturday
I am moved by music. There have been those songs that have touched me in ways I can't explain. God has used songs to speak to me so profoundly and brought me healing when I was in despair. I hear a certain song, and I can remember vividly where I was when I first heard it or how I was feeling at the time.
Recently I've been going through my You Tube playlist of Christian songs and through the listening, I've been reminded of God's faithfulness to me and that no matter what situation I'm in or what emotional trial I'm in, He is always with me.
I felt impressed by God to share some of them so for the next few Saturdays I'll put one up here. I pray you enjoy and perhaps it will speak to you as well.
This one:
"I Won't Let Go" by Rascal Flatts
Friday, April 5, 2024
Friday Fave Five
Friday, January 26, 2024
Friday's Fave Five
It's a bit surreal, seeing the tail end of the first month of 2024! Where did it go? Between being sick and then snowed in, it's been a quiet month. I'm happy to see another Friday, to count the blessings of the week. Thank you, Susanne from Living to Tell the Story for hosting this! Come join us!
1. A new great grand daughter: The biggest blessing of the week! Samantha Dawn was born January 18th coming in around 7 and a half pounds and 20 inches. There had been a concern with the snowy conditions if she'd be able to get where she needed to be. But all went well, and I am now a great grandmother of 7! And me just a mere child myself!
Here she is hold her new baby sister, Samantha. Savannah,....Samantha! Those two close names will keep me on my toes! She is so proud.
3. Back to normal: After over a week of snow and ice, we now have rain. It has effectively gotten rid of the snow and now what is left is slush. Not as pretty as the fluffy stuff but at least I was able to get to the grocery store and the dumpster to get rid of garbage, and even to my car without slipping. The temps are also much more pleasant. We actually had mail delivery yesterday!
4. A new glass tumbler: Now, doesn't that sound exciting! If you recall last week, I shared a photo of a candle called "Cynthia".
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 22, 2023
Friday Fave Five - Merry Christmas
2. DNA results: My sister, for my birthday, bought me a 23 and Me kit so that I can find out my ancestry. She and another sister have done it as well as many relatives on my father's side, so it's been fun. The results came the other day. Turns out I'm almost all Western European. My ancestry can be traced to the United Kingdom, Ireland, England, particularly West Yorkshire and there's also a bit if Scottish. I've always wanted to know this, and the results really don't surprise me at all. I've always felt drawn to that area.
3. Dinner with family: My daughter-in-law's mother and sister are visiting from Florida and so we all got to dinner last night. Afterward we drove through a couple neighborhoods who decorate lavishly for Christmas. Both are cul-de-sacs and with the exception of 2 houses, all were decorated. Cars were lined up to turn in to see it all and there was even police there guiding traffic. I couldn't help but think that there's no going anywhere for these residents on nights like this. A couple photos taken with my camera from a moving car so forgive the blurriness.
4. Better sleep: Since my new mattress was set up last Thursday, I have been sleeping like a top. I don't wake up several times during the night with pain and overall, I feel much better. Fibromyalgia is a bear if you haven't had enough restorative sleep. I'm very thankful to my daughter and son-in-law for this early Christmas gift.
5. Jesus: The biggest blessing of this season is always to celebrate the birth of the Savior of mankind. It boggles my mind that God came down as a baby and lived like us with the sole intention of providing us a way to live with Him forever.
This week's FFF is short and sweet but my wishes for you are much bigger.
A very Merry Blessed Christmas to you all!
Monday, December 18, 2023
My Day
Today is: December 18, 2023
I am pondering: This upcoming week. I've tried to keep the "bustle" out of Christmas but it's difficult to not get wrapped up in all the things "I should be doing." This week, I'm quieting my spirit and concentrating on Whose birthday it is.
Among my favorite things: Two of my great granddaughters down in Florida.
Friday, December 15, 2023
Friday Fave Five
Monday, December 11, 2023
My Day
Hopefully this post will be a regular Monday occurrence. Thank you, Dianna at Joyful in His Presence for allowing me to borrow your idea!
TODAY IS December 11, 2023
AROUND ME: A chilly 35 degrees with clear skies after our weekend of endless rain.
I AM PONDERING: The peace that seems to have settled in my home lately. I look around at my itty-bitty apartment and the coziness of it and smile. My little abode is all decorated for Christmas, and I can feel the peace and content - a first in many years.
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Friday's Fave Five (done Saturday)