Monday, April 6, 2009

Gettin to that point!

So we're getting to that point in this whole baby brewing bit where people are starting to make the comments of, "HOLY CRAP", and "Wow, there is no way that you are going to go another 7 weeks." These comments I'm sure in any pregnant girls mind mean, "Holy moly you giant hefer, you sure are getting huge." What comforting words from the people around us when we already feel so lovely about ourselves. Thank you world!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hospital Tour Anyone!

So with this baby has come extreme worry. I worry about don't eat sprouts, dont eat raw fish, be careful because they say if you eat too many lunchmeats its bad. I stress out about pretty much everything. Well with that being said I am doing my tours of local hospitals to see which one I like the best to deliver my sweet little girl at. The new hospital Centennial Hills I had heard great things about so I made my appointment and went and did the deed! The group gathered, we all headed towards the elevator, two groups of folks go up, we get in with the tour guide to go on up ourselves, and low and behold the door shuts, the lights flash and we go NOWHERE! Yes folks, that's right. I got stuck in an elevator, at a hospital with 5 pregnant woman, 4 husbands, 2 kids, another husband and wife and their 5 week old baby, and a heavy set tour guide for 45 minutes!! Oh my gosh was it hot and crammed. You would think at a hospital they would have an emergency maintenance guy that could let you out but nope! The trusty fire department had to come set us free. With that being said, does anyone know why fireman are so stinkin hot! Man they are pretty to walk out and see when you've been stuck in an elevator for 45 minutes. I decided that this is just my luck. Just had to share. It's not every day you get this unique experience at a new hospital. Leave it to me!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pregnant Me!

So my mother-in-law handed me a disk today with a few pictures on it from some family outings we've had. I'm sure glad she takes pictures because I've been horrible at it lately. Well all have asked for prego pictures of me, so here are a couple. May look like a fat roll ladies and gents, and it's probably a mixture, but most of that is a baby. And growing bigger all the time! WOW! I think I'm starting to get to the uncomfortable stage and I've got 12 weeks left. :) Oh and I totally should have cropped out my legs out of Dean and I's picture. I mean seriously, GROSS!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A new post!

I know I need to make a new post but I can't seem to figure out what is exciting or even interesting in the McLeod household these days so I am just going to post just a few things that I am grateful for.
Oh where to begin with this one. I love my husband for the way that he makes me laugh. For how close we've come in this first year of marriage. How he truly has become my best friend and even though sometimes he doesn't get me, he always bears with me. For his constant effort to become better for us. It's tough to get married when you're older and set in your ways but we've come a long way together so far and will continue to make it down this road. He loves me unconditionally. I don't wonder if Dean loves me at all, I know without a doubt that he does and what a comfort that is.
Our Baby!
I am so grateful for this little girl that in the beginning made me so sick, that makes me out of breath when I walk up stairs, that makes me feel like I am the good year blimp, that makes my feet at times look like I have elephantitis. It makes me so excited every time I feel her move in my belly or think of the first time I will get to hold her or even the thought of Dean holding her for the first time makes me exstatic. It's amazing how much I love this little girl and she is not even here yet.
My Parents!
My parents are amazing! I seriously could not ask for anything more. They love me to death and yet once again in my life I do not have to even question the love. My mom is amazing and would do anything for my little family. My dad, well, as most of you know I call him for those times when I just don't know where else to go. I know he will always walk me through the next step. Many a breakdown from me for my parents, but many solutions and guidence have come for me from them when it happens and it just helps me feel peace.
My In-Laws!
How grateful I am to have married into such a good family. My in-laws are such great people and have opened up their home to Dean and I for a while so we can get on track before our baby comes. They try so hard to make it feel like home for me and I am forever grateful.
My sisters!
Wow, this is a long post for nothing to say! :) I love all three of my sisters so much. Each one is different and unique from the other. I am close with all of them and I know that we will always be that way. I love their kids to death and I am so thankful that each one of my sisters has shared those babies with me for all these years. It made being single for so long so much easier because I had my family so close by my side.
The Gospel!
Last thing I'm gonna put on here is the gospel. It's my support, my link to my Heavenly Father. Seriously sometimes it's so hard, especially now in life to see the light at the end of the tunnel for so many of us. For me, the gospel is that light. I know that if I have faith, which might I add is easier said then done, it will all work out the way it is supposed to. How blessed I am to know of the truth and to have the direction that the gospel provides me with.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

So my Dr did me a little favor!

I'm pretty pursuasive and when I went in to the doctor last week I gave my doc a hard time about not getting my ultasound. Well he did a little quick one himself and there is no question we're havin a girl. Her name will be Keeley Paige McLeod and we are super excited. My mom, being the amazing mother that she is, already has her baby blanket made for her bedding. It is SO me! Here is a picture so you can all be jealous. The picture doesn't even do it justice. It's beautiful! Thanks mom. Love you!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I can't believe it!!

So we had a 17 week ultrasound at the doctor and the doctor said that he was 90% sure it was a girl but on our 20 week visit we'd be able to tell for sure because the visit will be with the real ultrasound tech. So i've counted down the days til the 15th to find out if this baby inside me is really my baby girl. Well the visit WAS tomorrow but the doctors office called tonight at 5:30 pm saying they were going to have to cancel and reschedule for the 26th!! WHAT!!! 2 more weeks!! Do they know that you shouldn't do this kind of thing to a pregnant girl. I have been WAITING you big rude jerks at the doctors office!! Disappointment has set in.

Thursday, December 18, 2008