Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker


Beth Olsen said...

I didn't know you were having a girl! Congratulations! That is so fun!

The White Clan said...

You will love her, and she will be so stinkin spoiled! Congrats you guys, I really am excited for you!

The Modern Daisy said...

Oh Meg I'm so excited for you! It is so much fun. I can't wait to see how beautiful she will be!

Steve, Misti, Madison, and Mason said...

Congratulations girls are SO much fun

Unknown said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! Yay for you!

Lila said...

Yay! Ah girls! I love little girl stuff. Even though I've never shopped for little boy stuff till now, it just doesn't give me the thrill that little girls stuff does. But WATCH OUT! You can get into a lot of trouble.

Stu and Kaycee Fillmore said...

Meg, I am returning to the land of Blog, and emerging from my hermity lifestyle that has been in place for the past two months. I've missed seeing you lately, and have been thinking about how your pregnancy is coming along and everything else. You and Dean (love that name!) are such neat people, and will be awesome parents!! Thanks for the fun visits we've had and for all you have done. I love your pictures!