Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pregnant Me!

So my mother-in-law handed me a disk today with a few pictures on it from some family outings we've had. I'm sure glad she takes pictures because I've been horrible at it lately. Well all have asked for prego pictures of me, so here are a couple. May look like a fat roll ladies and gents, and it's probably a mixture, but most of that is a baby. And growing bigger all the time! WOW! I think I'm starting to get to the uncomfortable stage and I've got 12 weeks left. :) Oh and I totally should have cropped out my legs out of Dean and I's picture. I mean seriously, GROSS!!


Reed and Chelle Eckman said...

Hey, I only had two prego pics of me. You look stunning! Now it's the last trimester, YAY!!! You are almost done! we love you!

The Modern Daisy said...

Just so you know, I don't have one single picture of me pregnant and now I kind of regret it. So take pictures! You are so so cute! And you have really good bowling form...:)

Ann said...

You look just as gorgeous as I knew you would!

The White Clan said...

I think you look great, but I wish these had your new FANTASTIC hair color.
And Aubrey, I have pictures of me, and I regret having them. I need no reminder of how HUGE I am. And my mom, sisters, and husband think I need to be depressed so they take pictures! Sad day!

Sarah said...

That is some serious bowling form!!! AND shut your freaking pie hole! You look great! I'm glad you posted these because I am missing out on your pregnancy! I miss ya, Megs!

Jenny said...

Sitting down legs are not a reflection of your true legs, the standing up ones are and they look amazing! I think you are beautiful and making a baby is no easy job! Keep up the good work.

Bobbie Jean said...

Hey girl im bigger then you are and Im Not pregnant so take that! Im sure it just feels like you look worse then you do. cause to me I think You are the cutest pregnant lady ever! By the way I love your eleivator story. Life is always an adventure whenever the megster is around...