Monday, January 31, 2011

Month-end Milestone

Here is Lilies end of January. I have had a great time stitching this month. The rest of this page is largely light colors and largely confetti. So let us see how much of agitated stitching happens!

I am over 61% done in this project so far. I also know i have 2 more BIG pages to do, the rest of the pages are going to give me more time with my other stitchy projects. Just that thought makes me happy and giggly.

Here is Mary, i am currently working on the last part of this SAL. I loved stitching this, and this will be my first finish too of the year. There are couple of more SALs starting in Sticklounge, and i am eager to start them whenever they are rolled out.

I also have some gift stuff to stitch. I still have time (till like middle of the year), but i think i will soon put my thinking cap on:) There are two other SALs (one needleroll, and another in SMO forum, called Birthday Village - thanks Annie for the enabling, LOL), hope to start them soon and show those pics too

The past weekend there must have been angels walking with us. My husband had some 'work' to be done in one of the happening parts of Bangalore, so it was kind of a day out for my husband, my son and myself. I could also go to my favorite second-hand bookshop. Since my husband knew my love (addiction?) for books, i told him i will take only FIFTEEN minutes, and he obliged!! I dont think he relaxed though till i came out before those minutes elapsed!! I got myself these 3 books. Binchy's Scarlett Feather, Kristin Hannah's Distant Shores (Kristin had come up in my to-be-read list thanks to 123MB) and Ruth Hamilton - had not heard of this author before. I have got her 'Nest of Sorrows', and i really hope i like the book and the author's way of writing. We also had lunch out - a very rare thing for us, and that made my day. I hope we go out like this oftener.

T has not been keeping all that well the past two days. Cough and then fever from Sunday night. He is much better today, although he is very weak:( Not his chirpy pleasant active self - am sure in a day or so, he will be his normal self.

Wishing you all a great week ahead! Thanks for your wonderful comments, and hope this post gets showered too:)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mid-month Milestone!

Has been a very good period lilies-stitching-wise:) There has been loads of same color stitching, that i was cruising through my way, very much at peace with the silent night!

Not much of Freddie done, probably a stitch or two. So no piccies of Freddie or his shelf. There was a lot of Mary popping here and there... Love the simple stitches in this piece. I am kind of liking the combination i chose finally!! There has been a additional 'star' done so my Mary is going to be taller than she was charted to be, LOL. 4 squares taller, ahem. So i am also thinking - i will not stitch the bottom border. I might add a 'star' row at the bottom if i feel like it once the whole sampler is done.

Book-wise i had a nightmare reading The Gathering by Anne Enright. I stopped reading mid-way. I am currently reading September the book i had originally planned as my first 2011 book. I am LOVING this book, and I am ENJOYING being with the characters. And, i am LIKING the fact that i am still NOT halfway through the book, so i know i can relish the book longer. Crazy, eh?

And finally, here is what i sent to Laurence in Belgium.... I am sharing this pic as i heard from her (and she has also blogged about it!) it has reached her last week! In addition to what i had mentioned in my giveaway, i had sent her a pair of ear-hangings, which were closest to the color i stitched the L in. And i am so very happy she loved them every one of the simple things i sent her. Hurrah indeed:)
Here is the letter L shot! I LOVED stitching this, and plan to stitch some more this year for my blogging  stitcher friends:)

Now the only other thing that i am waiting to hear is if this lady from UK has received what was shipped the same day as Laurence's. We will know soon!

I leave you with this photo of my son taken last Friday when we went shopping. There was this huge sale going on in the malls, and we bagged quite a LOT for our darling son. Today he has a Class Photograph being taken, that will be so precious to have.
Hope you have a great week ahead! full of stitching time and time well spent with family and those you love. Do leave me some comments, they make me so happy:)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Also for every last, there is a first!


So, i did ship the letter square to Laurence and shipped the pinkeep i did for the valentine exchange, both on the last day of 2010. Pics to come when they reach their recepients!

On the first day of 2011 (and the second), I did stitch (A LOT) on the Mary Poppins SAL of Sticklounge. I still have a considerable bit of Part 1 to complete. But you can still see the colours i have used, and what has been done so far! And, typical of me, i am already thinking i have chosen another set of colors, prolly royal blue and black.

Let us see where Freddie stands at the end of 2010:
The last red book is done. All the whites in Freddie's face have been put in, and the book below him has been given all the colors it required. I have even done some backstitching on Freddie, but not much can be seen, LOL. His front paw should have shown the clear demarcation, but nope - does not look like that in real. In fact Freddie looks so v. grumpy doesnt he? As though i am trying to wake him up from his sleep, *and* he does not like it one bit.

I finished reading Kirkby's Changeling during the weekend, and since the Pilcher books were in the office, i took up another book instead for reading: Booker-winner The Gathering. The author Enright says it is an intellectual version of a Hollywood weepie.

Thanks for your New Year wishes to me, and wish all my readers a great year ahead. Let us all be patient in dealing with each other, and let our stitching calm us down. I think that kind of transforms into - let us all get to do enough stitching to keep us calm and face each day with a smile!! I do hope you visit me as you have done in the past, and bring sunshine in my life with your comments!