Showing posts with label murrini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murrini. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2015

Murrini Monday - Down on the Farm

Are these not the cutest murrini pieces you have ever seen??? Cows, pigs, sheep, owls and CHICKENS! Lori and Kim have surpassed the cuteness limit with these little critters. They're wonderful for artists who don't make critter beads because you can attach them to your pretty beads for a whimsical flair. For those of us who do make critter beads (like me!), I could not resist.

 This pug insisted on receiving the first Barn Buddies murrini - he's wearing a pig on his t-shirt. A pug in a pig shirt. I can't wait to figure out how to use the chickens . . .

 In my last murrini order, I could not resist the Cupcakes (who can?), and neither could this little kitty with a sweet tooth. She swiped a cupcake and is not letting go.

The final murrini pack I purchased is called Superstar! And let me tell you, these tiny stars are super! I used my smallest ones on these mini owls.

These beads are not for sale just yet - but they'll be featured in my upcoming Trunk Show at Lampwork Bead Artist Jamboree on Facebook. My show will be Aug. 5-6 -- it's my first trunk show and I'm very excited about it! And nervous, too. To bid on my beads or on other artists' beads at their trunk shows, just request to join the group!

Happy Murrini Monday!!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Murrini Monday - Thinking about Easter Beads

 This little pug bunny swiped my very last murrini Easter egg - can you blame him? But now I'm left eggless and sad. I'm really hoping Lori and Kim do another Easter egg murrini blend. In the meantime, I'll have some Easter chicks to play with!

When I saw this Peep blend over at Lori and Kim, I knew it had to be mine. My pack (along with a couple others) should be arriving any day now. Then I'll have to decide which lucky critters get a little chick.

Here's some more murrini in action. I received these wonderful rainbow murrini from Julie Bowen of Autochthonous Evolved and I was saving them for just the right critter. This buttercup owl was the perfect spot for these seven colorful murrini - I just love them! This owl has me thinking that Spring could be a possibility.

Happy Murrini Monday!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Murrini Monday - on Tuesday (because President's Day has me confused on what day it is)

I haven't been blogging about my love for murrini (not since October of last year!), but that doesn't mean my love has faded. It's still very much alive. I've been making a lot of custom dog beads, which, sadly, don't require murrini. But I've also been asked to make some mini murrini owls (above), and I happily obliged. In fact, I made extras, so some of these will soon be for sale.

This elephant has extremely good taste in murrini. I adore this heart! It's from Lori and Kim (as are the murrini on the owl beads) and the detail and colors just blow me away.

Here is the latest in COE 104 murrini from Lori and Kim - this blend is called pansy garden, and it's filled with pansies (omg the detail!) and other purple and yellow flowers (I spy daffodils and roses!) AND bees! The colors of this blend are wonderful and I believe I'll be owning some soon because it gives me hope that spring is actually around the corner. Find Lori and Kim's awesome murrini blends here.

Happy Murrini Monday to one and all!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Murrini Monday - Big & Little Hooters

A few weeks ago I told you about the awesome little Hoot murrini I got from Lori and Kim. I'm finally posting pictures of the beads I made with it. All of these beads have flown the coop already, but I will make more! This murrini is super fun!
For the owl above and the owl below, I just placed a sweet murrini owl in a contrasting color on their chests. So now they have a mini version of themselves with them wherever they go. 

For the elephant above and below, I placed a murrini owl in their trunks and called them "Horton Hears a Hoot.

How much more fun can I have with this murrini??? I bet lots! But now I also have a new blend called Bikini Bottom and it is filled with bright and cheery flowers and SNAILS! Next murrini Monday I'll show what the snails are doing.

Thanks for visiting my blog and HAPPY MURRINI MONDAY!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Murrini Monday - Hooter Style

It has been FOREVER since I've celebrated Murrini Monday - what better time to bring it back than when I receive tiny hooters in my mailbox! That's right, Lori and Kim have done it again with their endless murrini talents. This murrini blend is all little owls! I held back and only bought one pack, and it arrived today and it is wonderful! As soon as I'm done with this post, I'm going to try it out. 

This may sound strange, but I usually don't go for the animal murrini. That's not to say I don't LOVE it because I do! But I make animal beads, and I don't always know what to do with animal murrini. Lately I've put a murrini turtle in an elephant's trunk, and that worked out really nice:

Despite my new pack being a blend of all owls, I could not resist. I envision owl beads with little owl boutonnieres. I can't wait to try it!

But first I want to show you my new turtle ring:
I made several of these turtles in the past few days because I was making a ring for my mom's birthday. I think I made seven turtles all together, and she picked one out and I turned it into a ring. So I turned another turtle into a ring for my daughter, and one for me! I got the rings from Karen Thomas Designs, and they are super easy to use. The turtle just slides onto a little post that screws into either side of the ring. And of course the turtle has an awesome slice of Lori and Kim murrini on its shell. 

Happy Murrini Monday!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Murrini Monday!

A few weeks ago I received some awesome new murrini from Julie at AutEvDesigns on Etsy. Julie makes her own murrini and uses it in her beautiful lampwork beads. She doesn't sell it (yet), but I got to try some out and it's wonderful! See how tiny it is? I love small murrini because my beads are fairly small. I used a lot of it on the owl below:

I LOVE the rainbow murrini on this owl's chest. I fit seven of these tiny slices on him, and I think he looks pretty darn good. :) This owl is still in my shop here.

For this owl I used some of Julie's blue, yellow and green murrini. I love it over transparent glass. 

This elephant was very smart - she swiped one of the slices of red heart murrini. Isn't it great?

And I found Julie's murrini in action on one of her beautiful lentil focal beads in her shop. And there's more where that came from.

Follow Julie on Facebook at Autochthonous Evolved - Lots of gorgeous beads and finished jewelry there! 

Happy Murrini Monday!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Murrini Monday

Last week I organized my murrini collection. I had a lot of it in the little baggies it came in, a lot scattered on my work table and some was actually organized in little plastic containers. So I cleaned up a bit and sorted through my murrini. I tried to organize them by sorting them into different colors or themes. The container above has peace signs, happy faces, rainbows and stars - now that's fun group.

When I was finished I had all my little containers filled (minus a couple large bags I have from Mallory at Rosebud101 that I keep separate because there are just too many to sort). As you can see, there is some room on my containers for some more murrini. There are even EMPTY containers! Now that's just wrong.

It just so happened that very soon after I discovered I was running low (in my opinion) on murrini,  Lori and Kim posted a coupon code for 15% OFF all purchases. How could I resist? I put FEBFUN15 in at checkout and two days later I received my little baggies of goodness in the mail. I got Koi Pond: little turtles, fish and frog face murrini; Candy Hearts: you can never have too many heart-shaped murrini; ROYGBIV: rainbow colors! and my new favorite, Happy Hour: which critter would like to be served first? I'll tell you - it was a pug. She's sipping on her martini as we speak.

What other critters deserve a cocktail? Please leave your ideas in the comments - I'd love to hear them! There's a full bar of murrini drinks, with beer, margaritas, bloody marys, blue hawaiins and martinis. I think I just heard a bunny say "beer me." 

The coupon code for Lori and Kim is good until the end of February (remember, it's a short month!), so go get your murrini. But please, torch responsibly.

Happy Murrini Monday!!! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Murrini Monday ~ 3-Peats

In today's edition of Murrini Monday, we're celebrating 3-Peats. What are 3-Peats, you ask? They are murrini blends of three different, but coordinating, murrini from Lori and Kim. And get this - when a blend of 3-Peats is sold out in their shop, Lori and Kim will make more! That's good thing for lampworkers who make a bead set using certain murrini, and then are asked to make that set or a similar one again. It's nice to know these blends will always be replenished.
I love the colors in this Airstream murrini blend. I had to have them. :)

Here is the Airstream murrini on a turtle. Turtles love murrini. 

This blend is called Electric Jellyfish. I had to buy it - for the awesome colors and for the cool name!

This turtle loves her Electric Jellyfish murrini. So stylish.

Happy Murrini Monday!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Murrini Monday

It's Murrini Monday! So it's only fitting that I'd find murrini in my mailbox. :) I got two packs of Wild Hearts and one pack of Blizzard murrini. Look at all those colors! My critters will be so happy! Thank you Lori and Kim! I'm off to torch!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Murrini Monday - I can see it in your eyes

It's no secret that I love murrini. I especially love using perfect little slices of murrini for owl eyes. Certain pieces just jump out at me and beg to be turned into owl eyes. 

As soon as I saw the murrini slices I used in teh above bead (from Lori and Kim's Fun Dip blend), I knew they would make perfect owl eyes. But I think I could have shown them off much better than I did. I wish I hadn't used turquoise for the owl's chest feathers - see how it blends in to the blue on the bottom of the murrini? Not good, in my opinion. I should have used green as the chest feathers, or maybe pink. Then the murrini would stand out much better.

This owl has successful murrini eyes. Even thought there's a good deal of blue on the inner part of the murrini, it's bordered by silvered ivory, so the blue of the bead doesn't blend in with the blue on the murrini. The contrast works much better. 

I still have two more slices of that awesome murrini from the Fun Dip blend, so I will give it another go. This time I'll make it work. :)

Happy Murrini Monday!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Murrini Monday ~ Spooky Edition

Halloween is on the horizon, but there's still time to enjoy some spooky murrini. Don't be scared.

This Boo murrini from GlowPondGlass will add a bit of fright to your beads.

FritNChips has gone batty with some spooky bat murrini slices.

And here is some murrini in action on a beautiful bead called I'm Not Scared by FlamingEck. I'm not scared. Really, I'm not. But that one-toothed jack-o-lantern is looking right at me.

Happy Murrini Monday!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Murrini Monday

I had A LOT of fun playing with murrini last week. I was dying to try out Fun Dip by Lori and Kim, so I used six (6!) pieces of this awesome candy-colored murrini on my new favorite owl. I love how the colors pop.

Then I made a Greenpeace Dragon ~ this sweet green dragon clutching a colorful peace sign from Lori and Kim's Groovy Girl blend.

Like the dragons, koalas love murrini. This chubby koala opted for a nice slice of grapefruit (he's watching his figure) from Frit N Chips. Jo, the maker of these delicious murrini slices, has over thirty (30!) varieties of murrini in her shop.

Happy Murrini Monday!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Turtle Tuesday/Murrini Monday

With yesterday being Columbus Day and my kiddos all being home from school, I completely forgot it also was Monday. So I guess I blew off Murrini Monday. To make it up, I've combined Murrini Monday with Turtle Tuesday. 

So first up, here is a new turtle with an encased spotted shell. To the outside I added my new fall leaves murrini (from the Cornucopia blend from Lori and Kim). The leaves are so pretty!

I know, this is not a turtle. But I had to show off the cupcake murrini (again from Lori and Kim) in action. When it came in the mail, my daughter looked at it and said I should make an elephant holding a cupcake, and I very much liked that idea. :)

And now for the Turtle Deal of the Day! These two rainbow turtles have been hanging around my shop for a while now. They'd like nothing more than to be turned into something fun ~ like earrings or charms. So to help them find a new home, I've marked their price down to $18.

A belated happy Murrini Monday to all, and have a terrific Turtle Tuesday!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Therapy Thursday ~ do something for you!

Yes, you! It's much easier said than done, I know. My day today was scheduled with appointments - physical therapy for me and a trip to the orthodontist for my daughter, whose brace bracket came off yesterday. But in between these appointments I managed to carve out time for a quick walk with the dog and enough torch time to make a dent in a custom order and also have a little fun.
Later when I got home, my murrini order from Lori and Kim  was waiting in my mailbox. I ordered in on Monday afternoon! And now it's here, in my hands. So that was an upper for me - can't wait to use it.

Did you do anything for you today? The day is not over - take a few minutes and indulge in something you like. You'll thank yourself later.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Murrini Monday ~ a Cornucopia of Murrini!

This is me:

Oh look, what's that? Brightly colored murrini chips in retro candy colors???

This is me again, under the spell of FunDip murrini by Lori and Kim

I'm am in your power. I will resist all attempts to keep these perfect murrini chips out of my shopping cart. Pretty pretty chips.

And oh no, a Cornucopia of murrini! Leaves changing colors, feathers in varying shades of autumn. I am powerless. I don't even know what I'd do with them, but I must own them.

Happy Murrini Monday!
Try to resist ~ I dare you!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Murrini Monday ~ a healthy dose of vitamin C

Last week I received my first murrini purchase from FritNChips - tiny slices of grapefruit murrini that flew across the pond to be used in my creations. They are so cool and perfectly detailed! I went straight to my torch to play with them. But first, I had to decide which critters deserved this yummy murrini - let me tell you, it wasn't easy. But I think I made some critters very happy.

Of course I had to give a slice to the alligator - he's from Florida where all the juicy citrus fruits are grown. Also, he threatened to bite my finger off if I didn't give him one. So I did. 

Then I caught this kitty cat goofing around with a slice - something my kids do a lot with orange slices. I love how the murrini looks like an orange slice over the white glass.

Next I gave a slice to this little green mouse, who confused it for an aged cheddar. But that's ok - it looks good on her.

There's plenty more fruity murrini over at FritNChips, including lime slices (now my critters will want to do tequila shots!). You can find the grapefruit slices here.

Have your beads gotten their Vitamin C today?
Happy Murrini Monday!