Showing posts with label fritNchips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fritNchips. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2012

Murrini Monday ~ Spooky Edition

Halloween is on the horizon, but there's still time to enjoy some spooky murrini. Don't be scared.

This Boo murrini from GlowPondGlass will add a bit of fright to your beads.

FritNChips has gone batty with some spooky bat murrini slices.

And here is some murrini in action on a beautiful bead called I'm Not Scared by FlamingEck. I'm not scared. Really, I'm not. But that one-toothed jack-o-lantern is looking right at me.

Happy Murrini Monday!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Murrini Monday ~ a healthy dose of vitamin C

Last week I received my first murrini purchase from FritNChips - tiny slices of grapefruit murrini that flew across the pond to be used in my creations. They are so cool and perfectly detailed! I went straight to my torch to play with them. But first, I had to decide which critters deserved this yummy murrini - let me tell you, it wasn't easy. But I think I made some critters very happy.

Of course I had to give a slice to the alligator - he's from Florida where all the juicy citrus fruits are grown. Also, he threatened to bite my finger off if I didn't give him one. So I did. 

Then I caught this kitty cat goofing around with a slice - something my kids do a lot with orange slices. I love how the murrini looks like an orange slice over the white glass.

Next I gave a slice to this little green mouse, who confused it for an aged cheddar. But that's ok - it looks good on her.

There's plenty more fruity murrini over at FritNChips, including lime slices (now my critters will want to do tequila shots!). You can find the grapefruit slices here.

Have your beads gotten their Vitamin C today?
Happy Murrini Monday!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Murrini Monday ~ Sweet New Year

On Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, we dip apples in honey as a symbol of a good and sweet new year. This year Rosh Hashanah falls on Murrini Monday, so I've found some wonderful murrini for the occasion. 

First there is the apple - these little apples have already been tasted and deemed delicious ~ they are called Bitten Apple by FritNChips

And here are some very well-behaved Bumble Bees by Chase Designs - they will make the honey. 

Everything you need for a sweet New Year ~L'shanah tovah.

Both of the above artists have shops filled with much more murrini, and FritNChips also sells glass shards and beautiful twisties. Check them out!

Happy Murrini Monday!