Monday, June 21, 2010

A little help for my friends

So, I just had a big scare. I thought I had lost all of my pictures of "A Day out with Thomas" that the children and I went to last month. Luckily, I had heard Kim Komando (digital goddess) talk about this very situation on her talk show (it is on every Saturday night on 105.7FM). A gentleman had called in and said he could not find his pictures on his memory card from his trip to Europe. He was so sad. It was like 500 photos that were missing. She told him about FREE software available on her website that he could download that would help him retrieve those photos off of his card. So, when I discovered that 95 pictures had suddenly went missing on my SD card, I was devastated too, but I had a glimmer of hope. I went to and searched around until I found "photo recovery" (which wasn't easy for me, I am not search friendly). She had the links to the FREE software and I had Matt follow the steps, I was too nervous about my lost pictures to understand what on earth that computer mumbo, jumbo was saying. I am delighted to say that it worked! We did loose a few of the photos, but I can live with the other 90% that was saved. Thank you for people that know what they are talking about!!!

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