Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Another motherhood initiation

WARNING - if you have a weak stomach or are easily nauseated, do not read!

Well, tonight was a first. This year, my parent's have decided to do something different for birthdays. Rather than do a big party each birthday month with the whole family, they are just taking out each individual out for dinner. Tonight was Beckett's turn. We went to Wendy's because Beckett loves "5 piece chicken nuggets". He ordered them all by himself. I was so proud. He also got root beer, which is a special treat because we hardly ever have pop. We sat down and started eating. It didn't take long before we had to get after him to start eating his dinner and stop drinking the pop. He said, "I can't eat anymore", which is his usually response when he doesn't want to eat anymore. Well, we did what any normal parent would do, we took away the pop until he ate a couple of chicken nuggets. He complained a little and then just laid down on the bench. I thought he was just moping, but after a little while he stood up. Matt commented that he looked pale, and then I noticed it too. It wasn't too long after that that I could tell he was going to throw up. Just as it started to come out, I stuck my hand under his chin to catch it. I don't know why. There was no way I was going to catch it all. It just felt like instinct. (I would like to note that I don't do throw up. I come close to dry heaves when I just hear someone else throw up) When he was done, I went to wash my hands off. Beckett saw me leaving and came after me (he is going through some major separation anxiety lately), leaving a trail of puke dripping off of him all along the way. I felt so bad for the employees that had to clean up after him. I wanted to offer to clean it up, but I had to clean me and him up already. It was not fun and on the embarrassing side, even though there was nothing that could be done to prevent it. My sister came in the bathroom and said that the group of teenage boys that were sitting near us, watched the whole thing and were just staring. I felt so terrible about ruining everyone else's meals. So much for a special meal. Oh, and both children threw up in the car just as we were getting off the freeway. What a night!!


DaNette said...

Can't say I've had that initiation yet. Poor Beckett, and worse poor Mom! But hey, Happy Birthday Beckett!

The Girardo Family said...

Just think a few years from now, you can laugh about it. I have to agree with DaNette, I have never had that initiation. I hate the stomach flu, yuck! Sorry about that, but Happy Birthday Beckett!

Scott and Analisa said...

Oh my goodness! When you said they were both throwing up, I didn't know it happend like this! Craziness! What a good mom... you deserve an award!