Showing posts with label Painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painting. Show all posts

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Finally a wee bit of creating LOL

Since Christmas break and over the break we have really been spending most of our free time on the house and doing things outside so not a lot of creative things happening around here.   We have done a lot of tidy up around the back of the house and I am nearly ready to paint the craft studio on the outside as it really looks so sad now, but a good paint job will make a difference.  I have been taking a lot of before photos etc and will show a screed of before and afters once we are finished.    

BUT in the meantime I had Craft group today so took a canvas with me that I had drawn up a pic on and had a go at painting and shading with pencils........ I am going to do a few of them to hang up in my bathroom - very cost effective LOL........ meaning free really so it works for me.....  so here are some pics of what I did today, not finished but about half way there, lots of shading etc still to do.

EDIT:  eek just wanted to say this is not my original artwork, well it is as far as actually drawing it and painting etc but I got the idea from some pics I saw on the net a while ago, unfortunately I cant find where I got them now.......... just wanted to clarify that......

Penciled in and first lot of colour on

Bit of shading starting to happen and starting to paint the dress
Dress painted and starting to get some shading
Where I finished today still heaps to do but starting to shape up