Showing posts with label Doll club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doll club. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Craft club day out

Have been meaning to post these pics of our craft day out for the past few weeks and keep forgetting LOL will be our next meeting soon so though heck better get these up for show and tell LOL

I made some more eyes on the weekend and they didn't turn out too bad, I will take some photos of them when I can get some good light as they are very small - I want to bake them a couple of times to see how they hold up to the heat as I used a UV gel to make a dome over the iris.... fingers crossed...... Am also working on some hands and feet for the Yoda head that I posted a few posts ago - have an armature on him ready for the hands and feet - just not sure how I am going to pose him yet.....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Doll Club - Heaps of Pictures

Today was Doll Club day, mind I think we need to change the name to CRAFT club as we are all doing so many different things nowadays.  I took some clay to play with and am quite pleased with what I have done so far but wont show it unless it works out after some refining .......  I have heaps of pictures to share today which is great, had lots of show and tell and we had a really great day out, lots of fun and its neat to see what the other girls have been making.  Beryl brought in 3 quilts she has made, just fantastic, the last one is not quite finished but its going to be fantastic.  

Beryl and Margarets naughty fairies
Gorgeous cross stitch that a lady did for Rose

Margarets Gollies she is making on canvas
Margarets daughter brought in the below houses she has been making from Canvas, they were pretty extraordinary 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Doll Club

Last weekend was our monthly meeting, I didnt attend the last one and didnt really have much to take to do this time but took some crocheting that I am attempting.  I also decided to take the laptop to show the ladies the blog and a few sites of interest etc as most dont have broadband internet etc.

Here we are setting up - I cut up a whole heap of 5 inch charm squares ready to help one of the ladies make a bag next month - so we picked colours and showed her how to cut with the rotary cutter and get everything square etc

My friend doing some cross-stitch
Rose was doing a long stitch embroidery

A panel that made up into a book

Dont remember what these two were laughing about but its a good picture LOL

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Doll Club

My monthly club meeting was today, its always been called a "cloth doll club" but really we all do all sorts of crafts, from cloth dolls, quilting, embroidery and lace making. We always have a really fun time and lots of laughs, food and coffee LOL........ so below are some pics of the show and tell from today, I cant show mine as its secret stuff LOL.......

Some pincushions Pam made, they are really lovely and are cross stitched and then made, I cant remember the name of the pincushion but its all funny angles when finished and really different.

heres the ladies deep in conversation, we were all discussing doll faces here as a new lady thought you just brought the faces already done so we were explaining that nope you have to make em yourself.

Jill Mas pattern Beryl had made up and brought in to show

Two gollies that Margaret our resident gollie lady made, shes now making a golly teacosy

A gorgeous quilt that Beryl has made for her grandaughter - its just so pretty and parts of the border are done with a sparkly material so its just perfect for a wee girl.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pics from Doll Club

Last month I was really tired and didnt go to Doll Club but went this month and have a few pics for you, still working on the needlecase, have the pattern drawn out nicely on the computer now so need to make another one up from the pattern - I am a slow poke, mainly because working full time cramps my style sometimes - mind the weather is starting to pick up here so that always lifts the spirits somewhat and also gives more creating daylight after work, after hunkering down in the cold winter months.

Mother of the bride - Jill Maas

I went and brought this pattern after seeing this doll made up, must have a go at it as its pretty funky LOL

Wee teddy bear one of the girls was making

All working hard, hmm looks like a lot of reading going on hehe

One of the members is hand appliquing this quilt, its wonderful and she is doing an awesome job of it - its got fantails in the border and they look really great