Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dirty, Rotten Eggs!

You may remember the story in the previous post about Sweetheart throwing up her birthay cake, and me wondering if it was the eggs. Well, I decided to give her straight scrambled eggs, just to see what would happen. I just gave her a tiny bit, but she didn't throw up, so I thought we were in the clear! She played for a couple of hours after eating those eggs without a problem. I laid her down for her afternoon nap and she went right to sleep. When I went to check on her awhile later, I found a bright red baby!

These pictures really don't do it justice, she was so red and had hives on her cheeks around her eyes.

She also was acting really woozy. She would fall over as she was crawling around, and was having a hard time grabbing toys to play with. And that was about two seconds after I gave her the Benadryl, so I know it wasn't from the medicine. Poor kid! I'm so sorry baby! No more eggs for you, I promise. Not for a long time anyway!


Amy said...

Holy cow thats crazy!

At least now I know what an allergic reaction looks like. So sad that its happening to your sweet little girl!

Nurse Heidi said...

Aw man. Emily my neighbor, who lurks on MOT and occasionally posts, just found out her baby is allergic to eggs and milk as well. May I recommend Triaminic Thin Strips as a convenient way to carry around diphenhydramine? They have one formulation for cough that has just diphenhydramine. The box is purple.

Ashlee said...

Oh no! Poor little cutie! There are eggs in so many things. I have a friend and her little biy is allergic to eggs too. Hopefully she will grow out of it.