Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Aliyah!!

Today is our cute little niece Aliyah's First Birthday! We are so excited for her and wish we could have been there to help her celebrate the big number ONE!!

We just want to wish her the best and hope that she has a lot of fun on her 1st Birthday! We love you so much Aliyah!!

1 comment:

Jeff and Michelle and Aliyah said...

YAY!!! Thank you so much for making that card! It was perfect! I love it. I'm printing off a few to mail and put in her scrapbook. Thank you for the pj's and the purple dog. Aliyah loves it! It's cute how it says her name and gets her involved. She really enjoys it. She also liked her phone call on her birthday. Thanks again! Love you!