Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kids are just so much fun!!

I sure do love my two wonderful little kids! They mean the world to me and are just so much fun to have in my life! I want to share with you a few things that Vanessa and Owen do to make me smile.

Vanessa has just recently developed a shoe fetish. I must have a bigger influence on her than I thought :) She loves getting to my closet and putting on my high heeled shoes. Her favorite pair would have to be my red ones. She will walk around the house in them just fine and looks so darn cute. She also loves to just wear her own shoes 24/7. She even will sleep in them if we let her.

She also does not like to wear pants. The only thing she wants to wear is her Minnie Mouse flower pajamas. It is a constant struggle trying to get her to wear clothes. If I do get them on, she will sneak into the bathroom, close the door, and then come out with no pants on stating that she took them off. She will also hide her pants in cupboards, under bed sheets, under beds, and in corners so I won't find them and put them back on her. I will admit that I can't stay mad at her too long because she is just too darn cute!

She loves to sing! She will learn any song! The other day, I was loading the kids in the car and I heard her to start to sing a Weezer song. She was just chilling in her car seat singing, "I can't stop partying, partying." Also for FHE, we did a lesson on prophets. We taught her the song, "Follow the Prophet." She knew the chorus of the song by the second time we sang it! She is just so darn smart! She will know just walk around the house singing the song.

Owen is just so much fun! His big smile and laughs are just so contagious. He loves to crawl and follow his sister around everywhere. He has now figured out how to climb up our stairs and to pull himself up to a standing position. He gets so excited when he hears the bath tub water running and will quickly crawl over to the tub and stand up.

He also loves to play with Vanessa. They like to play on the floor together. Vanessa will be lying on the ground and Owen will come over to her and nudge her with his head. They both start giggling. It is so funny to watch. I will have to try and get it on video and then post it.

Owen loves to eat! He gets so mad when he sees us eating other food. He wants to eat big food like us. I have started giving him little pieces of our food and he loves it! He also is starting to jabber and different sounds. I think my favorite thing that he does though is give me kisses. They are very wet and slobbery but so precious. After giving me kisses he will snuggle up to me! Oh, how I love those tender moments!

I am so blessed to have such wonderful little kids in my life. They make me so happy and I love being their Mom!

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Moon Party!!

In celebration of the release of the New Moon DVD, I decided to throw a little party for us girls. We had the party at Mark's parents house. We had fun decorating the basement in red and black streamers and balloons. I even made some Team Edward and Team Jacob red velvet cupcakes. They did not look professional by any means because I didn't have much time to prepare them. But they were still fun. We had some red punch for "blood" and ate pizza. I even found some New Moon plates and napkins. The girls and I were really excited to for the party and it was just so much fun being with them. We had a blast and took so fun pictures!

Kimberly made us a poster with Jacob on it. Vanessa and Owen even got help.
It turned out great! Thanks Kimberly, Owen and Vanessa!

We like to call this the Mowgli (From the Jungle book).

The Decor and Food!

Team Jacob, Team Edward, Bella and The Voltori Cupcakes


We had fun putting on some red lipstick and posing for pictures. This picture is so great because of Kimberly's eyes. We had no idea that she is indeed a vampire that likes to drink human blood. It is the perfect picture to take at a New Moon Party!

I found this cool Team Edward shirt at Wal-mart! I liked it cause it did not have his face on it. I think it is kind of weird for a married woman to have a guys face on her shirt so I opted to get this one instead. It actually is a pretty cool shirt.

Us getting ready to start the movie! Can you just feel the excitement!


We sure do love to go swimming, especially Vanessa. She loves to just play in the water. We were able to go to the Clearfield Aquatic Center with Kimberly and Laura. Both Vanessa and Owen loved playing in the pool. The pool had a big play ground that the kids can play on and a lazy river. We loved playing there! We had a hard time getting Vanessa out of the pool.

There will be more pictures to come. I just have to get them from Kimberly. She took some really cute ones of us.

Spring Pictures

We got the kids Spring pictures taken Saturday. I thought things were going to work out great cause I was able to get both kids down for a good nap. Well, this time around, Vanessa did great but Owen did not want to be there. We couldn't get him to smile. I was frustrated cause I wanted to get some of him smiling so we could see his two cute bottom teeth. We did get some where you can see his teeth but he is not smiling. Oh well, I guess....they still turned out cute.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trampoline Fun!

So while visiting the Grandparents, we got to go outside and enjoy the beautiful sunny day! Vanessa wanted to play on the tramp so we did! She is so darn cute on that thing. She likes to run around in circles and her little legs looks so fun and cute. Owen even got to go on and bounce a little. He thought it was pretty neat. He got really excited and was kicking his legs and squealing with delight. He also liked to crawl on the tramp and even try tasting it.

We also got to go for a nice walk. It was just so nice to be able to go outside and soak in the sunshine!

Also, while visiting Owen got very interested in Daddy's laptop. I guess you can definitely tell that he is his father's son. He loves anything electronic!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I love St. Patrick's Day! What a fun holiday to celebrate with kids! We had a little leprechaun come and visit us! He left the kids and even us parents a little gift for good luck. We all got fun green shirts to wear to make sure we did not get pinched. Vanessa got a Little Mermaid toy and Owen got a fun puzzle. Mark got the book, Pirates Latitude and I got The Hunger Games. We are both really excited to read them.

For breakfast, we got a little surprise. All of our food had been turned GREEN! Green milk, pancakes and eggs. Vanessa eat up all of her green pancakes and even asked specifically to have more green milk. Owen even got to enjoy little pieces of his very own green pancake. He loved that!

Later that day we headed over to visit Aunt Kimberly and Aunt Arianne at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Vanessa and Owen love their aunts so much and have a lot of fun with them.

We stayed for dinner and had a very GREEN meal. We had a yummy zucchini quiche, pistachio salad, asparagus, green juice, and for desert, key lime pie. It was all so fun and super delicious! We had a very fun and luck filled day!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Is Double Always Better?

In this case....YES!!!

We finally upgraded to a double stroller and walks couldn't be more pleasant. Before, Vanessa would get so upset if I sat Owen in the umbrella stroller. She is going through a stage where she thinks EVERYTHING belongs to her. I would have to distract her by saying she could take her baby for a walk in her little stroller. That worked just fine until she would see the playground. She would ditch the doll stroller and head straight for the slide. So there I am wishing that I had 2 more hands so I can grab her, the doll stroller and push Owen home.

Needless to say, I don't have to worry about that anymore but I wouldn't mind having an extra hand or two to just help out. We went for a walk to today in the new stroller. Well new to us. We got it off for a great deal! I would highly recommend finding stuff there instead of buying new. It saves a ton of money! Anyway, the kids had a lot of fun sitting side-by-side as we went for a stroll. I also loved pushing it! It will also come in hand when we go to Disneyland in May.

Blue Pancakes!

In celebration of Owen's 8th month birthday, we decided to make blue pancakes. Owen even got to try some too! All I can say is that he loved them! He kept signing and saying "Mo, mo" for more. He loves being able to pick up little pieces of food and eat them.

Vanessa also loved the pancakes. She thought it was so much fun eating them. I think that colored pancakes are going to be a hit at our house. I love eating pancakes for dinner. Matter of fact, I prefer eating them for dinner rather than breakfast. And making them different colors just adds to the fun!

We had a really fun weekend this past week. We were able to have Laura come and stay with us while Mom and Dad went to Virginia to visit the Thomson Family. Laura and I had a lot of fun making some more bracelet watches and we even went and got a manicure together. Laura picked blue and I chose purple fingernail polish. It was fun to be able to go out and spend time with her. She is so much fun and so darn cute! I am so happy that I have great sister-in-laws that I can hang out with too! We loved having her stay with us and hope she can stay with us again!