Showing posts with label general mills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label general mills. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Watching the Big Game? Catch the General Mills Exclusive Cheerios BOGO #Coupon #familybreakfast #MyBlogSpark

Celebrate +General Mills  first-ever Big Game commercial spot with an exclusive Cheerios Buy One, Get One Free Coupon!

While you’re enjoying the Big Game this Sunday, be sure to keep an eye out for the premiere of Cheerios first-ever game day commercial! 
Cheerios is also partnering with a non-profit organization called The Family Dinner Project, to bring you The Family Breakfast Project, which provides tips, recipes and activities to help families connect over breakfast. Use the limited time, buy one get one free coupon to get begin experimenting with the Family Breakfast Project recipes and activities. Cheerios

Breakfast is more than a meal

See the surprising reasons why breakfast is the perfect time to connect with your family!

The coupon is valid only until February 15th, and limited to only one million first come first served respondents –  Download the coupon by clicking HERE and be sure to share with your friends too!

 Be sure to visit  +Cheerios   to join the Family Breakfast Project, or to watch the commercial!
  Tweeting about this event, be sure to use the hashtag #familybreakfast and #MyBlogSpark!

 If you enjoyed this shared post :) And you'd like to see more of the same in the latest news of newly released company products that are created & soon to hit the store shelves that you as the everyday consumer would like to learn about in my sponsored products reviews, giveaways or shared ideas of #DIY projects & more!  Then  I'd love for you to Subscribe to my free email newsletter at >> Mamawjs Moment Away or Follow me on my networks of  facebook   twitter  pinterest  where I share all of the above. And before you leave here today, don't forget to check out all my great sponsored >>> current-giveaways 
                                        that are free to enter, free for the chance to win
                                                                    & shipped free!
                   Thanks for dropping in & have a blessed day y'all :) ~~~ Julie

Mamawj's Moment Away Blog Disclose:
Due to FCC rules I am stating that The assets included within this message were delivered to me your blog host here @mamawj's moment away . I have complied here with both local and international laws by disclosing that I am working with +General Mills +MyBlogSpark
 who supplied these materials to me, required by local law. Affiliated links may be within this post. I received NO compensation to facilitate this informational blog post. . All opinions spoken here are my own honest opinions.


Friday, September 20, 2013

#Win Betty Crocker & Hershey's Team Up With 12 #NEW #frostings #cookie & #cupcake mixes Review & #Giveaway US

 Hey Y'all? Have you heard the #New +Betty Crocker  & #Hershey's  Sweet News?

      Let me enjoy telling you all about it then! These two great companies have teamed up to bring you 12 brand new exciting flavors in #frostings #cookie & #cupcake mixes that let you enjoy the #Hershey's flavors you already know & enjoy like #Almond Joy #Reese's #S'mores #Cookies 'n' Crème.
       And bring them to you in  #frostings #cookie & #cupcake mixes!
12 new Betty Crocker® Hershey’s® frostings, cookie and cupcake mixes! With iconic flavors such as Reese’s®, Cookies’n’crème and Almond Joy®,
Just when you thought she couldn’t, Betty has made life even more delicious with the launch of 12 new Betty Crocker® Hershey’s® frostings, cookie and cupcake mixes! With iconic flavors such as Reese’s®, Cookies’n’crème and Almond Joy®, these desserts will be a big hit with the candy lover in your life. Whether baking up a batch of cookies for your kids on a rainy day or celebrating a special event these desserts will have everyone asking for more. Mix and match flavors to make your own creations such as Cookies and Creme Cheesecake Bars or Chocolate Chunk Almond Brownies. The new line of Betty Crocker mixes and frostings truly offers a sweet for every style!

 Let's take a closer look at these new creations by  +Betty Crocker  & #Hershey's shall we?
         These new #baking creations make me think of all the #holidays rolled into one!
    With Halloween right upon us, I can see all these creations enjoyed for #parties of any #celebration!  Maybe you want to make some #cupcakes for those school parties or for friends dropping by on Halloween night?
                Then how about trying one of these choice 3 flavors in the
      #New +Betty Crocker  & #Hershey's #cupcake mixes!
HERSHEY’S S‘mores Cupcake Mix

             Cookies are a big hit too!

    HERSHEY’S Chocolate Chunk Cookie Mix

        Then Top them with the new flavors of the  +Betty Crocker  & #Hershey's frostings!
          Oh my, Oh my,  don't those flavors sound so yummy!?!?
                  One of my all time favorite candy bars to enjoy has been the #Hershey's PETER PAUL ALMOND JOY  #Candy #bar. I can still see, hear & remember that TV commercial from long, long ago that sang to the tune of :
          " Sometimes you feel like a nut Sometimes you don't Almond Joy's got nuts Mounds don't Almond Joy's got rich milk chocolate Coconut and a crunchy nut, too Mounds got deep dark chocolate Chewy coconut ooh
                          And now we can enjoy that great #Hershey's flavor in a #frosting!
                                         From +Betty Crocker & #Hershey's  
               I can just see these frosting flavors of +Betty Crocker  & #Hershey's
          enjoyed in so many dessert dishes besides atop their new creations of the #cookie & #cupcake mixes.
        Adding a great taste & visual eye candy as well in the recipe of desserts one could make to enjoy.

           Want to see what I baked up today in my #kitchen
        with the easy help thanks to +Betty Crocker  & #Hershey's ?
              Tonight's warm dessert cookie enjoyed will be the HERSHEY’S Cookies ‘n’ Crème Cookie Mix
                      And this new creation from +Betty Crocker  & #Hershey's  is so easy to mix up & bake.
        It called for only 3 tablespoons of water & softened butter. Just mix the bagged  Cookies 'n' Crème premium cookie mix dry ingredients with those 2 items & drop them onto a cookie sheet to bake according to the directions on the back of the box.
            Which I shall show you here below if you'll kindly step into my kitchen for a second :)

        Below you see the finished warm baked cookies that we all enjoyed for dessert in the #new product from  Betty Crocker & Hershey's
        of the Cookies 'n' Crème premium #cookie #mix
        And see what all you can have the chance to #win free in this free sponsored #General Mills  product review & #giveaway here today @mamawj's moment away
         #frostings #cookie & #cupcake mixes!

                        So Who wants to Win this great sponsored +General Mills  +Betty Crocker  #MyBlogSpark     #Baking Prize Pack that let's One (1) Lucky person enjoy the newest products in the
         Betty Crocker & Hershey's #frostings #cookie & #cupcake mixes & a $10 +Wal-mart  #gift card to buy some of the choices @your local #Wal-mart ?? 
                        The giveaway pack consist of:
         * 3 Betty Crocker Hershey’s® products to sample
        * $10 gift card
        * Decorating kit
        * Cupcake plunger
        * Retail Value: $55
                                              Great!! Just enter on the easy giveaway tools  form below for the chance to be that ONE (1) Lucky USA entrant (18 years or older & no p.o. boxes please) who will win it free, shipped free, courteousness of our kind sponsors
                        +General Mills  +Betty Crocker  HERSHEYS  MyBlogSpark

                             Good Luck Everyone!
        If you enjoyed this shared post :) And you'd like to see more shared news, product reviews, giveaways or shared ideas of #DIY projects, etc.  then  Subscribe to Mamawjs Moment Away or Follow me on my networks of  facebook   twitter  pinterest           And don't forget to check out all my other great sponsored  current-giveaways   Newest Giveaway listed is the chance to #Win a $50 #Old Navy #Gift Card so be sure to get your entry in Found by Clicking here @ the direct #giveaway Link & Good Luck!!
                                                 that are free to enter & free for the chance to win & shipped free!
                                                     Have a blessed day y'all :) ~~~ Julie ~~~~

        Mamawj's Moment Away Blog Disclose:
        I have complied here required by local law with both local and international laws. By disclosing that I am working with Betty Crocker® through MyBlogSpark.” who supplied these materials to me free, to facilitate this blog product review and hosted giveaway, all of which were free.  Affiliated links may be within this post. No compensation was provided by the sponsor. The opinions expressed above are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. "The information and prize pack have been provided by Betty Crocker® through MyBlogSpark.”

        Friday, September 6, 2013

        @Yoplait #GoGurt has 2 #flavors of #Strawberry #Splash or #Berry #Blue #Blast #MyBlogSpark

        Celebrate “Back to School” time with everyone’s favorite yogurt in a tube, Go-GURT®!GOGURT_logo
        Kids love Go-GURT® Yogurt! It’s fun to eat, and has great tasting flavors kids crave. And mom loves that Go-GURT is NOW made with natural colors and flavors, and contains no high-fructose corn syrup!
        Not only is Go-GURT® a good source of calcium, but it is the perfect addition to any lunch because it’s made to freeze and thaw by lunchtime!
        Now let's all spread the word about Go-GURT® !!
        If your kids enjoy #Go-Gurt as my much as my grandson does, you may want to tweet about the product so others know to try it too!
        Comment while you are here today if you have tried these flavors?
        We like the @Yoplait  #flavor Strawberry Splash :)
        Feel free readers, to tweet the exact phrase you see just below :)
         @Yoplait  has 2 #flavors of #Strawberry #Splash or #Berry #Blue #Blast #MyBlogSpark @itsallnew2me

        If you enjoyed this shared post :) And you'd like to see more shared news, shared ideas, product reviews, giveaways or  #DIY projects, etc.  then  Subscribe to Mamawjs Moment Away or Follow me on my networks of  facebook   twitter  pinterest          
         And don't forget to check out all my  great sponsored  current-giveaways 
         Have a blessed day y'all :) ~~~ Julie ~~~~ 
        Mamawj's Moment Away Blog Disclose:
        Due to FCC rules which requires that I disclose to you that I was NOT compensated for this product news post. The assets included within this message were delivered to me your blog host here @mamawj's moment away. I have complied here with both local and international laws by disclosing that I am working with #MyBlogSpark who supplied these materials to me, about  this #Yoplait  #GoGurt  product required by local law. Affiliated links may be within this post. No compensation was given for the post & all opinions spoken here are my own honest opinions. 
        I'm just sharing this blogger news for my readers to know :)

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