While you’re enjoying the Big Game this Sunday, be sure to keep an eye out for the premiere of Cheerios first-ever game day commercial!
Cheerios is also partnering with a non-profit organization called The Family Dinner Project, to bring you The Family Breakfast Project, which provides tips, recipes and activities to help families connect over breakfast. Use the limited time, buy one get one free coupon to get begin experimenting with the Family Breakfast Project recipes and activities.
Breakfast is more than a meal
See the surprising reasons why breakfast is the perfect time to connect with your family!The coupon is valid only until February 15th, and limited to only one million first come first served respondents – Download the coupon by clicking HERE and be sure to share with your friends too!
Be sure to visit Cheerios.com +Cheerios to join the Family Breakfast Project, or to watch the commercial!
Tweeting about this event, be sure to use the hashtag #familybreakfast and #MyBlogSpark!
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Thanks for dropping in & have a blessed day y'all :) ~~~ Julie
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