Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts

Saturday, October 25, 2014

@Ghostbusters DVD & Meal Cards #Giveaway @Ryan's and Old Country Buffet Enter Here!

Hello there you Boo-tiful and ghostly Readers of mine!!
   Spook night is almost here!!  

        Six nights from now all the little goblins and ghost will put on their creative costumes and tap upon your door for sweet treats to eat!! 
Halloween falls on a Friday night this year Which is next Friday!!!
         I don't even have my candy bought to hand out. Have you bought yours?  We usually have lots of treaters at our door. I love seeing there different costumes. When my daughter was young, together we usually made her outfit she chose, or bought a few later. My grandson was so cute in each of the ones my daughter bought him throughout the years. They even dress up with him and when they dropped in for his treats we just loved finding out what costumes they chose looked like. Let this proud granny share them from over the years past. It is almost Halloween so let these inspire you to go out and have fun!! 
                                                       My grown daughter now is 33yrs 
                                                  But so cute as a clown :)  
                            All grown and enjoying fun costumes with her little one (boy does time fly by!) 
             We loved seeing what they had chosen when they stop by for candy treats I had made.

What are your plans for Halloween? What treats will you make, bake, or serve for spook night?
Do you watch those spooky or fun movies on DVD on the Halloween weekend?
   Do you enjoy going out to eat where you can let the kids wear their costumes in fun?
       When we were in the Navy, I use to love taking my daughter to the malls, or restaurants that encouraged the families to bring their kids in costume for fun free treats, games or even free kids meals. 
            I'm here to let you know about where you can do all of that this Halloween.
        And that would be to visit your local Ryan's or Old Country Buffets restaurant locations for lots of Fall and Halloween fun with the kids.      

When you bring your children in to Ryan's in costume on Halloween, and they'll eat for free!
      Also, who didn't enjoy that fun movie of Ghost-busters? Right?  I still love that movie!!
        It's the 30th Anniversary of the movie GhostBusters!! 
          So Ryan's is letting you & your family in on the fun :) 

So...."If you ain't afraid of no ghosts!" Prove it at your Ghostbusters-themed Family Night, tonight and every Thursday night from 5 pm to 8 pm this month at Ryan's FamilyNight and Old Country Buffet restaurant locations.
            Just look for ANY of these named restaurant establishments to dine in and enjoy. Each one is a line of the family restaurant chain of Old Country Buffet. The names may appear different but the home cooked foods are all the same. With buffet for fresh hot foods, like blue ribbon baby back ribs salad fixings, dessert choices, plenty of seating, great prices, and fun activities for the kids! In a welcomed family friendly environment. And with hundreds of locations to choose from in the USA~ your sure to live near or pass one on your way to somewhere.
Old Country BuffetRyan'sFire MountainCountry BuffetHome Town Buffet
      Happening now in the Month of October ~  When you purchase the anniversary edition of the comedy classic GhostBusters on Blue-ray to receive their special coupon offer. 
               And today Ryan's and Old Country Buffet is going to let ONE (1) Lucky USA reader here at Mamawj's Away enjoy a fun prize pack in celebration of the fun Fall time happenings going on at their restaurant. 
                    While it's the ghostly truth that the 30th anniversary of GhostBusters is now out on Blue-ray for purchase.
                    It's also true that the regular DVD of the movie was & still is a big hit to enjoy watching! As too, it's a joy to visit Ryan's and dine with them on their endless Buffet bars that harbors all sorts of yummy ghoulish dishes that you & your kids can enjoy during the month of October.
             So they also want you to enjoy that treat on me too! With this fun sponsored giveaway!
             One (1)  Lucky USA person 18+yrs in age or older will win the same fun prize pack that I was able to review :)
                                      Winners prize pack will include:
                                          The original DVD (not blueray) of the movie GhostBusters 
                  And meal cards for use at ANY Old Country Buffet Line of chained restaurants

Enter through the Giveaway Tools Entry Forum below & Good Luck Everyone!!
 You can view and read my previous reviews for this wonderful home town cooking buffet line of restaurants found Here And you will also find a ghoulish recipe you can both create at home or find on their dessert buffet to enjoy called "Creepy Cup Of Dirt" just perfect for Halloween and the kids will love it!
                             So be sure to VISIT Their Buffet Locations across the USA. 
                 Be sure to visit, follow, fan or subscribe to the web site & social network sites for both 
                                 Ryan's Buffet  And Old Country Buffet
                       So many perks can be enjoyed like, BOGO free birthday coupon
               Kids club to receive a free coupon for a meal on their birthday
It's Party Time!

Join our Birthday fun Club and receive a free Kid's Meal on their big day! (Just kids 11 or younger!)
                                          Senior Citizens Discounts Everyday

                          Book it or Reserve it ahead of time for Group parties, reunions etc.

Mamawj's Moment Away Blog Disclose:
I have complied here required by local law with both local and international laws. By disclosing that I am working with Old Country Buffet , Ryan's and Crayola  who supplied these materials to me free, to facilitate this blog product review and hosted giveaway, all of which were free.  Affiliated links may be within this post. No compensation was provided by the sponsors. The opinions expressed above are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. "The information and prize pack have been provided    by  Old Country Buffet & contributing sponsors for the free prizes within the gift pack graciously provided.
        Thank you sponsors!!
                                                                                              Good Luck Entrants!!  

Saturday, September 14, 2013

#Fall Update: New Product Reviews & Giveaways Coming Soon Includes #MyBlogSpark #Betty Crocker #Hershey's #BzzAgent #TruMoo #Halloween Milk & more!

          With the month of September already half over & October just around the bend, that means the Fall season is here to enjoy!
            So it's time for those fun loving sports like soccer & football to be enjoyed outside in the cool crisp air.
            Which means bring on the snacks! Whether it's tailgate parties, sleepovers, or family time spent together.
             Enjoying warm comforting snacks with cold milk can make those memories even more enjoyable.
            And the same way that you can look forward to those fun times ahead during the beautiful fall season, you can be sure to look forward as well to my "Upcoming" New product reviews & giveaways with some new & exciting snack & food products just being released from those great companies like #General Mills, #Betty Crocker, Hershey's, TruMoo Milk, & more!   
  That I just know you will love hearing about & having the chance to win them right here                                                                   at
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mamawj's Moment Away~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       And I look forward to baking you up some warm snack ideas with these tasty treats!!
         Be sure to sign up for my free email newsletter,  Subscribe so you don't miss entering for the chance to win those warm & satisfying upcoming #giveaways!   
                                         Great #Fall Campaigns Coming soon!!


                                            And be sure before you go, to get your entry in to my  $50 #OldNavy #GiftCard #Giveaway  ~ So you can treat yourself or the kids to some new #BackToSchool clothes to enjoy! :)
                                                            Have a great weekend y'all ~ 

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