Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

Light snow at Fukuoka

Area Chikushi campus, Kyushu Uni

Area Chikushi campus, Kyushu Uni

Chikushi campus, Kyushu Uni

For those who have asked me about the snow at my place, here I write down a little bit about the situation. At my place, it doesn't have such heavy snow as reported in news. No worries k. Just to share with u guys, it just a light snow as u can see in my pics. Actually these pics were taken by my husband at his campus yesterday (give credits to him).. hehe..Thats all for now..I want to make doughnut for my dear mawaddah.jap g my chenta hati tu da nak bangun..i sure she will ask me "mama, mana doughnut adda?"haha before dia bangun baik I go first n main2 tepung wat doughnut..chauchinchau..take care & best of luck in whatever you do..As-salam..=)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Snow 2012 @ Kuju Ski, Oita

Me n my husband otw to Kuju Ski. 
The 1 n only so far, Ainnur Mawaddah
Mawaddah with her new friends
While waiting to buy the entrance ticket

My new friends that help us a lots during our early arrival

Happy moment for both waddah n ayah=)
1 big happy family @Kuju Ski, Oita 2012
As-salam to all..Alhamdulillah this is my 2nd post in my blog..hehe..First of all, thanks coz sudi menghadapkan mata m'baca blog sy ini..ok,dlm entry kali ni, I just wanna share our moments during our winter vacation at Kuju Ski, Oita...Okay, actually for those yg xtahu lagi now sy berada di Japan or more specific at Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka..Tujuannya ke sini..jeng3..adalah menemani en suami t'chenta to further his study..Hopefully, Allah permudahkan setiap perkara yg kami buat disini..especially my en suami punyer PhD..Amin..
Ok, berbalik ke cerita main snow..mmg sgt2 best n, sgt xtahan dgn tempeature yg m'cecah minus kot..xrecord plak temperature time tu..air hidung ni mmg meleleh la sbb sejuk sgt2..View sepanjang perjalanan ke sana dr Fukuoka ke Oita mmg sgt2 menarik..melalui bandar n perkampungan..View dia sgt2 cntik but unfortunately, xdpt nk share kt sini coz xbw camera..huhu..its okay, insyaAllah kami kt sini lama lagi..myb in my next2 entry akan dikongsi bersama pic t'sebut..myb next snow2013...insyaAllah kalau di izinkan Allah..
Thats all for now..n enjoy our pics..actually all these pics mmg da ada kt myfb..hehe..Enjoy again..=)