Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hanabi 2012

The japanese word of fireworks is (花火,Hanabi) . Hanabi held every year across the country, mainly during the summer holidays. The special of Hanabi is there are some of the Japanese people dressed in yukata to enjoy the show. The firework shows typically start some time after sunset and the show duration is about 2 hours. Thats why we really excited to experience Hanabi since the vanue for Hanabi is just near by my house. There are variety types of beautiful Hanabi during the show and every time the Hanabi appeared, the audience will be shouted 'kirei ne' or in Malay if I'm not mistaken 'cantiknyer..The challenge to us during the show is to find good viewing spot in order to enjoy the Hanabi. Some of the people are reserved the best spot hours in advanced..In all, we really enjoyed with the show especially our little cutey daughter, Ainnur Mawaddah..This is the first experience for Mawaddah with fireworks...Okay, there are some pictures of us during the Hanabi show on 1st Sept 2012. 

* On the way to the Hanabi vanue..time tu waddah jerit..ayah..cepat..dum2..hehe*

* So crowded with peoples*

* Some of the Japanese wearing Yukata*

* Food stalls along the road*

* Dah la crowded, wadah pulak buat perangai nak jalan ikut  benteng tu..sian ayah layan anak dia tu..hehe*


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sakura Viewing 2012


Wow, It is quite long time I didn't update any story mory here..Rinduu sgt nk update myblog ni..Don't know y my momentum to update anything is decreased drastically..haha..thats y, almost 2 weeks I think. hrmm..Eventho, lots of things that I wanted to share but again penyakit M.A.L.A.S telah melanda diriku..huhu, I wanna share with u guys some of the sakura pictures during our hanami at Kumamoto Castle, Tateoka Natural Park, Sakura street, Kasuga Park and the last one is Maizuru Park..Haha 1st time la katakan..eventho lenguh my knee bcoz byk berjalan during the sakura season but I tell you..It’s really worth and what I can say here is SubhanAllah..I'm so speechless during my first time experience with sakura viewing. It was a beautiful and even amazing scenery I ever had.. For those who are not familiar with 'hanami', it means picnic under the blooming of sakura aka cherry blossoms..Normally, sakura blooming is just around 1-2 weeks before it falls and the leaves come out. .=(

* Nice view of sakura with the blue sky *

* Nak kena pegang baru okay..kalau x asyik nak lari2 je..haishh anak mama ni =) *

* Kumamoto Castle *

* SuhanAllah...sunset view with sakura at Tateoka Natural Park, Uto *

* Hanami @ Maizuru Park *

* Pink version of sakura *

* Hanami @ Kasuga Park *

* Mawaddah & her dad with the sakura viewing *

* Peace no war from me ;) *

* me n encik husband terchenta *

* Mawaddah solehah..amin.. *

Bye-bye sakura 2012..I wish to see u again next year..insyaAllah..

Sunday, March 18, 2012

First time I went to Japan (Part 2: Universal Studios Japan)

By referring to my previous entry on my first visit to Japan -------> Actually this is my second time come to Japan. My first visit to Japan was in Feb2009 for attending a training on gas adsorption analyzer equipment with kak bihah at Osaka city. My company has bought equipment from BEL, a company in Japan and therefore, we as the user need to attend the training on operational of that equipment..It was winter season and I wanna share with u my first down experience...

Day 3

Good morning dear, as promised in my previous entry.. here I upload some pics during my visit to USJ 3 yrs ago. Amazingly how fast time flies..3years already..rasa baru je lagi..Actually, I xlarat nk describe panjang lebar as my previous entry..nak cepat to prepare breakfast for my hubby..hehe..k enjoy the pics..

* Train to USJ *
* xsangka dpt g USJ *
* hoho USJ sign board *
* On train to USJ *

* singgah jap snap pic in front of Hard Rock Cafe USJ *

* Luckily we got discount to enter USJ due to Valentines day but  we need to hugs each other in order to get the love pass *
* In front of USJ entrance *

* welcome to Universal Studios Japan *
* me & Universal Studios trademark *

* 4D Cinema *

* in front of  souvenirs shop *

* Ready to watch 4D movie- Shrek 4D Adventure *

* The Amazing Adventure of Spider-Man: The Ride *
* Before going in to ride the E.T Adventure *

* So cold & exhausted but really enjoyed *

* Jurassic Park -The ride *
* me & kak bihah *
* me yg suka sgt2 posing *

* Studios style in pink *

* I love this shop pretty much *

* Jurassic Outfitters : I bought t-shirt for my sister here *
* InsyaAllah since dah ada di bumi sakura ni, boleh ajak hubby n mawaddah  to come here again *
* peace from USJ souvenirs shop *

* Night view at Hard Rock Cafe *

* I bought Hard Rock Cafe Osaka T-shirt for my dear hubby *

* thanks to the police women for guiding me to buy ticket *

* haha sempat lg nk pose dgn souvenir yg dibeli for hubby n my family *

* On my way to hotel sempat lg shopping tepung udang tempura for my mum *

I found at USJ website that Universal Wonderland has been launched which has a total of 28 facilities in the cute and colorful new are featuring popular characters. I wish to bring my hubby & mawaddah to USJ some day. Since dah ada di bumi sakura ni kena jugak pergi sekali lagi..hehe..

Day 4

Travelling day back to Kuala Lumpur..