Sunday, October 24, 2010

Grab n Gobble

The days are getting colder and that's not so great. Having to drive to school (saja nak habaq, got my liscence two weeks ago!!!*poyo*) with the stering wheel practically frozen is a new experience. So busy and I am bummed that I can't spend time cooking as much. Still, my stomach demand a little sweet treats once in a while.

 Thank goodness for these...

Cremé Bruleé !!

Creamy custard.

Sprinkle brown sugar.

Burn with a torch.



Eine Frau aus Botnang said...

Salam Mami, I hope your 21st Oct day was special! wink* wink* It excites me when the spoon ketuk on that hard after burn sugar and slides inside that soft cream pudding.. Sodappnyaaaa. Dont't work too hard tau!!!

R&R Family in Germany said...

Mami...amboi sedap nyer. Sejuk rasa anak tekak Cremé Bruleé dok slide down. Congrats dah dapat driving license! Boleh mai rumah kak Rifina lagu ni. Mai dgn Fasha mid November ni nak tak?

My Life My World said...

Salam Mami ... lama nyer Acik tak bersiaran disini..Rindu lak kat Mami ..hehehehe.

Sedapnyer .... so mudah nak menyediakan nyer yer. Ini kira macam mee segera kat Malaysia lah ni yer. Nanti balik Malaysia bawak balik sekotak yer ;D

mami said...


hi Fasha,

thanks..haha..tak special mana pun..:D I ni start makan cremé bruleé lepas tgk cerita Amelié yang sgt bes tu..haha..after that trus jadi die hard fan..

Hi Kak Rifina,

Thanks for the wish, mid november ni tak bleh la, sbb saya kena pergi kelas..takde cuti.. insya Allah kalau cuti chrismas nanti, bleh saya pujuk suami saya drive ke hannover...apa pun kami akan bagitau kak rifina dulu ek..:D


wah sampai rindu kat saya..haha..mmg sedap, tp makan satu tak cukup..heheheh

Rima said...

Salam Aidil Adha to u and ur hb.. :o)

Nadia Dzai said...


CS said...

Knock.. knock ..

Mamiiiii ... oh Mamiiii ...

La Petite Cherie said...

Creme brulee!! Looks good!! And I love Le Festin by Camille as well :)) Such a wonderful song!!

Rima said...

I hope all is well with u dear.. take care and happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Assalam Mami...
Lama sungguh tak kesini.

Nak cerita sikit n I hope u will read it...
Subuh tadi while bersahur, I watched 1 cooking prog. hosted by Anis (it was shot in Germany). The minute she introduced the person/s who gonna cook the traditional German dish, I just knew it was your hubby n you were standing next to him (I cld still remember vividly how u looked like). Terlepas juga rindu kat you.

I hope all is well...selamat berpuasa dan berhari raya. Tak balik kampong?

..cik Som @ CS..