Showing posts with label Hello. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hello. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


ME - Busy strategizing
CHEENAPOP - Busy Praying
ME - Mentally Exhausted
CHEENAPOP - Exhausted After Praying Very Hard

Dear Peeps,
My apologies for being silent for quite a while. I have been very busy thinking of strategies to help MDDB counter the many problems we face. Strategizing can be very tiring as it involves a lot of brainwork and I am mentally exhausted at the end of each working day. My sister Shalini ‘Cheenapop’ Kiki-Mae has also been busy praying as she is a very spiritual four-legged individual. She confided in me that she is praying for the local councils to show some compassion for us dogs, as they are the country’s biggest animal abusers. On another matter, I would also like to urge members of the public to help MDDB when they chance upon stray puppies and dogs in need of help. Usually they expect MDDB to immediately go to the spot and pick-up the doggies and puppies the moment they call. This is not possible as all MDDB members have fulltime jobs and some even have second jobs to help them fund their rescue activities. So, please help them by taking the doggies and puppies home first or better still - foster them until our monthly adoption drive. We will provide food, cages and veterinary care while they are being fostered. Secondly, MDDB has no power or authority to confront owners who mistreat their animals. So, please do not demand we do this and then castigate the poor two-legged when there is no positive response from the evil owners. My human underlings in MDDB have also reported to me that we are in the red after paying for brother Lester’s medical bill. So, please kind people – send your loose change our way as we have many more dogs in need of help. Lastly, please also send positive energy our way so that Cheenapop’s marathon prayer sessions are not in vain.
Woof, Woof
SPS (Ms)
(Shamini Popiko Sasha)