Last week I wrote a review of my friend Jason’s new book that he has written about zombies. The name of the book is “The Dying Of The Light:End”. The book is pretty awesome.
You can buy the book through the publisher’s website for a paperback copy. Or you can buy the Kindle version here for only FOUR bucks. Yes I said FOUR BUCKS!!!
In that post I announced that I would be doing my first giveaway here on Make Daddy A Sammich by giving away a copy of the zombie book.
So on Sunday night I wrote down all of your names who wished to participate in the giveaway. I then cut out the names of all you who wanted in and placed them in a green plastic cup.
I then put on Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” song on my laptop and made my kids walk around like zombies. Yes I know “Thriller” was about werewolves, but that is not important right now. So after making my kids walk around like zombies while listening to “Thriller” for five minutes, I let my daughter stop and pick one person’s name out of the cup.
And the name that my daughter picked was………………….
Bushman over at "The High Cost Of This Low Living" is the official winner. So please go check out his blog. I will be contacting Bushman soon to get his address to mail him the copy of the book. As soon I as get the book in my hands, I will be sending it out.
Thank you to all of you for supporting my friend by liking his facebook page, buying his book, and spreading the word about his book through your peoples. I really appreciate of all your help. And thank you for participating in my very first blog give away.
You can buy the book through the publisher’s website for a paperback copy. Or you can buy the Kindle version here for only FOUR bucks. Yes I said FOUR BUCKS!!!
In that post I announced that I would be doing my first giveaway here on Make Daddy A Sammich by giving away a copy of the zombie book.
So on Sunday night I wrote down all of your names who wished to participate in the giveaway. I then cut out the names of all you who wanted in and placed them in a green plastic cup.
I then put on Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” song on my laptop and made my kids walk around like zombies. Yes I know “Thriller” was about werewolves, but that is not important right now. So after making my kids walk around like zombies while listening to “Thriller” for five minutes, I let my daughter stop and pick one person’s name out of the cup.
And the name that my daughter picked was………………….
Bushman over at "The High Cost Of This Low Living" is the official winner. So please go check out his blog. I will be contacting Bushman soon to get his address to mail him the copy of the book. As soon I as get the book in my hands, I will be sending it out.
Thank you to all of you for supporting my friend by liking his facebook page, buying his book, and spreading the word about his book through your peoples. I really appreciate of all your help. And thank you for participating in my very first blog give away.