Showing posts with label interest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interest. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cool stuff.

Benda cool mesti di share. Takleh simpan sensorang. Kan?

1. Comment form yang lebih elegan.

Comment form ini dinamakan comment form intense debate. Comment form ini membolehkan pembaca (pengomen) untuk melakukan banyak perkara contohnya log in pakai Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress dan lain² lagi. Rujuk gambar di bawah.

Dan apa yang coolnya comment from ini adalah, tak perlu load window! Wahh.

Nak jadi cool? Gunalah comment form ini. Click kat sini untuk info yang lebih lanjut.

Zaid dah jadi pengguna comment form yang elegan ini. Nampaknya dia gembira dengannya.

2. ShoutMix yang gempak gemilang.

Sebab mengapa korang kena tukar ke shoutmix yang baru.

  • lebih cantik dan menarik
  • lebih teratur
  • boleh sign in guna Twitter, Facebook atau email. dan kalau yang malas nak sign in, boleh je tinggalkan mesej as guest
  • ada avatar comel!

Yang kiri tu yang lama. Yang kanan tu yang baru.

See, nampak tak betapa coolnya ShoutMix yang baru iaitu yang bewarna hijau tuh? Dah la warna hijau. Tenang je bila tengok. Hikhiks.

Berminat? Terjah kat sini laju²!

Macam biasa, Zaid juga dah mencuba ShouMix yang baru ni. Disebabkan itu, dia berasa sangat cool sekarang.

Mesti korang condemn aku sebab promote kat korang tapi aku sendiri tak buat. Wait, aku bukan anti inovasi. Nanti kalau rajin aku buat. :p

p/s: Kat blog Zaid ada macam² benda berfaedah. Tak caye korang terjahh la.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


" Apa pun kalau dibiar terlalu lama, akan jadi sejuk,
 Kalau sudah sejuk tidak sedap, 
Masa tengah panaslah kalau hendak makan, hendak telan, kalau hendak apa pun."

Different people may have different interpretation with what Sabri Yunus said. I have mine. You have yours. Beautiful analogy ain't it? 

Oh yeah, you gotta watch this movie. Special attention to Kelantanese out there. It's so funny that I went rolled on the floor (exaggerate much). Funny yet full of values.

Watch people. No regrets I guarantee.



Credits: Sorok bau budu.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Would you?

I got a tag from Cha.

So here it goes.

1.You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. 
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for people you tagged to answer. 
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post. 
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her. 
6. No tag backs. 
7. No stuff in the tagging section about. 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

11 things about me :
1. 19 years old
2. The middle child
3. Spicy-phobic
4. A real gamer (this is a lie)
5. Big fan of harry potter
6. My eyes are hazel (so what?)
7. Fond of Domino
8. Korean drama lover ( I hate k-pop, get it right)
9. I hate celcom, yet a celcom user ==’
10. I adore fat kids
11. And on top of the above, I’M A MUSLIM.

Questions from Cha
1.  What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you  is? hahaha.
She’s friendly. First time chatting with her proved this. Yeah, she’s funny too. Check out her blog if you don’t believe me. ;)

2. Apakah perasaan anda saat anda sedang berjihad buat tag ini? ngeeee :D
See. The word berjihad itself makes me smile. Haha. Orite². I feel happy as I’m about to have my dinner. Yummeyh! (It’s satay people!)

3. Lengkapkan ayat berikut. belog selipermerah ... 
Sangat kelakar. Semoga kita bersahabat hingga akhir nyawa eh kawan. Kawen jangan lupa ajak eh. Sedih kot kalau tak ajak.

So these are my questions.
1.What is your favourite blog? (include the address too)
2.What is your favourite all time quote?
3.Your strength?
4.Do you like mathematics?
5.Maisarah Alloha in my eyes is ____

I tagged


26/10/2011, 8.17pm.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sisterly hood.

Ada dua orang adik beradik ni tengah bergaduh. Gaduh punya gaduh, umie dia pun datang. (macam biasa, umie pelerai segalanya.)

Umie     :  Ni kenapa ni kakak, adik?
Adik      :  Kakak yang kacau adik dulu. Adik tak buat apa-apa pun kat dia !
Kakak   :  TIPU ! Bukan kakak yang kacau adik dulu. Adik yang tiba-tiba datang pastuh 
               tarik-tarik rambut kakak !
Adik     :  Tak umie. Kakak bohong ! Adik ...

Belum sempat adik meneruskan kata-kata seterusnya, umie mencelah. 

Umie :    Kakak dengan adik dah solat ke belum ni?
KakakAdik : Dah ! (dengan lajunya mereka menjawab)
Umie :  Habis kalau dah solat kenapa kakak dengan adik masih lagi bergaduh?

My daughters. (tak, tipu je :p)

Kakak dan adik kehairanan. Ape plak kaitannya dengan solat ni?? 

Kakak : Umie, what are you talking about? We don't get it. (speaking London siot kakak dia!)

Umie : Tak payah nak speaking speaking sangat lah kan. Solat kan dapat mencegah 
           seseorang daripada melakukan kemungkaran. Tapi kenapa kakak dengan 

           adik masih bergaduh sesama sendiri? Ni mesti tak sempurna solat tu tadi.

Kakak adik :   Err, hehe. We finish it less than 2 minutes. Thee hee hee.

Umie           :   =='

Lepas tuh dorang mintak maaf antara satu sama lain. Alolololo.

Moral : Selagi mana kita masih melakukan kemungkaran, itu petandanya solat kita masih belum sempurna.

"Sesungguhnya solat itu mencegah dari (perbuatan) keji dan mungkar. Dan (ketahuilah) mengingat ALLAH (solat) itu lebih besar (keutamaannya dari ibadah yang lain). ALLAH mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.” [Al –Ankabut, 45]

p/s: Solat aku tak sempurna lagi sebab aku mengumpat orang semalam. :(

Go check this. Please.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Domino anyone?

Salam and hey ya!

Benda ni dah lama, cuma baru teringat nak share ngan you olz. (takleyh bla betol orang yang eja 'you all' as 'you olz'. zz )

Masa zaman sekolah dulu, ada sorang cikgu ni mintak tolong aku cari salotape. Kebetulan masa tu aku nampak Ustaz Salahuddin. (Ustaz yang ajar Bahasa Arab masa aku Form 3) So aku pegi la pinjam kat dia. Sebelum dia bagi pinjam, dia dah carikkan starting point salotape tuh. Kadang-kadang kan macam susah nak cari starting point salotape. So lama jugak la dia ambik masa. Lepas tu bila da jumpe, you olz tau dia cakap apa??

"Alhamdulillah." Nah ambik ni.

At that moment I was like " Ya Allah. This Ustaz amazed me. By just getting the starting point of the salotape, he blurted Alhamdulillah? Allahuakbar.

Gambar tak berkaitan dengan cerita. Tapi berkaitan dengan apa yang perut aku sedang alami. I'm hungrayhhh !

Mesti you olz rasa macam biasa je. Tapi bagi aku tak. Sebab aku rasa macam benda kecik je dapat carik starting point salotape.

Tapi dia cakap Alhamdulillah. Means he thanked Allah for that. For benda kecik like that?

Subhanallah. Awesome ah Ustaz nih. Benda kecik macam tu pun dia cakap Alhamdulillah. Apa lagi kalau dapat benda-benda besar.

Since that aku selalu ingat nak blurt Alhamdulillah. Even benda tu benda kecik je.

Moral: Kita kena selalu bersyukur dan berterima kasih kat Allah atas semua yang berlaku dalam hidup kita. Even benda tu benda kecik je. Cayyalah Mai! (pathetic gila cakap cayyalah kat diri sendiri ==')

p/s: Sorry for the not-related title. I do it all the times. :p


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

House decorations.

" Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace. [13:28] "

In case you wanna decorate your house, why don't you use these. Thus, every time you look at the designs, your thought is always on Him. Hence, you'll feel peace. Awesome ain't it?

p/s: I always dream to have my own house. One day, InsyaAllah. Amin. (please awesome people, aminkan for me? Thanks. )


Sunday, September 18, 2011

We lose. HAHA

I found this pic when browsing Facebook just now. It makes me laugh.

Aiseyman. Kalah ngan SBP plak. 

Mann, I miss school days so much. It reminds me how we will defend our school when friends from SBP kutuk, cerca and all. HAHA. So immature of us. 

But now, there's no more. We're all grown up. and matured too. Hew hew hew

P/s: I get jealous with korang yang fly. Buat status" Lecture in medical course starts today, suhu luar rumah 11 degree celcius." bagai. (orang jeles memang macamni. sorry :p)


Monday, September 5, 2011

This is why I love Hari Raya.

I know it's been ages since my last update. So here I am, updating this blog to let you know that I am still alive. :p

So, hows your raya guysgirls? Mine was AWESOME.
I'll tell more on my next posts. Now, I'm busy studying for upcoming examination completing my assignments. Sigh. (takyah nak sigh sigh sangat la, sape suroh tak buat)

More raya pictures on my next post. Stay tune.

Take care everyone. Bui-bui.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, darl.

Dear Bro Musz,
You're officially 39 today. Wish you great health, overloaded prosperity and everlasting happiness. Amin.


Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al-Masrie | Sleep to me is, wasting time.

This awesome guy used to be my source of semangat when I was in secondary school. He's like catalyst that catalyze me. I feel motivated, captivated every time I heard news about him. If you knew his story (cite dia masa kecik), you will have the same thought as mine about him. Every single time he do something, he has high determination and don't easily give up. That's what I like the best about him. BUKAN SEBAB HANDSOME SEMATA-MATA EH. Sebab kalau handsome tapi _____ buat apa kan? :p

My points are, marilah kita berusaha untuk menjadi bijak dan berkebolehan dalam pelbagai bidang macam brader nih. People will fall for it. Macam Nabi kita, Muhammad SAW. :')

p/s: Aku tak minat dia sampai rasa nak kawen pon eh(macam orang tuh). He's to me like a brother je. Beza umur 20 tahun kot.

Ayuh bersemangat!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

63 Building

Sekarang memang busy.
Tapi aku nak jugak post ni.
Jjyeahhh !!
Kalau aku diberi peluang untuk pilih tempat yang aku nak pegi.
berikut adalah senarai-senarai nya. :)

  1. Mekah Al-Mukarramah
  2. Aquaria KLCC
  3. Sanggojae, Korea Selatan
  4. Jeju Island
  5. 63 Building
  6. Eiffel Tower
  7. Hong Kong Disneyland
  8. Caledonia Island
  9. Istanbul
  10. Rome
  11. Rumah Lee Dong Wook
  12. Victoria waterfalls
  13. Masjid kristal
  14. Taipei 101
  15. Burj Dubai hotel
  16. Venice, Italy
  17. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
  18. Forbidden City, Beijing
  19. Taj Mahal, India
  20. Mount Fuji, Japan
  21. The Walt Disney World!
  22. Sydney Opera House
Ni la antara tempat-tempatnya.
Korang plakss?
Kalau korang buat post pasal ni, please buzz aku tau.

Aku pun nak tau jugak mana yang korang idam-idamkan nak pegi. ^__^
