Showing posts with label people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label people. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2012


"Aku tak suka politik. Aku takmau ambik tau. Lantak depa la nak begadoh ka apa ka, aku takmau campoq."

"Politics is a load crap. I hate it. I'm politics-free type of person."

Aku agak mesti ada antara korang yang ada perasaan macam ni. Well, aku pun sama sebenarnya. Tak minat nak involve dengan benda laguni.

Tapi cuba korang pikir. Kalau korang takmau involve pon dengan benda ni, tempias tu akan kena jugak kat korang. Takmau pi mengundi pon akan kena tempias jugak sebab kita duduk kat Malaysia. <-- Bak kata kawan aku.

Apa yang boleh kita buat sekarang, ubah cara pemikiran kita. Start ambik tau apa yang tengah berlaku. Aku pun umur dah 20. (tapi kalau ikut sebenar lambat lagi :p) Tak lama lagi dah bleh mengundi. Jadi mesti kita nak pilih yang terbaik. Orang yang betul² boleh lead kita.

Macam nak pilih suami la. Takkan sebab dia tabuq duit bertimbun depan mata terus setuju nak jadik suami. Kena tengok perangai dia, agama dia and etc jugak. Oh tudia tak berkaitan. Sorry merepek.

Maka, untuk pilih yang terbaik, kita mesti banyak membaca. Jangan ambik bulat-bulat apa yang media cakap. Be wise la kan. Kita suma pon besaq dah. Takmau dah la pikir benda tak penting. 
Come on la. Bukak mata. Doesn't mean family kita pro kerajaan kita kena ikut depa and doesn't mean depa pro pembangkang kita kena ikut.

Make your own decision. But remember, only after you've read a lot. Like, A LOT.

Oh one more thang, kalau taktau tentang sesuatu, don't bother to talk la eh. Bukan pa, takut la kalau tak betui ka. Nanti kita jugak nampak bodoh kurang cerdik. Just saying.

Tu ja kot noh.

p/s: Geez, I feel so grown up!


Monday, January 2, 2012


Dhribayt is actually 'birthday' written in jumble. Annoying I know. Hikhik.

You know, I never had a surprise birthday party/celebration. I always knew it when they're about to make surprise for me. As an awesome homo sapiens, I just remain cool, sit still, as if i donno a thang about it. 

Hmm, what to do.


I always come up with crappy introduction. Simply ignore that. So here it is.

Oh before that, since I'm not thinking of having a new shoutbox yet, and in case you wanna ask anything, simply email me at 


Get back to the track Mai! Alrite, I'm on way dude. 

As you already know, most of the Muslim celebrate Awal Muharram (new year for Muslim). Ouh nice. But why, why and why and why, when it comes to their birthday, they follow the Masihi calendar. 

They celebrate new year according to Hijrah calendar and when it comes to their birthday, they celebrate it according to Masihi calendar.

Note: Me too.

I've never met anyone that celebrate her/his birthday according to Hijrah calendar.

Do you have any idea why? Because I'm curious to death.

p/s: Mine was on 1 Syawal according to Hijrah calendar. Ain't it easy to remember? When it is easy to remember, yeah you know what's next :p 


Friday, December 30, 2011

It's no longer a choice. It's an option.

Everything is transitory, changes over time. 

Facebook: Dulu penah bertakhta di hati. Hari-hari rasa nak bukak. Kalau tak bukak sehari rasa tak keruan. Pastuh boleh plak hadap benda tu je sampai 2-3 jam. zzz. Jelas menunjukkan sikap yang negatif.

Sekarang, kalau bukak pon mesti kejap je. Scroll laju², like yang mana patot, pastuh close tab. Kalau ada semakkan wall orang pon, sebab nak wish befday. 

Ada antara kawan aku dah delete pon account dorang. Lagi la menambahkan sebab untuk aku tak bukak. Sebab takde kawan. Friend list memang ramai. Tapi entah sape² ntah. Aku pun pelik macam mana aku boleh approve strangers. Ada sorang tuh nama dia Sehiris Kek Lapis. Furh, kek lapis ada fesbuk! 

Tapi still, aku bukak jugak. Untuk tengok update apa² tentang kampus. Haha.

Twitter: Juara di hati buat masa sekarang merangkap first tab yang akan dibukak setiap kali online. Aku rasa twitter lebih simple dan tidak menyerabutkan.

Walaupun follower aku di twitter tak banyak macam kat facebook, tapi aku rasa contented. Sebab follower yang tak sampai seratus tulah yang betul² in contact dengan aku.

Plus, bestfriends pun banyak kat sana. Hari² sembang kencang. Yeah, girls talk. Kalau korang baca tweet aku korang takkan faham. Aku dan kawan² je yang paham. 

Siapa yang takde twitter takkan tau isu Apit jugak. Apit hotstuff. Ahaxxx. Stupid alien language that attracts thousands of followers. Gila hebat Apit.

Motif entry ni ape? Oh motifnya, nothing lasts forever. Kthanksbai


Sunday, December 25, 2011


Kepada yang taktau. Yang dah tau duduk diam².

Korang tau tak apa maksud photogenic? Bcos I have a conversation where people seems don't grasp what photogenic is.

Saying "You're photogenic" to someone is another way to say that "You're actually ugly" to her/him.

A subject (generally a person) is photogenic if appearing aesthetically, or physically attractive or appealing in a photograph. - Wikipedia.

Contoh orang yang tak photogenic adalah Bront Palare. Bagi aku, dia taklah comel mana. Tapi tuh bila aku tengok dalam gambar.

Pastuh ada satu hari tu, aku jumpa dia dalam LRT. Furhhh, hes sooooooo charming people. Jadi kat sini, kita boleh classify kan Bront Palare as not photogenic. Sebab dalam gambar tak gorgeous as in real life.

Aku rasa Josh ni dualgenic. Sebab dalam gambar pon comel, in real life(macam aku penah jumpa) pon comel. Ok merapu, mana ada perkataan dualgenic. -.-'

Jadi, bila ada orang cakap kat korang, "Eh you ni photogenic la". Please, it's not a compliment. It's just an alternative way to say "How could you look this pretty/handsome when in real life you look like a half-done-bridge? Cruel.

You shoul read this too.

p/s: Korang jenis yang photogenic atau tidak? :p


Friday, December 23, 2011


Reminiscing 7 years back when I cried so hard that made tears accompany me every night. Waking up every morning with regret. Praying with tears streaming down the cheeks. (Serius tak khusyuk). Losing appetite, and the list goes on. 

You ask me how much does it hurts? It's like you're enduring the pain of someone is trying to take out your liver. Yeah, that hurt. Hah? Kenapa liver? Dangg.

It's nothing on earth like putus cinta ke apa. It's actually when you're dissapointed with yourself. And of course, your parents too.

It's when I don't get 5A in UPSR. You know what, I'm sort of in the list of students-who-will-get-5A in my school. I am in the target list! So you know how does it feels like when you don't get 5A? No, you don't understand bcos you got 5A. And I didn't.

At that moment, I hate phone calls, text message and etc. Semua orang nak tanya dapat berapa and it was actually hurt tau dak?? I just felt like migrating to Mars and stay there for a few years and when things get better, I'll be back.

But then I realized, even if I cried that this earth will be flooded, nothings gonna change. NOTHING. ZILCH. So, I made up mind. I decided to have revenge! Yeah, REVENGE!

Fall 7 times. Get up 8.

So it was in 2007 when I finally objectify the revenge . It takes me 3 years to realisasikannya. Eventually, hard work has paid off. Not to forget to those prays of course. I got 8A in PMR. Man, I feel like floating in the air with a pair of wings!

At that time, I love phone calls, text messages and meeting saudara-mara. Hewhewhew. I got tremendous congratulations and of course money and gift too. My life is bliss.

Person who gave this has left me. Left for forever. May Allah bless you there. This is so meaningful. Related families and friend would grasp what I really mean and why does it has to be chicken. I did laughed when I got this. Allahuakbar, I miss you.

So the achievement was repeated again, in 2009. I got almost all A if Physics don't mess it. It's, 8A in SPM. Whatever it is, I am always grateful. Alhamdulillah. I did made the parents cry. That's what I want the most.

Bukan nak sangat hadiah, duit tu semua. Seriously. I want to make them cry bcos of meh. And I did it. *Eyebrows up and down.

So beautiful people, don't give up. Whatever it is, just don't give up. You'll never know what's life is offering you in front. :)

Remember, rainbow always come after rain. Just bear with the thunder. It's only temporary before you get to see the mesmerizing beautiful rainbow. Insya Allah. 

Oh, one more thing. You know what will be our greatest achievement? It's when we succeed in life and the hereafter. I crave for it!

p/s: Congratulations Hadi Alloha. 8A in PMR has leaded the mom burst into tears yesterday. Great job. 


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I am growing.

You know what, one of the best thing about having a blog is to know that you're actually growing. Growing here is referring to the way you're thinking. You can easily know when you read your previous post. 

I think I'm more mature. Yeah, comparing to before. Just look at my previous post. Childish much. *facepalm

Hop in baby!

Another best thing about having a blog is to have a reader. I mean readers. I just wanna stress one thing here. Listen.

I don't give a damn whether you click the follow button at the right top of this blog or not. Well, I go for quality instead of quantity.

I never expect I would have 360 followers till now. I don't blog to collect follower. Never. I just want reader(s).

Read from below to above. I think s/he is trying to say that my writing has improved. Aren't you? :pp (if u're reading this)

The best feeling in the world when people ask you about something you never told them. They know it through your blog. Mann, that feeling was awesome! 

Oh, another best thing is when people say that you're their favorite blogger. OMGGGGGG!

I know I better stop.

That's all I guess. Till next post.

p/s: The first picture is for my Wordless Wednesday. Sorry that I still write something when it is a wordless day.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

RM1,000,000 money drop.

Assalamualaikum abang kacak kakak comel.

Tadi aku tengok satu rancangan realiti televisyen. Nama rancangan tu RM 1,000,000 money drop. 

Daripada rancangan tu, aku baru tau yang Robert Kuok adalah orang yang paling kaya kat Malaysia. Aku ingat Ananda Krishnan. Oh, kalau aku masuk tadi mesti banyak duit aku dah drop. Dangg!

Bagus rancangan ni. Banyak menguji pengetahuan am kita. Aku rasa nak masuk ah. Tapi camane nak masuk eh? Kalau main online tak dapat sejuta. Dapat iPod jeww. Gahhh

Game tu lebih kurang macam Who Wants To Be A Millionaire la. Cuma ada la beza sket. Oh, btw, aku baru je menang main game ni. Padahal daripada kecik main. Ni antara game yang penah aku main other than SkiFree. Hikhiks.

Ni aku nak bagi tips kalau ada antara korang yang nak masuk.

  • Relaks 
       Sebenarnya kan, apa² pun yang kita nak buat, kita kena relaks. Relaks bukan     
       bermaksud tak buat apa². Relaks di sini bermaksud bertenang. Jangan gelabah.

  • Jangan tamak.
        Walaupun kita yakin gila tentang jawapan yang kita pilih, jangan tamak. Jangan 
        jadi    macam peserta India tadi. Kan dah teros drop sejuta tu. Cuba kalau dia divide duit tu. Takde la hilang semua sekali gus. Anyonoyo. 

Bagi tips segala macam lah aku penah masuk. Fine la. Ni just pendapat aku kot. Hangpa jangan dok buat terok kat aku. -.-'

Oh tak lupa juga, tahniah kat peserta yang menang RM100,000 tadi. Cayyalah. Korang memang banyak pengetahuan. Daebak!

Lelaki yang tenang memang disukai. Eh tak maksud aku lelaki yang tenang akan dapat membuat keputusan yang bijak. Lantas dapat memberi jawapan yang betul. Yeah. Tu maksud aku sebenarnya.

p/s: I want to beat Robert Kuok. Pray for me.


Friday, December 9, 2011


Just so you know, I'm not into politics. I never post something that ever touch about politics issues or etc before this. 

Let's do it in a clean way.

But, this video has gone overboard. It's about religion. It's about Islam. 

Please, what are these monkeys people trying to say? 

If we don't know about something, don't we ever bother to talk about it. Or we'll end up look stupid. Believe me.

" Kalau guna hukum hudud pun, tak jadi apanya."
"Lagi terok jadinya."

Dear makcik and pakcik, you better learn about hudud after this. Hudud is not created by human being. It's hukum Allah. 

Err, do you even know about this? I'm in doubt.
Because if you know, you wouldn't have the gut to speak the way you speak in the video.

It's okay old folks, you still have time to learn. 


Oh one more thing, where do you get the fact that Kelantan has the highest number in AIDS cases,  single parent problems, woman works at illegal places and etc ?

Kalau tak betul dah kira fitnah kan? Sigh.     

p/s: People say politic is a load crap. I choose to agree. This vid is a prove. This is all for the sake of politic. Ain't it?

Pathetic bunch of people.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

#Wordless Wednesday

Don't you think we should suggest this how does someone feels about us section to google? It will be useful.

p/s: Nahh, crap. Just kidding.


Sunday, December 4, 2011


Kalau korang baca previous posts aku, mesti korang tau aku banyak weakness.
Tapi hari ni aku sedar. Oh, aku ada strength jugak rupanya.

My strength is I am a well adapt person.
Kiranya aku boleh masuk je ngan mana² jenis orang. Tak kira ah alim ke, rock ke, kira aku boleh join the conversation. Even sometimes it's awkward, I can always squeeze myself.

Macam lalang.

Strength apa camtuh. Cancel balik ah. Tu weakness namanya cos takde identiti yang tetap.


Hmm pathetic betul. Takpelah, berhubung dengan apa yang aku cakap, cuba korang baca yang dalam kotak merah kat bawah ni.

Aku tertarik dengan yang ni "Jangan sampai kita tinggalkan amal ibadat sebab tak nak riak dengan manusia, kerana itu tanda kita riak dengan Allah sebenarnya"

Since aku kata aku orang yang well adapt, aku tanpa sedar telah riak dengan Allah.

Maksudnya macam ni. Bila aku dengan orang yang rock, tak solat, tak ambil berat sangat pasal agama, aku tak buat amal ibadah yang biasa aku buat.

Jap, takde lah sampai aku tinggal solat fardhu. Maksud aku amal ibadah macam solat sunat, mengaji, baca doa lepas azan, baca doa makan tu aku tak buat.

Aku tak buat sebab aku taknak orang kata aku bajet bagus. Bajet alim.

Kalau aku dengan orang yang alim, biasanya budak usrah aku, takde masalah lah kan cos dorang lagi hebat. So bila aku buat benda² tu, dorang pon tak heran.

Aku harap korang dapat point aku. 


Sunday, November 27, 2011

The ugly truth.

Superb ravishing looks is not important. What really matters is you have good superbly clean heart.

Wowowowowo. BIG LIAR. LIARRRR.

Looks have always been important, and always will be.

My previous teacher had once said, " When choosing picture to be put in your resume, pick the most gorgeous one. Because the interviewer is also a human."

Hweyy what?? Alrite dearly teacher. I get it.

 Blue eyes, fair flawless skin, sweet cherry lips. Perfect.

It's the same for every species. The healthier and more prototypical the specimen, the more attracted to it others will be. Doesn't mean less attractive people won't succeed, but their barriers are slightly greater than those with a great physical appearance.

Are you with me?

Yeah, yeah. Hes gorgeous. 

So to those who was born with not really fascinating mesmerizing looks, don't worry. We're in the same boat.

You know what, we should at least have good attitudes. Start practicing to be nice. So that we don't suck at both outside and inside beauty.

In other words, kita yang tak berapa nak ada rupa ni, kenalah sekurang-kurangnya berbudi bahasa, berhati mulia. Nanti takdelah orang nak kata " Dah la muka tak lawa, perangai macam biawak komodo plak tuh".

Kalau ada jugak orang cakap macam tu kat korang, cakap ni " Hello, at least walaupun muka aku tak cantik bersinar aku ada hati yang bersih. Aku tak dengki mengumpat mengata orang. Blerghhh"

So this the ugly truth of the creature that we called human. Pathetic truth.

p/s: Perlu ke sampai nak buat plastic surgery bagai? No need people. No need. Takpe tak cantik tak hensem pun. As long as you have good shiny heart. Hm yawn. T______T


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Because Malaysia won.

" Kejayaan itu semanis makan coklat" 

That was what written on a chocolate wrapper that my teacher gave me few years back.
I guess I am feeling it, yesterday. 

Who wouldn't happy when their country had won gold medal for football in Sea Games 2011. If you say no, you better get your ass off from Malaysia. Sorry for being harsh.

KFCM is trending worldwide kat Twitter baq hang!

Well of course, my news feed and timeline were full with euphoric expressing from the Malaysian. Nevertheless, I did found several annoying status. 

Nahh, look what we have here. Didn't she/he knows that we won gold medal? We are number one out of 11 country. Man, you're a complete loser. Sorry. I am lacking of fantastic vocabulary to describe what I am feeling towards you.

I am sorry for being so emotional. Truly sorry. It's just that I love my country. 

p/s: Thinking of commenting Boo to those statues. But I didn't. I knew someone else would.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Touch & Go!

Memang tak dapat dinafikan lagi, memiliki kad Touch & Go sangat memudahkan hidup saya. Kehidupan saya kini berbeza dengan kehidupan saya yang dulu. Saya tidak perlu lagi beratur panjang setiap kali nak beli tiket. Gembira sungguh hati ini.

Bagi yang tak tau, kad ni universal. Maksud universal di sini adalah kita boleh guna untuk banyak benda.  

KTM, LRT, toll, parking, fast food, petrol dan berbagai-bagai lagi. Tapi bagi saya, kegunaan optimum adalah tertumpu pada LRT dan KTM.

Kita hanya perlu reload kad ini untuk terus menggunakannya. Mudah bukan? Tahniah buat kerajaan Malaysia yang berjaya mencari insiatif untuk membahagiakan hidup rakyatnya. Thanks, I appreciated it. :')

Baiklah, sekarang saya akan sampaikan main point entry ini. Sebenarnya sesuatu telah terjadi ke atas saya semasa menggunakan kad ini beberapa hari yang lepas untuk pulang ke rumahku syurgaku sempena cuti semester.

Begini ceritanya.

Seperti biasa daripada Seremban, saya menggunakan komuter untuk menuju ke destinasi yang saya inginkan. Sudah tentu, saya menggunakan kad sakti tersebut untuk melepasi mesin tiket. Dan seperti yang disangkakan, saya berjaya dengan jayanya.

Namun setelah sampai di stesyen Bandar Tasik Selatan, mesin tiket sepertinya tidak mahu memberi laluan kepada saya. Saya hairan.

Akhirnya datanglah seorang abang KTM yang bertugas. Dia datang dengan membawa satu alat. Perasaan cuak muncul dengan tidak semena-mena. 

Setelah diperiksa, baki kad saya yang tidak mencukupi menjadi punca saya tidak dapat melepasi gate itu. Saya kemudiannya dengan yakin memberitahu abang tersebut bahawasanya saya baru sahaja reload kad tersebut. Jangan cuba nak membohongi saya ya abang KTM.  

Dia kemudian menjelaskan apa yang tengah berlaku sekarang ni. Rupa-rupanya...

Masa saya balik cuti Raya Haji dulu, kad itu tidak di detect oleh mesin tiket. Hasilnya, kad saya tidak ter detect. Jadi saya hanya terus keluar menggunakan gate biasa. Saya ingat tiada apa² yang berlaku. Perkiraan saya meleset.

Saya telah di charge RM10 kerana kad saya tidak di detect di laluan keluar. Oh sebab tulah baki saya tidak mencukupi. Dalam keadaan serabai, saya still remain cool. Padahal, blerghh.

Mujurlah penjaga KTM itu baik. Saya berjaya keluar tanpa dikenakan apa² denda. Terima kasih penjaga KTM. 

Sebelum berlalu, penjaga KTM tersebut sempat memberi pesan. "Lepas ni dik, make sure mesin tu keluarkan bunyi double buzz dulu, baru la bleh lepas. Kalau tak bunyi jugak, letak je kad tu sampai la kad tu di detect"

Oh baiklah, baiklah. Macam tu rupanya. T.T

p/s: Siapa agaknya pemilik LRT ni eh? Rasa nak buat jugak sebijik. T.T

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Anak soleh.


Lately aku rasa facebook bermanfaat plak. Bermanfaat tu bukan dari segi ukhrawi je, tapi duniawi pon. Sebelum aku exam haritu, budak math seluruh IPG buat discussion kat group. Serious style!

So, aku nak share benda yang telah di post kat satu group ni. Sebab aku rasa penting. Serious.

Dari Kitab Tanhibul Ghafilin. (Peringatan Bagi Yang Lalai).
  1. Meninggalkan solat - Ular Qasar sedang menunngu.
  2. Melewat-lewatkan solat - Neraka Wail sedang menunggu
  3. Meringan-ringankan syariat - Mendapat pandangan MURKA Al-Jabbar
  4. Megumpat peribadi orang - GUNTING neraka sedang diasah
  5. Menyebarkan gossip fitnah - DURI-DURI menanti anda di taman neraka
  6. Tidak menjaga pergaulan - LIBASAN api neraka dijanjikan
  7. Tidak berakhlak dengan manusia - KEMURKAAN Allah bersama mu
  8. Menyakiti hati orang dengan lisan - MASUKLAH mana² pintu neraka
  9. Meringankan amanah - Angkatlah SEBERKAS kayu dari neraka
  10. Bersangka buruk - Amalan baik diambil orang

Untung parents ko dapat anak macam ko. Di mata hazel aku, ko hot stuff. So hot that I will never go near.

Pasal hot stuff ni nanti next time aku story. Tu pun kalau aku rasa nak story la.

Ni ada lagi. P/s kat bawah ni. Pon aku copy paste gak. 


P/s:(◠‿◠) Perubahan tidak semetinya secara terus. Molek sedikit demi sedikit agar istiqamah yang berpanjangan. Bukan mudah. Tapi InsyaAllah dengan usaha+doa+

pengaharapan yang sebenar-benarnya.آمِÙŠّÙ†ْ... آمِÙŠّÙ†ْ.. آمِّÙŠْÙ†َ ÙŠَا رَبَّ الْعَالَÙ…ِÙŠْÙ†َ


Friday, November 4, 2011

How could you.

*one message received.

Sender     : Ina Mi-Ho
Received : 9:50:43 am

"Kak mp3 ina kne curi..waaa!!"

and I was like,

WHAAAAAAAT????!! (ni dalam hati la. aku reply lain)

Aku sedih sebab aku yang bagi. Eh tak, bukan aku yang bagi mp3 tuh. Aku bagi benda yang gantung kat mp3 tuh. Rujuk gambar dia atas.

Where do you put it? How could people steal it? Blablablablabla.

She told me that her padlock ada something wrong. And the mp3 was in the locker. So yeah, you know what's next. Tyme tuh dia pegi prep malam.

And she only realizes this morning. Tu pon sebab nak pegi charge bateri.

Eh apa semua ni? (gaya dalam drama) Dah la sekolah asrama penuh. Nak kata tak pandai, pandai. Yes, its about moral. Budak² sekarang yang dah takde nilai moral. Argh, tak guna pandai la kalau macam ni hwoi!

I'm stunned. Speechless. Kesian adik aku. 

p/s : Have you experience the feeling when you lost something precious? It's hurt. HURT.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I don't have strength.

Aku tak pernah sangka ada orang nak jealous dengan aku. Sebab serious, aku takde ape yang nak di jealouskan. Serious, takde apa.

Dah la tak pandai, tak cantik, perangai macam apa, harta pon takde. See, nak jeles ape jika begini halnya? Ish, kawan aku ni. Ko lagi gempak gemilang sebenarnya. Ko je yang tak tau.

You're so cute. Believe me. A way cuter than me! Salah orang dah ko nak jeles ni. :p

Hmm, takpe la. Ni intro je kot. Aku nak tulis pasal tag. Ada orang tag lagi. Kena la buat kan. :D

1.You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. 
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for people you tagged to answer. 
4.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post. 
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her. 
6. No tag backs. 
7. No stuff in the tagging section about. 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

11 things about me :
Memandangkan aku dah buat, klik kat sini untuk jawapannya. :D

Questions from Nad
01. Berapa lama korang berblogging neyh?
Lepas SPM haritu. April 2010.

02. Sekarang nie korang sedang belajar, kerja or penganggur sepenuh masa?
Suri rumah sepenuh masa.

03. Benda apa korang paling tak suka dalam dunia nie? tak kisah la haiwan, benda, or pape je la~
Orang yang berat sebelah. BIAS!

04. Korang ada bantal busuk tak? kalau ada dah berapa lama korang bersama dgn bantal tuh?*amekkk kao soalan akuh. ahaha
Busuk takde. Wangi je.

05. Berapa ramai kengkawang kat fb korang? dan adakah korang kenal tiap sorang or randomly approve je?
644. Aku tak approve kalau tak kenal.

06. Korang mesti ada handphone kan kan kan? berapa lama dah korang guna handphone tuh and jenama apakah handphone korang tuh?
iPhone jeww.

07. Between comics and novels, which 1 would u choose?
News paper.

08. Korang giler gadget tak?
Giler kentang!

09. Adakah korang kaki jalan dan sejauh mana dah korang berjalan? senang citer, byk dah ke tempat yg korang lawatiii.
Aku memang suka travel. Nanti la aku dah kerja. Impian aku nak round Europe kot. Argh.

10. Berapa ramai bff yg korang ada?
A few.

11. Menyampah tak dgn soalan-soalan yg diberikan nie? hahahaha.
Tak lah. Suka je. :)

So these are my questions.
1. Describe yourself in 3 words.
1.What is your favourite blog? (include the address too)
2.What is your favourite all time quote?
3.Your strength?
4.Do you like mathematics?
5. Aku tak kenal mana pon Maisarah Alloha ni. Tapi aku rasa dia seorang yang _______

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