Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

I'm 32 today!

Today is my birthday so I've decided to make a pointless post full of gifs for the simple reason that it makes me smile. GIF TIME!

If you'd like to get me a present buy yourself a present from my Etsy shop, follow me on social media (like Twitch or YouTube!), or come say hi on Discord. Or just be a good citizen, volunteer your time to your local community or donate to an organization you support. I'm willing to talk to you more about the places I personally support, just shoot me an email! magiccatjenny (at) gmail (dot) com

Gold and Black Birthday Party Decorations (How To Make a Tassel Garland)

Party My birthday is over, but the birthday month of giveaways is still going on, and my biggest present is yet to arrive. (I'm seeing Hamilton on Broadway on the 30th!!!) So let's continue the blog festivities with a little showing off of my party theme. (You know how much I love themed parties.) The theme was subtle and probably only noticeable to me, which I was completely fine with. Gold and Black. Why? Could it have something to do with Hamilton? Could it be from inspiration whenever I searched on Etsy for '30th Birthday Party'? Or could it just be pretty? (Obviously, it's all 3) So the banner I made with my wonderful Cricut and the tassel garland was actually really easy. If you scroll down there's a DIY(!!) I also plan to re-use the decorations and perhaps even gift them on. (re-use & recycle!)

Thoughts on Birthday Parties and Some Inspiration

I love birthdays and birthday parties. In fact, I love parties in general. Not so much in the 'excuse to drink' way but more in the 'excuse to decorate and plan and gather around a common theme' way. That's why I gave in to the bridal showers and bachelorette party tropes I normally would not find necessary, I just love themes! Birthday parties are especially great because the main theme is 'do what the birthday boss wants.' Sometimes what I want is just a stress-free day where I wake up late, have brunch out or in, lazily shop with friends or just enjoy the city, then meet up a larger group for dinner and drinks. It's a great way to get a big group together.

It's My Birthday Month!

It's April, my Birthday month! I've decided I want to celebrate with you by throwing a month long blog party with giveaways and vlogs every day. Thank you so much for joining in on the fun! Here's how it works, every Thursday there will be a giveaway. (Be sure to read the guidelines each prize is provided by someone different.) I'll also be vlogging every day over on my second channel in addition to my weekly videos on my main channel. I'm sure I'll have other fun things to share and talk about on other days so stick around. If you ever want to check out what's happened so far, I've made a page that I'll be updating with all the activities along the way right here.

It's My Birthday!

Whooo! Happy birthday to me! Like my birthday selfie? Today I'm 29, the last year of my 20s and I feel great! I shot a quick vlog for my second channel, check it out below. Tonight I'm seeing Newsies at the Pantages, tomorrow I'm going to the RenFair, eating dinner at my favorite restaurant, and singing show tunes karaoke with my friends, and Sunday I'm having brunch then going to the Festival of Books. It's gonna be a great weekend!

I wish...

Photo an hour >> April 20th
I was going to dedicate today to making a birthday wishlist for this blog but the more I thought about it the more I just wished for things to get back to normal. So here's my birthday wish list this year.

▲ I wish to be healthy, strong, and not get sick least for another year.
▲ I wish for a beautiful wedding and as stress-free as possible experience planning it.
▲ I wish to hit the ground running with this blog again and really take it to the next level.
▲ I wish to enjoy my day job without letting it take over. I work to live, not live to work.
▲ I wish for video inspiration for my youtube channel, I'm starting to miss it.
▲ I wish to do something I love every day, even if only for a moment.
I wish to create more art and crafts that people actually get excited about.
I wish for an amazing future, surrounded my my friends and family, even if I may end up not physically near them.

Heard it was your birthday!

Yup! It's my birthday today! After getting sick, going to Oregon, getting sick again, I think I'm finally really back and better. I was originally planning on hitting up the local bars tonight with all my friends, but seeing as I only started eating solid foods last night, I think I'll take it easy. I'm thinking a double feature of my favorite fantasy films (Labyrinth & The NeverEnding Story) and some birthday ice cream. I love you all!

It's my Birthday!

I'm 27 today! I don't feel 27, I feel maybe 17. I have amazing friends who are going out with me tonight to a bar called The Edison. Then, this weekend, The Long Holidays are playing a show in my honor and all of my friends are coming out. 26 was an okay year but I can tell that 27 is going to be better. Thanks so much for following my blog, I love all of your comments! Oh and if you were wondering, yes I ate cake for breakfast today. ;)