Showing posts with label calendar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calendar. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's 12-12-12 Today

Hey!  Today is 12-12-12 regardless of whether you are reckoning it by the American way (month, day, year) or not (day, month, year).

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Χριστός Ανέστη!

Happy Easter to all of MM's Orthodox friends.  Christos anesti!  Remember last year's gloriously musical flash mob by Lebanese Christians?  UPDATE: Via text from the lovely La Parisienne: "Happy Real Easter."  Good thing I saved one Cadbury Creme Egg from last Sunday!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Et Tu, Brute? It's the Ides of March Again

It's that time of year again, when a young Roman patrician's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of stabbing folks in the back!

You know what to do.  This year I'll even let you have a cinematic alternative or two.  Do you prefer vintage eye candy or the golden boys of the present?  Note: Clooney's flick isn't about Julius Caesar per se, but it is about corrupt politics and inner turmoil and betrayal, which explains the title all too well.  (I'll post a movie review later when I'm not buried under schoolwork.)

Oh, and if you still haven't ever seen the young Marlon Brando's "friends, Romans, countrymen" speech over the body of Caesar in that 1953 film, I'm telling you to drop everything and remedy that gap in your cultural education immediately!  (Alternatively, you might get a laugh out of this clip from the 2004 flick Mean Girls.)  

So enjoy the Ides, gentle reader, but ... Watch your back!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

2012 already!  Here's hoping it's a good one.  It's already startedwith a laugh as Dave Barry publishes his annual year in review and looks back at 2011.

Oh, and the Cine-Sib suggests this video of fireworks from Taipei:

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Notable Day

Today is:
  • Veterans Day (Remembrance Day in the British Commonwealth)
  • A numerical oddity -- it's 11/11/11!
  • Nigel Tufnel Day for all you "Spinal Tap" fans, and last but not least,
  • The release date for "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" -- rejoice, video game geeks!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21: Official Start of Summer

Not, of course, that "official" is always so important.  Other "starts of summer" that count around here include: taking your last final exam of the spring semester or Commencement or Memorial Day or the first day it's warm enough to go outside without a coat or the first sunny, warm day when I can wear sandals and sundresses.  Today, though, it's official: Summer Is Here!  ... and there was great rejoicing in the land.  Fire up the grill, make some lemonade, head to the beach, go watch a silly summer blockbuster movie, or do whatever makes you happy!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Calendar Quirk: 10/10/10

Did you notice that today is 10/10/10?  And it's the same whether you go by October 10, 2010, (as in the States) or 10 October, 2010 (in Europe)?  And am I a super-nerd for thinking this is just hilarious?

As for what to do about 10/10/10 -- I know some insane (and bloody-minded) Greenies are obsessing about carbon emission and global warming again, but I'm much more interested in another kind of hotness altogether.  Hmmm, yes.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Happy Sequential Date Day!

It's 08.09.10 today!   I am such a nerd.  OK, I can't help it -- and now for a gratuitous Doctor Who quote: "I dunno ... Talk about dumbing down!  Don't they teach recreational mathematics anymore?"

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Therapy: Geek Fun With "I Am A Scientist"

The song is "I Am A Scientist" by the endearingly named Dandy Warhols. I'm posting it as a shout-out to my/our fondness for science, science fiction, tech toys, and geeky pleasures. (Too bad there's not a similar song called "I Am A History Nerd.")

BONUS for La Parisienne and California Dreamer: some video footage of one our favorite science maniacs to go along with the song on this, June 21, the first official day of summer.

Anyway, as the name of one useful and geek-tastic website does remind us, Geeks Are Sexy. (Well, some geeks, anyway!)