Showing posts with label Gudetama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gudetama. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

"Egg on Toast" Cake (Kids baking class)

 I didn't get around to sharing this creation earlier. Oops! This "egg on toast" cake was planned as a fun June school holiday baking class for kids that combines Science and Culinary experience. 

I took the chance to make a Gudetama version as well!

More pictures to show that the "egg yolk" is really more than it seems!

The "yolk" is actually spherified mango sauce, the "egg white" is vanilla panna cotta and the "toast" is vanilla yoghurt cake. I made this creation simple enough that younger kids can handle too as for the most part, this creation involves pouring and mixing.

Watch both versions in action!

Gudetama version:

Smiley egg version:

You may have noticed that the consistencies of the yolks appear different. That's because I tweaked the recipe when I made Gudetama to make it more mango-y. It's less bouncy but yummier. That's the version I will be using for the class.

You are still in time to sign up for this class if you see this post before 19 June 2024. It will be a fun and relaxing bonding time with your child! Please click on the link below for more information or to register:

with love,

Phay Shing

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Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Gudetama Chiffon Egg Cakes

Cute Lemon Egg Cakes singing & dancing 🥰💃

Which is your favorite?❤️😛

Lemon Chiffon Egg Cakes🍋
1 egg yolk
10g vegetable oil
5g lemon juice
5g milk
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
15g all-purpose flour
¼ tsp lemon zest
¼ tsp lemon emulco (optional)

1 egg white
25g castor sugar
Few drops lemon juice

@suncorefoods yellow safflower for the color

Whisk egg yolks with oil, lemon juice, milk, vanilla, lemon zest. Add in sifted flour and whisk till well combined. Add in yellow safflower powder and mix till desired shade.

Whisk egg whites with sugar and lemon juice in a new bowl till firm peaks. Fold in the meringue till well incorporated.

Pour the batter into 6 drained egg shells till 2/3 full. Bake at 140C for 30 mins. Unmold when the cakes are fully cool. Decorate with melted chocolate, sheet cake and sprinkles.

Hope they made you smile!!❤️❤️🥰

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Monday, 21 September 2020

Around the world with Sanrio Chiffon Cake

This special creation "Around the world with Sanrio" chiffon cake is a special collaboration with Sanrio Singapore to celebrate International Peace day amidst these difficult times 💖.

Our lovable Sanrio characters, Hello Kitty, Little Twin Stars, Keroppi, My Melody, Pom pom purin, Bad batz maru, Cinamaroll, and Gudetama join forces to spread love, peace and unity during these hard times. 

The "Sanrio characters x Susanne Deco Chiffon" online classes were also borne during the difficult COVID times to spread love and family bonding during the stay-home period 💖.  We hope to encourage everyone.

Which Sanrio characters will you hope to see next in my online class? 

With lots of love,


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Monday, 10 February 2020

Gudetama On Toast (spherified lemon curd on panna cotta and lavender vanilla chiffon cake)

This is a bake I squeezed in for a young lady to bring her some cheer. She happens to be a fan of Gudetama. The concept of this bake was inspired by the first episode of season one of Sugar Rush, the baking competition. On that episode, one of the contestants made "egg on toast" for the confections round of the competition but the egg yolk was spherified pineapple curd on top of egg white (milk panna cotta), midori buttercream with marshmellows and a coconut pound cake (the "toast"). I was so totally amazed by how realistic the "egg yolk" looked and saved the idea in my memory until there was a chance to use it. So here it is! My version of "egg on toast"! Spherified lemon curd on vanilla panna cotta and lavender vanilla bean chiffon cake!

Just to show you how cool it is, I made a video of how the spherified curd is like but the curd and panna cotta are resting on an actual slice of bread because I didn't make extra "toast".

You can pick the "yolk" up and finally pierce it to let the inner goodness ooze out when you had enough fun poking at it! I know it looks awfully cruel 🤣

This bake looks simple but it has quite a few elements to prepare.

Gudetama's facial features are made from something inspired by Yuni Sweets, one of the queens of patterned deco roll cakes. I used her simple recipe for the patterned parts of the roll cake to create Gudetama's face.

Recipe for Gudetama's facial features 
10g unsalted butter, room temperature
10g icing sugar
10g cake flour
10g egg whites
Charcoal powder
White gel food colouring

1. Place template of Gudetama on baking tray. Line tray with teflon sheet or parchment paper. Lightly grease the surface with oil and paper towel. Preheat oven to 150°C.

2. Place butter, sugar, flour and egg whites in a small mixing bowl. Whisk together until smooth.

3. Divide the batter into 2 and add charcoal powder to one portion and white colouring to the other. I didn't measure but instead add a bit at a time until desired shade is reached.

4. Transfer each coloured batter into piping bag and cut a small hole at the end. Pipe the black parts, followed by the white part. Use a toothpick to nudge the batter where necessary.

5. Bake in oven for 6-7min or until batter appears dry. Cool completely on tray before storing in airtight condition. You may prepare this a day or two ahead of time.

Recipe for lavender vanilla chiffon cake
Ingredients (for 6x6" square pan) :
2 egg yolks
5g caster sugar
28g fresh milk (or lavender milk* if lavender oil not available)
28g vegetable or canola oil
40g cake flour
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or extract)
2 drops lavender oil

3 egg whites
1/5 tsp cream of tartar
40g caster sugar

* to prepare lavender milk, heat 40g of milk with 1-1.5tsp of dried lavender flowers until the milk just starts to bubble. Let it steep for 10 min. Strain out the flowers and measure out 28g.

1. Preheat oven to 140°C and set rack to second lowest position. Line bottom of baking tray with parchment paper but leave the walls unlined.

2. Prepare egg yolk batter. In a mixing bowl, whisk egg yolks and sugar together until pale and thick. Add oil and whisk untik combined. Add milk, lavender oil, vanilla and salt and whisk until combined. Gradually sift in flour and cocoa powder and whisk until no trace of flour is seen.

3. Prepare the meringue. Place egg whites and cream of tartar in a clean metal bowl. Beat with electric mixer until firm peaks or just reach stiff peaks, gradually adding sugar once the egg whites are foamy.

4. Quickly but gently fold meringue into egg yolk batter in three additions. Pour into prepared baking tin. Tap the tin on the table a few times or run a chopstick around to pop air bubbles.

5. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Turn the temperature up to 170°C and bake for another 5-10min. This is to brown the exterior of the cake to make the "crust" of the toast. Usually I leave a tray of water at the base of the oven but I omit for this bake as I want the browning to happen. Note that time and temperature is oven dependemt so adjust accordingly.

6. Cool the cake upright. Carefully unmould the sides by hand or with the help of a spatula. Slice the cake till it is about 3cm tall. Carefully remove part of the crust at the flat face of the cake by gently rubbing off crumbs of the cake to create the toast pattern. It is optional to do so for the middle of the cake since the egg is going to cover it but I did it anyway for fun!

Did I totally fool you with this 😉? 

Store the cake in airtight container until ready to assemble. You may wish to brush the surfaces of the cake with vanilla flavoured simple syrup to moisten it if you wish as I purposely baked until dry on the surface for the toasted look. The cake will still not be awfully dry when you eat as it is eaten with panna cotta and lemon curd

I made more lemon curd and panna cotta than necessary so I placed them into cups for a refreshing pudding dessert for my kids.

Recipe for panna cotta
200g heavy cream
200g fresh milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
40g caster sugar
6g gelatin sheets (3 sheets) **
Some ice water in a bowl**

**you may use powdered gelatin. If using this instead, scatter same weight of gelatin powder over 50g of cold milk or water to bloom for 10 min before microwaving and stirring to dissolve the gelatin.

1. Soak gelaton sheets in ice water for 10 min. In the mean time, place all other ingredients in saucepan and heat and whisk until sugar dissolves.

2. Continue heating the cream and milk mixture until it just starts to bubble at the edges. Remove from heat. Squeeze excess water out from gelatin sheets. Add into saucepan and whisk until dissolved.

3. Pour the mixture into cups/moulds. I prepared acetate sheet rings with cling wrap at the bottom for the "egg white" portion of the fried egg. Sorry I didn't take any photos of it as I was working close to midnight for this part.

4. Chill overnight in the fridge or at least 4 h.

Spherfied lemon curd
I used this blog post as my reference for the spherificarion process.

Ingredients :
240g lemon curd (replace lime with lemon from recipe)
30g water
6g calcium chloride

800g + extra 500g distilled water
4g sodium alginate

1. Prepare lemon curd.

2. Dissolve calcium chloride in water but whisking them together.

I added a little turmeric to the lemon curd to make it a deeper yellow shade but you won't taste it at all

3. Add calcium chloride solution into lemon curd and whisk well. Transfer into silicone hemispherical mould. I used the 4cm diameter one

4. Freeze overnight or for 2 hours at least until very firm.

5. In the mean time, prepare sodium alginate solution. Scatter sodium alginate in 800g water in a glass loaf pan (or any other shallow tray). Use a blender to blend until no more gel lumps left. You may find it easier to do this in a measuring jug and then sieve the solution into the loaf pan but I was lazy to wash more things. Set aside to settle for 2h until solution turns totally clear.

Preparing sodium alginate solution 

6. When the solution is ready and lemon curd is frozen, prepare another bath of distilled water for rinsing the spheres. Pop the frozen spheres into alginate solution, a few at a time. Gently agitate the spheres in the solution for about 3 min. Remove with slotted spoon and rinse in distilled water before draining over paper towel and carefully depositing on top of panna cotta. You may find it helpful to dig out a small cavity in the panna cotta such that the "egg yolk" can sit nicely on it without sliding around.

Add on the facial features and you are done!

Keep the assembled creation in the fridge for up to 3 days. The spherified curd I made can survive for up to 3 days stored although what I have read so far for spherified juices needed to be consumed within a day. The spheres I made can remain intact and burst with oozy goodness even on the third day!

I recommend smearing the burst curd all over the cake/ panna cotta and eat together with panna cotta for a well balanced flavour as the addition of calcium chloride to lemon curd makes it sharper than it originally is.

With love,
Phay Shing

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Sunday, 25 February 2018

‘Gudetama’ Tamago Sushi Chiffon Cake

Gudetama, in the form of a Tamago Sushi! Aww isn’t this cute? Can you describe his priceless expression?

This cake was a bit of a crazy experiment. I had the idea of a standing Tamago sushi for a while, but wasn't sure if it would work out =p. I'm glad it did! It was a joy designing it, and it did make me and the recipient smile!

The Tamago was made by baking lemon chiffon cake in a rectangular pan. The rice was from reduced egg yolk vanilla chiffon cake using a super tall chiffon pan (or you can stack 2 short cakes). You can follow the links to their recipes shared previously. The sushi belt was cut from chocolate charcoal chiffon sheet cake (also shared in the previous recipe). The belt was stuck on using melted chocolate or marshmallow.

Hope this made you smile too!

With lots of love,

More lovingcreations here:

                 3rd book (Basics techniques)      2nd book (Deco)           1st book (Rainbow)


Deco Chiffon Cake Basics now on Book depository with free shipping worldwide (and on discount)!

Goguru having 10% discount for Times Privilege members (free sign up).

Happy CNY! 

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Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Gudetama Coconut Macarons (Reduced-sugar Swiss method)

There are some days when you feel just like Gudetama, don't you 😜?

I had a small batch of macarons to work with so I decided to try a reduced sugar adaptation of the Swiss method which I have yet to try. I made these Gudetama macarons along with a couple of Minion macaron cake toppers so keep a lookout for that.

Recipe is adapted from the Broma recipe with reduced sugar adaptations. For those of you unfamiliar with the Broma recipe, it has an extremely easy to remember ratio for almond: icing sugar: caster sugar: egg whites of 1:1:1:1. It uses the Swiss meringue method which partially cooks the egg whites so as to make the meringue more stable. If you find difficulty in working with a wetter batter than your usual recipes, try increasing the amount of almond and/or icing sugar portion as I find that this recipe has a relatively lower almond and icing sugar content compared with other formulas. This may be necessary especially when working in humid climates like Singapore.

Recipe for reduced sugar coconut macaron shells (Swiss method)
Ingredients (makes about 16-20 macarons):
50g egg whites
50g caster sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp cream of tartar (optional)
40g superfine almond meal
10g dessicated coconut, sifted
4g coconut cream powder
45g icing sugar
5g rice flour
2g cornflour
Gel food colouring

1. Prepare baking tray with template and line with baking paper. Set oven rack to lowest position.

2. Sift all dry ingredients together (almond, dessicated coconut, coconut cream powder, icing sugar, cornflour and rice flour). Divide into two equal portions.

3. Place egg whites, caster sugar and salt in a heatproof bowl. Whisk over a pot of gently simmering water until mixture temperature reaches 50℃ and all the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat and beat with electric mixer at medium speed until stiff peaks form. Divide meringue into two equal portions. Use a little meringue to stick the baking paper onto the tray.

4. Add yellow gel to one portion of meringue and gently mix well. Scatter the dry mixture over the meringue. Gently fold with spatula until well combined. Scoop out about 1.5 tbs of white batter and add colouring for the bacon slice. Continue folding the batter but deflating it by pressing it to the sides of the bowl until consistency is that of a slow-moving lava. You may refer to  this post  for the basics of folding and testing batter consistency.

5. Transfer to piping bag and pipe away! You may refer to my Creative Baking: Macarons book for a systematic presentation of the basics and complex shaped macarons. You may refer to my video tutorials for macaron basics and piping of complex shapes on the blog too.

Piped shells

6. Bang the tray on the table after piping between steps. Dry in aircon room or under the fan until the shells are dry to touch. Note: people who used the Broma method mentioned that there is no need to dry the shells prior to baking but I find it necessary.

7. Preheat oven to 160℃. Place tray in oven and turn heat down to 140℃. Bake for 10 min. Reduce temperature to 110℃ and bake for another 10-15 min or until feet doesn't appear wet. Cool completely on tray before removing the macaron shells.

I decorated the shells with edible marker and royal icing.

Decorated shells!

Recipe for coconut white chocolate ganache
42g white chocolate, chopped
21g unsalted butter
21g vegetable shortening
26g heavy cream or coconut cream
6g coconut cream powder
1/8 tsp fine sea salt
1/4 tsp lemon juice (optional)

1. Melt white chocolate, butter and shortening in a microwave-safe bowl at medium power for 20 seconds. Mix well with spatula. Repeat heating and stirring until mixture is smooth and melted.

2. Mix coconut cream powder and heavy cream/ coconut cream in a small saucepan. Heat on low heat until the powder is dissolved and mixture starts to bubble. Pour into white chocolate mixture and mix until well combined.

3. Add salt and lemon juice. Mix well.

4. Freeze mixture for 2 minutes and mix well with spatula. Repeat this and start whipping the mixture when it starts to thicken. Beat until texture is fluffy like buttercream.

5. Transfer into piping bag and pipe onto shells. Store in the fridge for at least 24h before serving. Let the macarons sit at room temperature for 10 min before eating.

If you like coconut flavour, this is a delectable macaron for you as it is nice and delicate after maturing and full of coconut fragrance!

With love,
Phay Shing

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Thursday, 30 June 2016

Gudetama Pink Lemonade Chiffon Cake

I made this adorable cake for my dear church friend. Thankful the cake was well-loved!

The pink lemonade flavor was chosen by her. Pink lemonade is typically made from 2 parts lemon juice and 1 part pink strawberry or cherry juice. In addition, I made the ombre layers with varying amounts of lemon and strawberry flavor! 

To make the chiffon cake healthier, I tried a new product from Prima, Superfine wholegrain flour. It's made from wholegrain but superfine so it can be used for chiffon cakes, I substituted a portion of the cake flour with superfine wholegrain flour as well as top flour that is super light!

Pink Lemonade Ombre Chiffon Cake (9-inch chiffon tube pan)
8 egg yolks
53g castor sugar
105 g vegetable/corn oil
70 g lemon juice
45 g strawberry juice
122g Prima cake flour + 25 g top flour + 13 g superfine wholegrain flour (or 160g cake flour)

11 egg whites
120g castor sugar
¼ tsp cream of tartar

1. Whisk egg yolks with sugar until light, fluffy and well-mixed.

2. Add in oil and mix well. Then add in lemon and strawberry juice and whisk till well-combined.

3 Whisk in sifted cake flour, top flour and superfine wholegrain flour and mix till well-combined. *you can also use 160g cake flour if you prefer.

4. Divide the egg yolk batter into five. Add add varying amounts of lemon paste/emulco and strawberry paste/emulco to get the ombre shades. (1) few drops lemon paste, (2) leave plain, (3)-(5) increasing amounts of strawberry paste.

5. Prepare meringue:

a. In a grease-free, dry metal bowl, using electric mixer, whisk egg whites with cream of tartar till frothy.

b. Add in ½ castor sugar for meringue and whisk at high speed till soft peaks form.

c. Add in rest of the castor sugar for meringue and whisk till firm peaks form, or just the point of stiff peak. Firm peaks give finer, softer texture.

4. Divide the meringue into five. Gently fold in meringue gently into respective egg yolk batters 1/3 at a time.

5. Gently scoop the yellow batter into an ungreased 9-inch chiffon tube pan, followed by the plain batter layer by layer till the darkest pink batter on top. Be careful not to disturb the layer below. Gently tap on counter top to remove air bubbles.

6. Bake at 160°C for 15 min, 150oC for 10 min, then 140°C for 20 min and 130oC for 15min, or until skewer inserted into centre of cake comes out clean.

7. Invert pan to cool on a wire rack completely.

8. Unmould the chiffon cake by hand (see video tutorial ‘Hand unmoulding Chiffon cakes for a clean finishing’).

The Gudetama was made by baking the chiffon cake in an egg shell! I made a blanket from sheet cake. I hide a surprise in the cake and covered it with the Gudetama on an egg =).

It was a joy to make the cake! Hope you like this cute creation too!

With lots of love,
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