Showing posts with label Ginger lemon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ginger lemon. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Mt Fuji Lavender-Ginger Lemon Chiffon Cake

This is a chiffon cake version of my Mt Fuji Lavender-Ginger Lemon Chiffon cake pops to go along, also inspired by my trip to Japan, and also because I was afraid there wouldn't be enough food =). I wanted to call it Shinobi Mt Chiffon Cake because I inadvertently made the contour like a ninja mask hehe!

The same recipe is used as the Mt Fuji Lavender-Ginger Lemon Chiffon cake pops but multiplied 4 times. For your convenience, I have scaled it up below. Have a try! Tea flavors come out really strongly compared to fruit flavors! I thought the experience of a slice is like a trip to the onsen! Soothing Lavender topped with refreshing Ginger lemon top!

Mt Fuji Lavender-Ginger lemon Chiffon Cake (makes one 9-inch cake)

Egg yolk batters (left: Ginger lemon, right: Lavender)

3 egg yolk                                                          3 egg yolk
20g castor sugar                                                  20g castor sugar
44g vegetable/corn oil                                         44g vegetable/corn oil
44g ginger lemon tea                                           44g lavender dream tea
60g prima cake flour                                           60g prima cake flour
                                                                        Dip of purple food/natural colouring

8 egg whites
¼ tsp cream of tartar
90g castor sugar

1. Prepare ginger lemon tea by infusing 6 tsp ginger lemon tea in 60 g hot water. Prepare lavender tea by infusing 4-5 tsp lavender flowers in 60 g hot water. Allow to steep for 10+ min. Filter out the leaves/flowers to obtain the clear tea.

Ginger lemon tea

Lavender tea

3. Preheat oven to 160°C.

4. Prepare egg yolk batter separately for the 2 teas:
a. Whisk egg yolk with sugar using hand whisk.
b. Add in oil and tea and mix well.
c. Whisk in sifted cake flour and mix well.
d. Only for lavender batter, add a dip of purple food coloring. *You can also substitute with natural food coloring's eg blue pea flowers

5. Prepare meringue
a. Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar till frothy.
b. Add in ½ castor sugar for meringue and whisk at high speed till soft peaks form.
c. Add in rest of the castor sugar for meringue and whisk till firm peaks form.

6. Portion out ½ the meringue for each batter (using weight or just cut into half). Fold in meringue gently into each egg yolk batter 1/3 at a time. *Fold in unidirectional, gentle strokes and do not overfold.

7. Spoon the ginger lemon batter into the base of the cone, followed by the lavender batter. Gently tap to remove air bubbles.

8. Bake at 160°C for 15 min, then 150°C for 10 min, then 140°C for 20 min then 130°C for 15 min, or until skewer inserted into centre of cake comes out clean.

9. Allow to cool completely on wire rack.

10. Unmould the chiffon cake by hand (watch 'Hand Unmoulding' Video).

With love,

Good news! There's a step-by-step recipe for Pandan Ogura Frog Cupcakes from Creative baking: Chiffon Cakes in June/July issue of Food and Travel magazine. It also features many other interesting recipes such as Thai food in this issue. Thanks F & T for the feature!

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