
Showing posts with label Shrink plastic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shrink plastic. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Faerie Time

This project has been on my to do list for a long long time... and I was bound and determined to get this one done this season... Faeries are an all time favorite of mine year round... but I always think of them in the spring time...  coming out to help with the plantings and getting things ready for the up and coming spring planting of the farm..   we do plant Biodynamically and also Organically...  so it is a full expansion of all kinds of knowledge... including the faeries...  

So this is my Faerie Box and Book... and it covers a few Challenges too... 

This week on Sunday Stamper, Hels asked that we use Diamonds... so I used a lot of them in my Faerie book... and also on the box lid...  

For Simon Says Stamp and Show... use bottles... so I have used some Idea-ology vials...  and used them for some special kinds of Faerie dusts...  one for Flying... one for Dreams... and one for sprinkle... (you know... just to sprinkle kind of Faerie dust...  )  

Anyway... so here is the rest of  the project... I have only put up a few pictures... as each one takes over 14 minutes today.. sorry... the internet is very slow on dial up.... 
On the top of the box, I used a small old frame and put a picture from a Graphic 45 tag... the one with the faerie and the frog... an all time favorite...  

And of course one of things that we are going to add more of this year to the farm... grow houses...  I put lace all around the frame... just to give it a nice touch for the faeries...  

We had a lot of trouble last year with these large crows that came in and took over the watermelon patches... and so this year we are asking the faeries to help.. and to take the crows out to eat somewhere else...   so you can see the crows all around the box... these stamps are a new toy for me... I bought Dyan Reaveley stamps... and love them... try them... they are thru RANGER... where else... love these crows... some with words... some plain... but all FUN CROWS.. as I do love crows... even though they ate all our watermelon... 
When you open the box you will see the birds on the inside too... blue birds and also a little faerie riding a crow too...  And the book is in the box... along with the bottles...  

You will see a close up of both... so just hold on... LOL..  
Here are the bottles... nestled in with a flower... faeries love flowers of all kinds... that is for sure... 
On the side another large crow with a faerie riding on it's back...  and a purple "DIAMOND" butterfly... 

This is inside the box...  
The cover of the book... and yes a faerie is large in the back... this book was a childs board book... and it was a book about angels... so the large girl has wings... (she was an angel)  is that cool or what...   anyway... the dragonfly is done with Shrink plastic from Ranger... love that stuff too... I just got a melt pot and am going to start to play with that... I am a little scared to use it... I get burns really easy and am going to have to drape my body with a heavy cloth... LOL... I don't need that again... that is for sure... also have to wait for a nice day... as I want the doors open to the studio to vent out the plastics too... right???  If you have any tips, for me... please do leave them for me in the comments... I really appreciate it...
Any way... Here is one of the pages... they all have DIAMONDS on them, Hels... each page is loaded... as you can see...  Faeries love pretty things... and natural things too...  Diamonds are natural... right???  They come out of the ground... (sure do wish they grew in our soils... LOL... )  

So there you have the Faerie box and book... I will try and get more pages and the whole thing up on my Art Between the pages Blog...  getting the pictures up is the time consuming part of it... 

Thanks for taking a look see... hope to see you back tomorrow... 
Love, Light and Peace.... Bonnie  

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bird Book

 As promised I have a few of the pages from the bird book here...  I used a lot of different techniques on each page... but one of the favorites at this time is the alcohol ink release technique... so I have a lot of them to show you... 
 I used a lot of Tim's Die cuts and bird stamps and dies of all kinds... actually I spent quite a bit of time gathering them all up and then I started to play... the pages were filled in no time... actually way shorter than I wanted to be done with this fun little book... the house that it stays in I put up yesterday... so if you missed it... please take a look see... 
 I used flowers of all kinds... and loved making them of course... 

I added tissue tape ruffles, and lace and stamped where I needed and wanted too...  I had a lot of fun to say the least...  

 I used two huge 2 inch rings to bind these pages together... the book is about 5 inches tall and about 4 inches wide...  

I made all the background papers... of course with my distress inks, and worksheet... I did dry emboss some... but generally just used the inks... 
 I did use some regular papers and then collage some too...  but always had to add some plastic sheets with some birds on them... LOL... love making these and using them is just as much fun...  
 I used some of Tim's charms and also dies for some of the pages...  and notice the little tabs... love that die... I love the tabs.. so vintage of my school days...  yikes... I am really dating my self... LOL..  

 Here is a huge sheet of plastic... dont' you love it...  wow... I love that technique... if you haven't tried it... DO... you will be hooked... 
 I also had to add a little bird that I drew for Pretties by Bonnie

and also used some leaves and seam binding too...  the background is a punched piece using a corner punch by Fiskars... 
I saved this for last... my very favorite page... I made the little bird with shrink plastic... and then glued it onto a charm!!! How cute is that... I LOVE it.... birds are really a love of mine in so many ways... I love watching them and they are always so busy around our home... and farm... we have bird houses all over the place... even a bat house and owl homes... three of them in fact... the squirrels took over one of the owl houses... and turned it into a condo!!!   
Oh well we all have to make adjustments when we can... 

Hope you have enjoyed  this book... and also the day... be creative in all ways... even if it is to cook a favorite meal...  add some parsley on the top.... be creative .... love it... 

Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie  

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Deer Love

 On our farm we try and do things as much WITH nature as possible... but sometimes the critters really dont' give us any space... this year we had a lot of damage of the crops from the deer... since we are an organic/biodynamic farm... we use all kinds of things... from plastic bags to music... to soap and then even try a few deer hunters in the fall of the year...  but when deer season is all over, I am sad to see the families of deer all spooked and shaken up... so this tag is a tribute to them.... also to the holly trees that grow on our farm... we have one that is over 60 feet tall... the mother of a lot of baby holly trees all over the area...  Okay.. this is also a Tim Holtz Tag.... from the 12 Tags of Christmas... as I didn't get to actually do this tag and I wanted to... I did make the holly for a house I built... if you scroll down you will see it...  This tag is like Tim's #11 tag... 
I am also putting this tag on Inspiration part of their challenge they require you make ALL the Tim Tags... so I didn't do this one exactly... so now I have...  

I started off with a manila tag... and used Iced Spruce on it.. directly from the ink pad... then I used some picket fence Distress stain on it... and THEN some Perfect Pearl Mist... biscotti!!!!  Love it... and then I dribbled water on it... to create the spots... 

Down on the bottom, I put some Tissue tape and also a piece of scrap paper... the deer needed something to stand on...  

I made my deer with some glossy paper and alcohol inks on a blending tool.... creating the multi colored brown deer...  then I cut him out..  

I used some Ransom Idea-ology letters for the word LOVE... and then went to town on making my holly leaves...  I used shrink plastic... and then used my alcohol inks on them to color them... I love the way some of the leaves really curled to make them look really REAL... like they are in Nature..  

I used some pearls for the red berries...  although our tall tree is a 
male with no berries... I wanted to still recognize this special tree...  

Thanks for taking a look at this tag and for visiting my blog... I do hope that you will take a look also at all the wonderful tags on Inspiration Emporium... there are some that are really wild..  

Hope you have a wonderful holiday season... and enjoy all the love that is going around... 

Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie