
Showing posts with label Home Decorations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Decorations. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A FUN day... with too much TMI

A couple of week-ends ago... Sande (my up the hill neighbor)  and I played... we always have a LOT OF  LAUGHS... and fun.. .which was no different this day either...  way too much TMI in some areas... but a lot of fun... right Sande???  LOL...  

Anyway... this is what we created... each a little different than the other... but about the same...  

 This is a box with a front opening... and then on the top... an explosion box... with three layers... so very much fun... and most of this is Graphic 45 paper...  which Sande and I had to use...  we had it for so very long... and finally we got to use it... and then we had to order more!!!!  What else is new!!!!  

I love bugs... so I had to put this large bug on the top peek of my explosion box...  I don't really care for real ones... just love to have them in pictures and rubber stamps and also charms... LOL.. the real ones can jolly well stay outside!!!!  

 In real life this stands about 10 inches tall.. the bottom box is 4x4 and then the top one is 3x3 and then the top...  at least 3 inches... 

All four sides are decorated differently... and each one has a cute feeling to it...  

 I wanted to make sure you saw the BUG... love it... 
 When you take the peek off the top box... the explosion takes place...  and you see three layers of envelopes, and folders... filled with all kinds of fun things.. 
 and in the Center... a secret pocket that opens... and more surprises...  I used a little perfect pearls resist on that...  so much fun...  I love all these neat things to do to create fun eye candy...  
 Okay... now for the Bottom half of the CREATION...  

There is a large clasp that you have to open to get into the lower box... and then what do you find... but lots of folders, files and envelopes filled with all the things that you would find in an Olde Curiosity Shoppe...  love it... 
 When open... you see this...  

All of it at once...  

 A little closer yet.... 
 I had a lot of fun making all the folders, files and envelopes... but his one was a favorite...  with the CROW... love them too..  

I even have a bottle of Carter's little liver pills...  !!!! Pretty old to say the least...  

Well...  I do hope that you have enjoyed this... as Sande and I really had fun making these...  

I think I will have to teach a class on  this...  What do you think???  

Hope you have a GREAT Day... and enjoy it all..  Thanks for stopping by for a visit... and come back soon..  

Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

With Love Heather Amy

 With Love Heather Amy... Our daughter made this for us for Christmas...  and needless to say it is VERY SPECIAL... not only because she made it, but because it is pictures of their FAMILY.... 
Our little grandson and SIL and of course HER....  how SPECIAL!!!  
She has so very many things on this super frame... I just had to share it with ya'll...  hope you enjoy it... 

 This is not a Tim Watch.. but a  REAL antique watch... love it... 
Very pretty too... 
 This Dragonfly is 3D... and the wings are all shimmery too...  
The buttons in the center of the flower are just the right color for each flower!!!  SPECIAL... 
I hope that you enjoyed this special frame... and also seeing her work...  She is a REALLY Good artist... but is still hanging out in an office... LOL... doing really special things for Children...  so that is okay!!! 

Thanks Heather Amy for this special gift... We love it... 
as well as all of YOU too... 
Hope you have a special day... and see you tomorrow... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie  

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A little house for another bird friend

 Victoria is always bringing me over GREAT things that she finds at the dollar store or for a dollar... this is one that she found and I didnt' get around to decorating it until this year...  I love it... and it is right next to the other one...  (previously posted)   I used vintage type papers  on it... and then added some vintage type flowers...  and added a Martha Stewart roof... LOL.. 

The papers are from three different pads of paper... and I love the way that they all sort of blend and create a home for a little friend...  

Flowers adorn the roof and the little twig and bird filigree will be enjoyed by the home owners...  I am sure... 

LOL....  I colored the roof with coffee archival inks...  what else...  Ranger lives here...  

WEll... have a fun spring... my office is all decorated for the season.. and hope that I have some bird friends move into the new houses.. . 

Thanks for stopping by for a visit... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Flowers of LOVE

 A few weeks ago two very dear FRIENDS came over for a play day... we had a blast... very comforting to know that you have such GREAT people around you... we all felt the same way too...  Anyway... these two gals came with armloads of wonderful thoughtful gifts to each of us!!!  What fun it was.. it truly felt like Christmas in January... as that is when we played... Anyway Victoria brought me this heart... it is so light that it is wonderful to hang up with a piece of seam binding tape glued... yikes ... what fun.. ANYWAY... I had to play with that... 

 So I took all my flowers out ... and looked at them all... and decided which ones to use on this pretty heart...  The tissue music came on the heart... so all I did was add the ribbons, flowers and pearls...   

I used a lot of Prima, Tapestry stamp flowers (from years ago) and also some that were gifts from other friends...  Thanks Marie...  Also some Tattered
Florals using Tim's Die Cut 

 As you can see I had fun... since I love flowers it was not  hard to do... 

It is a sweet, delicate heart... and it is hanging right now over my computer from the chandelier...  love it... thanks so very much Victoria... I love it... 

 More flowers on the other side... 

This is also for Simon Says Stamp and Show...  Which is Anything GOES...  Here is is... Anything!!!  

And then Hels Sheridan on Sunday Stamper HEARTS... 
What fun I had doing this... 

Hope you have a happy day today... and make sure you come back tomorrow for the Valentine Finale...  more fun things...  

Thanks for stopping by for a visit... 
Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie  

Friday, January 6, 2012

Forest of Little Trees

 Tim Holtz showed these cute little trees the other day.. and since we still have not had our family here for "Christmas" and will not until the 14th... I decided to make a few... so what if it is alittle off season... trees are always in season... and the little red bows will be cute with my table mats which are sage green gingham ...I like it... a soft Christmas look... 

anyway you use Tim's Rosette Dies and then stack them up... 

 They are sort of all different... and all 'crooked' but since I totally embrace imperfection... I am fine with them... they have total character... 

they are on little spools... and some tissue tape was wrapped around some... and twine on the stems...  a little token at the top
 and then some Picket Fence distress Stickles... LOVE IT... 

<3    =  Love it... 

How much fun are these... 
My Grandson will have a lot of fun putting these around at each place setting...  he loves doing that... 

 I used different papers... and also different tokens and then different spools...  

 Tans, pale greens, pale teals, red prints... nothing special... but fun papers... 

I had gotten a little carried away with making the medallion strips... so I turned them into medallions... as I ran out of spools... LOL... if it isn't one thing... it is another...  

Hope you have a nice day... Enjoy whatever it is you are going to do... and thanks so very much for coming by for a visit... 

Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Address Box ... Just in CASE

Add caption
 Have you ever had your computer loose all your Addresses??? I have a couple of times... so I decided it was about time to "HARD COPY" them all into a safe place...  soooooooo 
this is my solution...  

My neighbor was at the local dollar store and she found all these really great boxes... this is the smallest... 3x5 and they went up to 16 x 16... as they grew in size the prices did too... anyway I got a lot of them for all different kinds of projects... 

This is just the first one... it came with a box where the idea-ology knob is now...  

I covered the box with neat papers... one is from K&Co and the other from Tim Holtz's line of great papers... Then I added the die cuts... of townhouses and fence...just to give that HOMEY vintage look...  added a little tag and then started to work on the inside... 

 The top of the box...  of course once I had all the papers on the box.. I had to use a couple of stains and ink pads around the edges... just had to make it look a little old and used...   

Okay... I also slit the front panel of the box... so that the front fell down.. and then I added a binder... (idea-ology!!  )  and added the little papers .... I LOVE it.... <3  so great for addresses... maybe even some recipes... another good idea.  I had just gotten my newest die from Tim's line... and so I was able to add the little tabs on the pages and also the tag on the front... how perfect is that...  I really love it... when the front panel goes up... it is connected to the front tab with a little velcro... easy and simple... any box could fit your addresses in it... just create a home for them...  

Well I hope you have a fun day...  I have a ton of errands to do today... so I might not be able to play in the studio until later on... but I will get there... have no fear...  LOL... It is very cold down here in the mountains of western North Carolina... and we need some nice warm coming in... but I don't think it will be here today... so I will bundle up...  and brave the coldness out there...  Thanks for stopping in for a visit... and see you tomorrow I have a forest to share with you... ... see you then... Love, Light and Peace... Bonnie 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Holiday Houses

Christmas time is always a fun filled time around here… I love to make all kinds of presents… as that to us is truly the only way to give…  from the heart…. And hands… 

So I still have a few presents to finish up… and have been working on them diligently  everyday… and might have them done sometime soon… hopefully anyway…  only have a few weeks now…  ugh…

Well these are a few of the things I have been working on… I have making all of the tags on Tim’s 12 tags of Christmas… so when I spread them all out… and added my own Tags… I had quite a few… over 50… so I decided to share them…

And now what to put them into????

Oh wow… I had all these cute little houses … and they would be perfect to hold about 10 or so… PERFECT… just have to decorate them…

So the process started…  I worked on them… and was sort of happy… but then I thought about the tag that I hadn’t’ done on Sunday… and then the one this morning… and that is the way that the houses were finished up… 


Holly leaves 
On this house I was able to add the holly leaves in the front center…  They are made with the Shrink Plastic film... and then colored with the Alcohol inks...  a little bow... and wow... so very pretty... love them on the front of the house 
 and I used the tissue which I love and made some flowers…  a shrub and decorated the tree with some more flowers and some pearls… LOVE IT…. Fun stuff to work with…  I even covered an entire little house with it.. but have to finish that one yet…  Still in a quandary over the embellishments…  always a process for me.. what style etc… 

My Shrub from tissue paper
 The roof is covered with kraft paper that I punched using a Martha Stewart deep cut punch...  and then layered it to create a roof... A few rusty stars and bows... 
 Another houses.... decorated entirely different... as it is for a different person... and they are very traditional in all ways...  nothing out of the normal red and green for Christmas.... 

Anyway… these houses are 7 inches tall… and about 8 inches wide… just the right size to hold my tags…  I have about 10 in each house!!!! 

Now for another three houses and I will be happy… a HOME for all my Christmas tags…  what a fun way to share them… 

I hope that you enjoy seeing these houses… and that they inspire you to create something today… I have just about tired myself out already… as I really am tired from making these…. LOL…  BUT… I still have enough energy to go pack up a few boxes and get them mailed for the holidays… gotta keep on going… 

These houses are also for the Challenge this week at Simon Says Stamp and Show.... it is for DEPTH!!!  How special is that...  I love doing these fun challenges... and theirs is always GREAT...hope you take a look at all the special projects and art going on there... really some FUNTASTICAL things...      

This tag also appears on Inspiration Emporium… so please take a few minutes and check out all the WONDERFUL tags there… they look so different and I personally think there are some there that are not on Tim’s … but check it out…

Thanks Shelly for telling me about this site… I love it… will be going there often…  that is for sure… my kind of site…

Thanks for stopping by for a visit… hope you will come back soon… 

Love, Light and Peace…Bonnie

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A little bit of a cone!!!

A few years ago I had a ton of these thick cardboard cones from my knitting yarn… and didn’t know what to do with them… so some of them ended up as angels… and some stood around different places collecting dust… LOL… not kidding either… I just couldn’t throw them away… so I finally decided to cover them all.. and hang them on the door knobs of each room on the upper level of our home…  

I used an organic tapestry to cover each cone…. And then used a nice thick natural cluny lace to trim the top of each cone… and a little narrow width bow for the point on the bottom…. Then I added a bouquet of flowers to each one… of course by the time I got all these finished, it was fall… and Christmas is right around the corner… so I also made some arrangements for those two seasons also!!! 

They are really a nice addition to the hall… or to the entrance of each room….

Thanks for taking a look today at my blog…  glad you stopped by for a visit…
Love, Light and Peace....Bonnie