From a blog post written
Friday 31 March 2017
Have you suffered from the evil eye? I have. Sometimes it is a feeling of illness, other times it maybe some sort of accident.
Once, all dressed up for a wedding, I was told I looked radiant. I stepped out onto the road and fell flat on my face. All was well with the wedding outfit but not my face. No-one noticed how 'radiant' I was looking because all they saw was a big red scab on the end of my nose.
The evil eye can also be sent by thoughts of envy or just plain nastiness or even unconsciously by someone with blue or green eyes. If looks could kill. The laser-like rays of some glances can cause disaster.
Soon after we bought our house we came one evening to clean up after the builders and as usual it turned into a semi-party with the arrival of children and grandchildren. As we left we had to pull over to allow our next door neighbour to pass in her car. We still hadn't formally met her though of course she knew who we were and we knew her by name.
As our cars passed, in convoy, on the narrow lane she gave us a penetrating stare. Lo, but the first car knocked off its wing mirror turning the first corner onto the main road. Our own car developed an oil leak and we only just managed to make it home. As we walked into our old house the hot water pipe burst flooding the kitchen.
She was also the one who walked into the house just as I took a cake out of the oven. It had risen nicely ...... until a few minutes after she left. The middle of the cake collapsed. It looked like a darn volcanic crater.
She is such a nice lady but we are always careful now and furtively spit three times when in her presence and 'turn us all about'.
So have a good day and I spit on you!