Saturday, August 8, 2015

Just Because!

I also had a bunch of random pics that I love and really wanted to post, so here they are! 

Our friend who lives in our passion fruit vine. He scared the shit out of me one day while I was weeding. I don't mind snakes as long as I see them first!

Some friends of mine and I took our kids swimming at one of the lakes close by back in June. This bird was pretty calm about 8 kids with fishing poles standing by. He pretty much hung out the whole time we were there.

We also ventured out with friends right after school got out so Lyndon could take part in the Warrior Dash! This one is not as crazy as the Tough Mudder, but it is as gross!

And on a personal note, I was very excited to have been a part of this project. My good friend published her first book. She asked me to help her as her copy editor, and I was thrilled to get the chance. I loved the work and was so happy with the book. I am excited to help her with the next one coming soon! 

This guy is our neighbor's dog who we would like to adopt! Sometimes they leave for day trips, and we get to keep him for a few hours. He is hugely entertaining and loves the kitty cats! Molly likes him, but Mason could do without another dog in the house. His energy is contagious, and he keeps Maddi feeling young!

The boys also got to participate in Vacation Bible School and LOVED it! I was so excited to get to take them this year as it has been two years since they were able to go to one. They learned a lot and had so much fun at our little church. 

A random pic from crazy hair day at VBS! Luke's hair "hurt" at the end of the day. I can't imaging why:-)

This gem is a pic of my sweet, bald husband up on stage at Cirque du Soleil:-) He got picked by the clowns because his bald head is a beacon in a sea of people. I loved seeing him on stage; he played into their hands very well!

Another critter from the porch. 

I FINALLY gave in and let the boys go to the beach. In case you don't know, I am terrified of the ocean, especially sharks, and it has pretty much been our rule this summer to stay out of the water with all of the shark attacks between here and NC. But, their friends begged, and the boys begged, and I was starting to feel like we were the only ones who had not been to the beach. We gave in, and I am happy to report that they all came back safe and sound. Logan even hooked a shark while was small which means the larger parent was waiting and watching:-( 

This is a favorite pic!

We also took the train to Winter Park for Lyndon's birthday which was August 7th! It is about a 20 minute ride, lots of sightseeing and fun for the boys. 

There was a pretty cool tree the boys found, so we took advantage and got some pics:-)

And that's all folks. I hope you are enjoying the last month of summer!

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