Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby Boy #3 Coming Soon!

Most of you already know that Bryan and I are expecting our third little boy in early February. We weren't prepared for this new addition, but God seems to surprise us when we least expect it. We found out 2 weeks ago that it's another boy, and we have been hard at work trying to come up with a name for the munchkin. Bryan and I talked about many names multiple times a day, and neither one of us ever agreed with the other until Sunday. On Friday, Bryan had mentioned the name Parker. I liked it but I wasn't sure if that's what this little bundle should be named, so I didn't quite dismiss it, but I didn't agree to it either. Sunday morning came, and Bryan mentioned it again. At that time I told him I just need to think about it more. By the time church let out at 12:00 Sunday afternoon, Bryan mentioned the name Tucker. I said to him, "I thought you liked Parker!" He said he thought I said no so he went on to another name. Little did he know I had made the decision to name this little boy Parker. I told him that, and he was shocked. We actually had a name! He named off 2 middle names then, both of which I didn't like. Then, he said "Parker Gray". I had been fighting for Gray since the beginning whether it be a girl or a boy, and Bryan always said no. So, for him to mention Gray as the middle name took me by surprise, and I really thought he was just messing with me. I asked him if he was serious, and he said yes. So, there we had it! Our baby boy #3's full name in just a matter of minutes.

Due February 13, 2012 (scheduling a c-section for either the 3rd or 6th).


Jennjilla said...

Congrats on your new addition! Parker Gray was almost our son,Everett's, name! Crazy!