It's been 6 months since I've posted anything. Yep, about time. I've realized I'm better at reading blogs than keeping ours updated. Understatement.
So, the name of our blog is officially not accurate anymore. We finally moved Grayson out of his crib and into a big boy bed this past weekend. He has been perfectly content in his crib all this time, and never tried to climb out. (Although, my mom and I have had suspicions at her house, but that is a different story). I didn't really want to rock the boat before we had to, and possibly mess up his sleeping habits, so I drug my feet. And made excuses. And then drug my feet some more. But, I finally gave in when I realized it was time to start working on the nursery before I hit my 3rd trimester and rearranging furniture seems like torture (And this mindset is really comical because I generally just stand and point while David's big muscles do all the work. Hehe.)
I'm happy to report, however, that Grayson has done fabulous in his big boy bed since Day 1. I've shed way more tears over this milestone than he has. I'm blaming pregnancy hormones so don't judge my sappiness. My baby boy isn't a baby anymore. Now on to pottty training. We'll get there eventually. My goal is before high school graduation. I never claimed to be ambitious.
Here are my some of my favorite moments of the last 6 months....
-Back at Christmas time (oh geez, I'm a slow poster), Grayson came up to me one day and handed me a scrap of paper he found. I inquired what it was. He told me it was a Christmas card with him and baby Jesus playing hide-and-seek on it. He should work for Hallmark :)
-Two last one-liners from his crib....he was attempting a nap one afternoon when I hear "Mama, mama! Come here quick!" When I went to see what the emergency was he announced "I got celery in my pants!" I chuckled and started heading for the door when he repeated it and started wiggling.
Upon closer inspection, I found a little plastic toy celery in his jeans. Of course.
Another day it went like this "Mama, I've got a pwobwem!" I rush in and he says "I need my animals set up!"
I guess when you are 3 years old the arrangement of your stuffed animals can be a deal breaker.
-Overheard..."Attention Maya Pants, dis is da police! Put down your bone and go peepee!"
-Grayson and I generally have a conversation in the morning about our plans for the day. One morning he announced he had an idea, "Let's go to Pappy G's yesterday!" (He groups my parent's together so their house is Pappy G's).
-Before we found out the gender of our new little one, we would ask Grayson if he wanted a little brother or a little sister. His consistent reply, "I want a big brudder!" And then when we asked what he wanted to name the baby he says "Sticky". He answers this way every time. It makes David and I laugh so much that we now refer to this kid as "Baby Sticky" or "Baby Sticky's room". I think Sticky has stuck :)
-Part of Grayson's nightly going-to-bed ritual includes a "Music Show" where he performs a medley of songs for David and I. David must "ounce" (announce) him before he begins, and then upon completion Grayson bows and proudly says "Dank you bery much everbody!"
-A record breaking winter here in TX with several days of snow is confusing to a toddler. The last time it snowed, which was in February, Grayson woke up and looked out the window and said "It's Christmas time mama!" I didn't have the heart to tell him that he probably won't see snow at Christmas EVER again in his lifetime.
-Funny comments in the car. One day we were running errands and he randomly busts out with "Dis is amazing!" We were driving through a strip mall I think.
And, one night David and I made a Braum's run and Grayson got his own milkshake. David asked him if he liked it as he was happily sipping away in the back seat. After a long pause, "Dewicious!" was all we got between slurps.
-Latest things he has been doing around the house...Singing "The customer is always right" and "Steer Baby Steer" from Backyardigans at random times. And, feeding Maya all by himself and giggling when she gets really perturbed by the process.
Friday, March 12, 2010
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Yes LeeAnn, so good to see a post from you! Heard from the Houstons that you all are having another boy. That is awesome. Wish we were having babies on the same day again. Hope to see you all sometime!
Yay LL! I love hearing all the Grayson stories. :)
so glad that the ligg's blog is back - we have missed the one liners! congrats on another boy!
I'm so excited for Grayson and Sticky! Makes me think back to when I was preggers with Cailyn....Camryn named the baby "Marble". You are in for a treat! Let's get together soon...miss you guys!
you are hilarious! keep the one liners coming. so glad that the transition to the bed went well! it always seems like a bigger deal to us than them. i am glad it is that way!
see you tomorrow!
love you leeanndra!
I finally got my act together and added you to my list so now I can make sure I am following you!!!
love you tons...
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